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Cheaters ?


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I'm really wondering if some people in PvP are cheating, never really thought about it until today in edge of the mists , brawling arena.

There are people who are able to avoid my most crucial skills all the time.

First I thought they were just good, then I thought they were lucky, but after testing it several times it really looked like they had some kind of dodge hack.

Have no idea if there is such a thing for GW2 but I just found it very weird, during PvP matches I usually do pretty good but right now in that arena I was getting killed over and over, nothing I good do.

Sometimes I also notice that some of my skills are missing damage while attacking, at that point they are not blocking or anything but somehow my attacks miss....

Really strange, it could be lag, I don't know.


What do you think ? Is there such a thing or,... ?


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there is no such hack, basicly all hacks that are available involve client side stuff, like speed, location. damage, endurance etc is stored server side. it could be thay in arena where there is no matchmaking you do meet better players who normally arent in your ranked games

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Could be true no idea, just found it really weird there were a few platinum ranked people that moved very strange.

They were also able to dodge Bull's Charge, without even seeing it coming, I've tested it several times on those people. There is no way in hell they were able to dodge that with that accuracy every-single-time.

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I would advise against posting links to processes that are a breach of game policies, I am fairly certain that is a breach of forum rules. Your point is valid though, it would be a shame to have the thread closed over that issue.


I've noticed this too, albiet rarely. I also encountered a Revenant who would fall under the map when their health was pressured and you could see their model scraping the ground and under before teleporting back up to the ground.

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> @"Skugga.5298" said:

> **They were also able to dodge Bull's Charge, without even seeing it coming** , I've tested it several times on those people. There is no way in hell they were able to dodge that with that accuracy every-single-time.

can you elaborate this point a bit more? how do you know they cant see it coming, it has a pretty obvious animation? many players dont look only in the direction their character does.


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yes, there are many ppl using cheats in pvp. you can tell the difference between a good player and a cheat. good players will die at some point, cheats never die, and kill you very fast (due to no cooldowns, permanent evades, perm block) or the worst type of cheat: an obvious one where they fly from 1 point to the other.


anet doesn't care.

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Guys, this has been around forever. They usually just code a small bot program to react in a certain way to particular incoming skills. Far less complex than designing a bot that can farm something like Silverwastes.


This is why there are certain players that will always dodge some particular CC, every time, even if you're coming at them out of stealth. The funny thing is, it's always the mechanically ill players who use this stuff and that's how you can tell some kind of program is being used. Some kid who can't win a 1v1 to save his life, but somehow he can psychic dodge Death's Judgment perfectly, every time. <- That doesn't make sense in terms of where that player's mechanical skill growth is at.


It actually hurts them in the long run vs. better players. You can use their program to bait their dodge rolls very easily.


Oh and:


> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> They're real. They're called Mirage mains.


Not a Mirage Main spotted.

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Met a weird necro some days back that just stood on the point, didn't dodge, block or did anything to mitigate damage but took no damage at all.

Pretty weird stuff all in all. My guess is that Anet doesn't really care enough about that stuff.

As long as they make their money elsewhere there is no reason for them to put manpower into a mode that would act against bots/cheaters and the like.

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If this is a legit thing just cancel cast the skill and they'll reliably waste their dodges.


However I also doubt anyone in pvp is using this. There are people who can reactively dodge really well. Especially people with low ping. You've got people with 10,000+ pvp games and very high lb ranks in the arena who are just killing time between games.

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> If this is a legit thing just cancel cast the skill and they'll reliably waste their dodges.


> However I also doubt anyone in pvp is using this. There are people who can reactively dodge really well. Especially people with low ping. You've got people with 10,000+ pvp games and very high lb ranks in the arena who are just killing time between games.


That may be true in some cases but I've seen for example abthiefrunning duel daggers 1v5 and we hit the thief enough time to down 3 scrappers and his hp barely moved and he most definitely did not continually evade all 5 of our attack and after few minutes of us trying we just walk away and the pugs I was with were like that's legit lmao

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Skugga.5298" said:

> > **They were also able to dodge Bull's Charge, without even seeing it coming** , I've tested it several times on those people. There is no way in hell they were able to dodge that with that accuracy every-single-time.

> can you elaborate this point a bit more? how do you know they cant see it coming, it has a pretty obvious animation? many players dont look only in the direction their character does.



When you use it while standing right on top of them, or while they are fighting someone else and you come in. I'm aware that people are able to see it but there have really been moments with some people where I think "hmm,.. right".

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> If this is a legit thing just cancel cast the skill and they'll reliably waste their dodges.


> However I also doubt anyone in pvp is using this. There are people who can reactively dodge really well. Especially people with low ping. You've got people with 10,000+ pvp games and very high lb ranks in the arena who are just killing time between games.


Higher rated people don't use it. It's lower rated players who "think" it's a good idea to use something like this because they don't know what animation canceling is.

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Anet please investigate this. I had similar experience with a player in ranked sPvP match last night who was unhitable even when focused by 3 of us.


It was a Herald with what seemed like unlimited amount of endurance and smart evade program because he was literally perma dodging every single attack we were throwing at him for 2 or 3 minutes including my instant casts.

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> @"James.1065" said:

> Anet please investigate this. I had similar experience with a player in ranked sPvP match last night who was unhitable even when focused by 3 of us.


> It was a Herald with what seemed like unlimited amount of endurance and smart evade program because he was literally perma dodging every single attack we were throwing at him for 2 or 3 minutes including my instant casts.


Let's not blow this out of proportion though!

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > Anet please investigate this. I had similar experience with a player in ranked sPvP match last night who was unhitable even when focused by 3 of us.

> >

> > It was a Herald with what seemed like unlimited amount of endurance and smart evade program because he was literally perma dodging every single attack we were throwing at him for 2 or 3 minutes including my instant casts.


> Let's not blow this out of proportion though!


I don't see how I am blowing the situation out of proportion by asking for an investigation into alligations of cheaters ruining the game for people who play by the rules.


Maybe there is so many cheaters and win traders etc because people don't "blow things out of proportion" enough

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the sad truth is, pvp does have cheaters, win traders, people who use hacks and bots, pip farmers. Ruins the game for those of us who just want a fair match. I remember one match, both my team and theirs had obvious cheats, looked liked bots or speed hackers, they were moving incredibly fast, too fast to be human. They had 2, we had 1, we ended up just watching them fight each other. I've also seen teleport hacks, seen players run to the same point over and over, whether it was 4v1 or 1v1, ignoring all other points and not replying to team chat. and not to forget the afk player, who just likes to sit at spawn or play at the start to seem legit, then afk at spawn as soon as they die. I love pvp but i'm so sick of the current state of this game mode. Some people will say that only happens at bronze level, but I'm/was gold t2 and had the same problems, along with bad matchmaking and players who clearly did not know what they were doing. Had enough, i quit playing pvp, i've played almost every season and almost always run into one issue or another. It's just not what it used to be, i find myself raging more than having fun now.


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