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Warrior Arc Divider is bugged.

Vieux P.1238

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Edge.8724" said:

> > > @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/oWMk0JQ.png "")

> > > Arc Divider is fine, guys!

> >

> > How is it possible to hit such big numbers? I never did that sort of thing with any class, in any build, in any game mode. My most powerful hit in pvp was probably the famous Spellbreaker dagger 3+4 combo hitting for 16 000 dammage with 25 stacks of might, 3 stacks of berserker's power and demolisher's amulet.

> >

> > Everytime I see such ridiculous numbers, it's impossible for me to find this serious.


> run arms, discipline, berserker with burst precision berserker amulet and blood reckoning.


> use fury signet -> frenzy -> berserk mode -> arcdivider -> blood reckoning -> arc divider.


> you burn your heal and utilities in exchange for 10ishk crits per hit. if you use blood reckoning fast enough the damage from the second arc divider will add its damage to the golem, making it look like 60k.


> Its real, just misrepresented. it's the zerk version of oneshot maul except it requires you to burn your heal and two utilities.


did that and i only got 10k damage. did it again and i got 8k damage.


what's wrong?

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > wiki says the coefficient is 1.4. so how is it hitting this hard? maybe the coefficient is 1.4 for each of its 3 hit or something, totaling 4.2? or just a bug like OP says. idk its weird for sure.


> Damage modifiers and +300 power


It has to be 1.4 modifier per hit for 4.2 total. If it was just extra power + damage modifiers you would see a lot more warriors applying those things to the numerous other skills they have with higher modifiers than 1.4 to hit even higher than the 30k arc dividers we are seeing, like 50k decapitates and gunflames. Frankly warrior doesn't have enough modifier stacking potential to be hitting the arc divider numbers we are seeing if it is only 1.4 coefficient total.

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Arc Divider is rediculous. This is coming from a Warrior main playing since beta btw...


You play full glass, signet of might and go into a team fight, you are automatically deleting someone and if you aren’t, they are the very least wasting two dodge rolls to get through the entire lengthy animation of it all without taking 8-10k dmg per swing. Not to even mention that fact that it can be done twice in 5 second intervals.


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> @"Interpretor.3091" said:

> Arc Divider is rediculous. This is coming from a Warrior main playing since beta btw...


> You play full glass, signet of might and go into a team fight, you are automatically deleting someone and if you aren’t, they are the very least wasting two dodge rolls to get through the entire lengthy animation of it all without taking 8-10k dmg per swing. Not to even mention that fact that it can be done twice in 5 second intervals.



One thing I think people are missing that yeah, you can do glass memes on it and you're also glassy as hell and that's regardless of how very unhealthy 20k crits are for the game. But high health and armor plus abilities like Endure Pain make Berserker very easy to support by things like Firebrand and having fought a few games with them Firebrand+Berserker as a team fight combo feels more oppressive than Firebrand+Scourge ever has.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > >

> > > hahahahaha ..plz deny it.

> >

> > Woodstock didn't even attempt to dodge it, because they weren't expecting it.

> > There's a huge difference between being unable to do something and being able to do something, and not doing it.

> > Granted, Berserker shouldn't be an opener, (And nerfing fury signet would fix that), but it's hit packets are not bugged. if you press V those hits will miss. I don't know what else to tell you.


> No one skill should be critting for 20k plus. It doesn't matter the tell. It doesn't matter how glassy one builds. That level of damage should be impossible in PvP.


And yet, this appears to be where we're at at this point in the game. I would have MUCH preferred if they nerfed specs that could do that much damage rather than buff others up to that level..


Insane bunker, insane burst. Everything in between is left out.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It's radius attack now goes threw wall's with massive op damage that can't be blocked or evaded. Damage goes threw no matter what & you die.

> It need's to be fixed.


Incorrect! The attack is not unblockable,it can be evaded and the high damage comes from the attack hitting you 3 times in a row.Still needs nerf tho

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It's radius attack now goes threw wall's with massive op damage that can't be blocked or evaded. Damage goes threw no matter what & you die.

> It need's to be fixed.


Wait... you're saying you know what you're talking about (based on later posts you did) and then argue that it is UNAVOIDABLE? That it is UNBLOCKABLE? Dang, the warrior that used Arc Divider against you was really skilled, I want an un-evadeable Arc Divider too! Jokes aside though, Berserker is just a meme. It dies to everything if not babysitted carefully by a scrapper and a firebrand (refer to Jawgeous' AT cast with a Berserker in the team. They didn't make it to the finals, they were shut down by proper Firebrand/Scourge.) Signet of Might IS required to be unblockable, be it the passive in Arms or the active signet effect. It can be evaded and CCd and has a huge tell to it. And I'm not even a Warrior main, I play Ranger/Mesmer, jee... Learn your stuff and stop qqing about acceptable stuff that is just flavour of the month memes.


And for reference, [Jawgeous' casting of the mAT in EU](

"Jawgeous' Casting of the mAT in EU"). They actually didn't even make it to semi-finals.
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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > It begins.


