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War Eternal Theory

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At first, I was disappointed, "Why is the episode taking so long?" I ask. "I just want new content," I say.


Theories emerge like, "ANet is using the pack to fund LWS5." Or, "they're using the pack as a kickstarter to the final episode." My common sense tells me, that due to Anet's record of generally polishing their content before releasing it that they are working hard on it, and want to make it a surefire win.


But, listening to a certain song; something churned inside of me. Arena Net doesn't want to release it until the Game of Thrones finale happens so the effect of their hard work won't go unnoticed. It is a hard thing to be overshadowed and people will be reeling whatever the outcome of the popular television series.


Whatever precedes the announcement and whatever succeeds the outcome of Episode 6: War Eternal is to be seen. If I am correct, I say, well played.

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That wouldn't make much sense because people can focus on more things than one, even if they would happen on the same day.


I believe the preparation pack is an experiment to see how many people would buy it and how many people buy into the hype. It's also an indirect way of telling us when it will release. It'll be the first episode after the company restructuring and they know they have to make this one right. Everything points at them trying their hardest to get back into the game. More communication, more trailers, more advertisements and a ton of quality of life and balance inbetween.

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> @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> But, listening to a certain song; something churned inside of me. Arena Net **doesn't want to release it until the Game of Thrones finale happens so the effect of their hard work won't go unnoticed**.


LOL, what?!? Are you being serious? =)


Thanks for the laugh, though. :3

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> @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

> At first, I was disappointed, "Why is the episode taking so long?" I ask. "I just want new content," I say.


> Theories emerge like, "ANet is using the pack to fund LWS5." Or, "they're using the pack as a kickstarter to the final episode." My common sense tells me, that due to Anet's record of generally polishing their content before releasing it that they are working hard on it, and want to make it a surefire win.


> But, listening to a certain song; something churned inside of me. Arena Net doesn't want to release it until the Game of Thrones finale happens so the effect of their hard work won't go unnoticed. It is a hard thing to be overshadowed and people will be reeling whatever the outcome of the popular television series.


> Whatever precedes the announcement and whatever succeeds the outcome of Episode 6: War Eternal is to be seen. If I am correct, I say, well played.


This is a joke, right?


I mean, I could understand them wanting Game of Thrones to create hype among the shared playerbase for the dragon mount that's being released, but that's the extent of any of it.


If they're postponing it for any reason, it's because they want to push it back to a point that they can release Season 5 in a record time with an actual reliable cadence so it looks like they've got their affairs in order.


Arenanet is a lot more subtle about their pop culture references in the game too, from what I've seen. At least in comparison to Blizzard that creates characters like Haris Pilton the fashionista npc and countless other obvious references.






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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> That wouldn't make much sense because people can focus on more things than one, even if they would happen on the same day.


> I believe the preparation pack is an experiment to see how many people would buy it and how many people buy into the hype. It's also an indirect way of telling us when it will release. It'll be the first episode after the company restructuring and they know they have to make this one right. Everything points at them trying their hardest to get back into the game. More communication, more trailers, more advertisements and a ton of quality of life and balance inbetween.


Yeah, I think if anything it's a test transaction model that they can use going forward with other features that may make it into the game. It's not a bad one, and it gives people a reason to log in at least once a week. I think they might have to up it a bit going forward though.


I think if they made the package a bit more static, with a smaller quantity of more valuable items it would probably do wonders.


Say, you buy the package at the beginning of the month and each week for that month you get 5, a guaranteed wardrobe unlock, a mount pack skin, a golden key, and some utility item like a total makeover/identity/name change kit you'd probably see a lot more purchases. Or, instead of doing this rng lion chest only armor skin model, they could have vouchers for those items. Ultimately, that may reduce the money they make from the hardcore gamblers hankering for specific skins, but I'd imagine a bit more of an influx of people that wouldn't normally make that investment doing so because of the other included items and the fact that they're not having to gamble in an attempt to get it.. then not getting it and being so frustrated they refuse to roll the dice anymore.


If I had a disposable income and there were more items that I was interested in I would probably do the package each month.


But anyway, I think this is more or less a way of testing a new model while also generating revenue and tiding people over before the episode is released, while giving a vague idea of a release date without actually stating it.


I think they could do with some more teasers though. I'm surprised they haven't teased anymore of the new map, or the new greatsword, or any other features of the patch. We already know it won't come with a raid, and most likely isn't coming with a fractal. I guess maybe they haven't teased anything because it's just going to be a map, new legendary, and mount., unlike some of the other maps that had whole weapon sets or armor sets to collect. Or for that matter something like Jahai, that had a new armor set and an upgradable, if never used again, player instance. So now that they've shown the mount, there may just not be anything left to tease without spoiling too much of the episode.


On the plus side though, this is the team that did the really good Joko cinematic, so I have high hopes for at least the story finale of the episode and they definitely have/had their work cut out for them on the story end.


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If this is a test to see if a per-month purchase is acceptable to the player base, I think they need to reconsider the price of entry. I bought this month’s supply drop because I feel that the weekly delivery of new goodies with 2 mount skins, BL keys, outfit, weapon skin, and glider skin as a one time purchase at $35 was doable. If they plan this to be a monthly concept, I would in no way be able to afford more than $15/mo for a pseudo-subscription. And even if I did, at that price would the weekly delivery items be worth it?

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