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Daredevil steal nerf


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> @"kodesh.2851" said:

> I love the new daredevil changes, including swipe. You have plenty of other ways to engage, the unblockable is SUPER good during a fight. I don't miss the range much, every once in a while when I'm chasing a runner it's annoying when they are juuuuust outside of it I wish it was at least 900 but meh, given the choice between core steal and current swipe I prefer swipe.


You're not using BP hs steal backstab or probably unaware of its existence if you think this is remotely a buff.

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> @"Moirg.7560" said:

> > @"kodesh.2851" said:

> > I love the new daredevil changes, including swipe. You have plenty of other ways to engage, the unblockable is SUPER good during a fight. I don't miss the range much, every once in a while when I'm chasing a runner it's annoying when they are juuuuust outside of it I wish it was at least 900 but meh, given the choice between core steal and current swipe I prefer swipe.


> You're not using BP hs steal backstab or probably unaware of its existence if you think this is remotely a buff.


Theyre Either new player or not a thief player lol

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People are missing the problem with thief. Its problem is that it was built to be extreme. Extreme damage, extreme mobility extreme disengage. Everything about it is extreme. To counter this devs said ok, we will also make it extremely vulnerable to damage. That type of short sighted thinking is what led to literally every single class in the game be re balanced almost entirely based on thiefs potential.


Even the most recent class revenant. The moment it got chase that could match thiefs extreme mobility, thiefs extreme vulnerability to damage was exposed and revs chase was immediately nerfed. Off course what followed was thief exploiting revs inability to chase and was able to show off its infinite utility against revs.


You cannot balance a game on extremes. Every class has at several points been rebalanced since 2012 because of thief and only because of thief.

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Arenanet talk about thief needing tradeoffs?


While we used to be able to avoid damage by evasion now we're punished for it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unhindered_Combatant


While we used to be able to avoid zergs through stealth now we're punished for it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marked

Detected! is an effect applied to players that enter stealth while they are marked. If they are stealthed for more than 2 seconds while detected, they will become revealed. Exiting stealth before this effect expires will remove this effect.


While we used to have better mobility than most classes now there's mounts: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw

It also has 3 dodges and is immune to CC along with the fact it has 10,972 health which is almost as much as a full berserker's armor geared thief.

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I used to main thief but I have barely touched the class since PoF came out, but the Swipe change still hurt me a little inside. While I understand the reasoning behind such a change (and appreciate it in theory), it is hard for me to accept it as an intelligent one considering the current meta, especially while other specs--actually overperforming ones--were not touched in the same patch. This patch in particular did not feel like a balance patch, but a concept patch: the devs had a general concept they wanted to push for elite specs, but this seemed to be made independently of any balance perspective. I feel the same way about Druid's tradeoff change as I do Daredevil's; the spec feels like a bastardized support spec that only truly excels at trolling.

I would be more okay with changes like these if there was more follow-up discussion or changes from devs, but the Swipe change really felt like a shot in the dark out of obligation for a trade-off. I can't see Daredevil becoming a viable brawler when there are other specs that completely eclipse it. Then again, I am used to WvW balance where things are more polarized and where there are splits from PvP that didn't make their way to WvW.

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I like that they're trying to change things up and its great they're trying to push DD into a brawler spec. The issue is before arenanet actually made the decision to push DD into a brawler spec they should have had a discussion about what and how far they would realistically have to go with the changes to make DD a actual viable brawler given it's current level of sustain and damage with consideration of where the classes at a whole right now in today's iteration of the game. If they wernt comfortable doing what needs to be done to do so than a different direction should have been taken as these changes feel rushed and released just for the sake of making changes and in the end makes DD worse at what it did and not good at what its soposed to do. This was pretty much called by thief players even before release. I would hope these are only some of the changes they had in mind to push DD into a viable 1v1 spec but I have low hopes and full expect that the arenanet balance dev who worked on this is or was under the impression these changes were sufficient enough to do so otherwise why release such changes in the first place half realized resulting in a spec being deficient in every role.

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