> I wonder what he'll do if he ever realizes that all cleave skills go through walls.


So what your saying is not only nerf the broken damage but nerf cleave radius as well. Well i'm all for that.

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> @"Rix.8510" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > It's radius attack now goes threw wall's with massive op damage that can't be blocked or evaded. Damage goes threw no matter what & you die.

> > It need's to be fixed.


> Incorrect! The attack is not unblockable,it can be evaded and the high damage comes from the attack hitting you 3 times in a row.Still needs nerf tho


The strong part about it is that if you spec with signet of might (which is what everyone is doing) you can burn through all Aegis and Block.

The full cast animation of Arc Divider is 1.75 seconds for all 3 ticks of dmg. It’s a 5 sec CD so with Signet of Fury, you can cast it again immediately after the CD is up.

Thats 6 swings of Arc Divider in 6.75 seconds with a total uptime of 3 seconds.

A single dodge roll is .75 seconds and 300 units. Total of 1.5 seconds of evade if you use them both immediately.

Now you CAN dodge all 3 ticks of the initial burst if you time it perfectly and double dodge roll, but the problem is that you wont have both dodges back up again to avoid the second burst less that 6 seconds later.

So not only are you making the enemy team waste their dodge rolls/invulns because that is the ONLY way to avoid the dmg with signet of might, but you are also severely weakening sustain for the entire enemy team by using ONE AoE ability.


It’s absolutely rediculous. It’s a long lasting, AoE that you can chain AND guarantee unblockable for a short time with only two utilities. Not to mention that for some unreal reason, each swing of Arc Divider procs Sundering Burst, which allows you to get 10 stacks of Vulnurability on each target EACH TIME IT HITS AND CRITS. That’s 30 stacks of invuln per target if each hits and crits and 15 stacks if it doesnt Crit. (This last part has to be a bug or Anet has lost their mind).


One shot builds are meme builds that only effect one player, those are fine and require finesse to work and even a bit of luck. This, however, is a bugged and overpowered atrocity. I was a total advocate for Berserker changes to make the spec more interesting and viable, I wasn’t asking for this though.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Velimere.7685" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/oWMk0JQ.png "")

> > Arc Divider is fine, guys!


> DD d/p Thief * hits for 7k critic with Steal + Backstab combo *

> Anet _"We reduced Steal range by 50% and gave Berserker 65k AoE skill"_




Speaking of new zerker, hillarious rework, changing whole spec into one trick pony (hit Arc and kill everything or dont hit). Boom boom boom, 22k damage, gg wp.

It doesnt need "nerf to oblivion" but -20% Arc damage would be good. Like for real, we (ANet) should stop reworking specs to more dodge,dodge,dodge,AYYY LMAO 20K SPIKE DAMAGE,dodge,dodge,dead/kill. This game used to be bit more skill-based...


_my opinion_

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> we need to keep posting on this BS until it gets fixed![](https://i.imgur.com/nHdYZNR.jpg "")



Arc Divider should be changed to be like Scourge Sandshades. If a target is hit by a pulse the other pulses should no longer be able to apply damage to you like how if you happen to be in both the Scourge's F5 and the shade's F5 only one of them applies to you. This should probably also include if you actively mitigate a pulse as well.

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> @"Interpretor.3091" said:

> > @"Rix.8510" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > It's radius attack now goes threw wall's with massive op damage that can't be blocked or evaded. Damage goes threw no matter what & you die.

> > > It need's to be fixed.

> >

> > Incorrect! The attack is not unblockable,it can be evaded and the high damage comes from the attack hitting you 3 times in a row.Still needs nerf tho


> The strong part about it is that if you spec with signet of might (which is what everyone is doing) you can burn through all Aegis and Block.

> The full cast animation of Arc Divider is 1.75 seconds for all 3 ticks of dmg. It’s a 5 sec CD so with Signet of Fury, you can cast it again immediately after the CD is up.

> Thats 6 swings of Arc Divider in 6.75 seconds with a total uptime of 3 seconds.

> A single dodge roll is .75 seconds and 300 units. Total of 1.5 seconds of evade if you use them both immediately.

> Now you CAN dodge all 3 ticks of the initial burst if you time it perfectly and double dodge roll, but the problem is that you wont have both dodges back up again to avoid the second burst less that 6 seconds later.

> So not only are you making the enemy team waste their dodge rolls/invulns because that is the ONLY way to avoid the dmg with signet of might, but you are also severely weakening sustain for the entire enemy team by using ONE AoE ability.


> It’s absolutely rediculous. It’s a long lasting, AoE that you can chain AND guarantee unblockable for a short time with only two utilities. Not to mention that for some unreal reason, each swing of Arc Divider procs Sundering Burst, which allows you to get 10 stacks of Vulnurability on each target EACH TIME IT HITS AND CRITS. That’s 30 stacks of invuln per target if each hits and crits and 15 stacks if it doesnt Crit. (This last part has to be a bug or Anet has lost their mind).


> One shot builds are meme builds that only effect one player, those are fine and require finesse to work and even a bit of luck. This, however, is a bugged and overpowered atrocity. I was a total advocate for Berserker changes to make the spec more interesting and viable, I wasn’t asking for this though.

Let's not talk about how CC-able the skill is (because 1.75s of animation lock is really long). Even with stab pulsing, one good conversion of boons or a well timed CC (that nearly all specs have) can just nullify the sustain and the damage berserker has. *With only two utilities*, that's only what all DPS-priented specs need to do good bursts. And so you know, you can only stack a maximum of 25 vulnerability... I won't say its damage isn't absurdly too high, but nerfing it would just kill the spec and then no more Berserkers would be played in ranked because it would have nothing.


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> @"DigiQWill.6378" said:

> > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

> > > @"Rix.8510" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > It's radius attack now goes threw wall's with massive op damage that can't be blocked or evaded. Damage goes threw no matter what & you die.

> > > > It need's to be fixed.

> > >

> > > Incorrect! The attack is not unblockable,it can be evaded and the high damage comes from the attack hitting you 3 times in a row.Still needs nerf tho

> >

> > The strong part about it is that if you spec with signet of might (which is what everyone is doing) you can burn through all Aegis and Block.

> > The full cast animation of Arc Divider is 1.75 seconds for all 3 ticks of dmg. It’s a 5 sec CD so with Signet of Fury, you can cast it again immediately after the CD is up.

> > Thats 6 swings of Arc Divider in 6.75 seconds with a total uptime of 3 seconds.

> > A single dodge roll is .75 seconds and 300 units. Total of 1.5 seconds of evade if you use them both immediately.

> > Now you CAN dodge all 3 ticks of the initial burst if you time it perfectly and double dodge roll, but the problem is that you wont have both dodges back up again to avoid the second burst less that 6 seconds later.

> > So not only are you making the enemy team waste their dodge rolls/invulns because that is the ONLY way to avoid the dmg with signet of might, but you are also severely weakening sustain for the entire enemy team by using ONE AoE ability.

> >

> > It’s absolutely rediculous. It’s a long lasting, AoE that you can chain AND guarantee unblockable for a short time with only two utilities. Not to mention that for some unreal reason, each swing of Arc Divider procs Sundering Burst, which allows you to get 10 stacks of Vulnurability on each target EACH TIME IT HITS AND CRITS. That’s 30 stacks of invuln per target if each hits and crits and 15 stacks if it doesnt Crit. (This last part has to be a bug or Anet has lost their mind).

> >

> > One shot builds are meme builds that only effect one player, those are fine and require finesse to work and even a bit of luck. This, however, is a bugged and overpowered atrocity. I was a total advocate for Berserker changes to make the spec more interesting and viable, I wasn’t asking for this though.

> Let's not talk about how CC-able the skill is (because 1.75s of animation lock is really long). Even with stab pulsing, one good conversion of boons or a well timed CC (that nearly all specs have) can just nullify the sustain and the damage berserker has. *With only two utilities*, that's only what all DPS-priented specs need to do good bursts. And so you know, you can only stack a maximum of 25 vulnerability... I won't say its damage isn't absurdly too high, but nerfing it would just kill the spec and then no more Berserkers would be played in ranked because it would have nothing.



Well how bout making it affecting a single target instead of killing off everything with in a 450 radius? & tone down the damage to a reasonable amount so it does not do 12-65k a pulse. I could live with that. Pretty sure everyone else would too.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> we need to keep posting on this BS until it gets fixed![](https://i.imgur.com/nHdYZNR.jpg "")



Its absolutely fine

d0nt yov gUys h4ve DodG3?


> @"DigiQWill.6378" said:

> Let's not talk about how CC-able the skill is (because 1.75s of animation lock is really long). Even with stab pulsing, one good conversion of boons or a well timed CC (that nearly all specs have) can just nullify the sustain and the damage berserker has. *With only two utilities*, that's only what all DPS-priented specs need to do good bursts. And so you know, you can only stack a maximum of 25 vulnerability... I won't say its damage isn't absurdly too high, but nerfing it would just kill the spec and then no more Berserkers would be played in ranked because it would have nothing.



There is no spell fast enough that could stun berserker before killing you.



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We need to post how we fail to avoid a berserker that has cast time on entering the berserker mode, and cast time for arc divider. A freaking all red warrior running at you, and you stand there like "hm, what if I just face tank the damage?"


But I mean, since dead eye got nerfed for its OMG damage that had a HUGE tell litteraly on your head, this skill will most probably get nerfed so that berserker can go back to being useless in pvp and warriors will go back to playing spell breakers so people can complain that warrior still exists in spvp.


Because, you know, I can't be bothered to think how I play. I will just demand nerf and threaten to leave. That's the tactic I used when I was a kid and it worked on my parents. Crying and demanding what I wanted. Should work here as well, right?

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let me teach you how to deal with berserker, kit and poke and use your evade skill when they enter berserk.

they are time gated to do 2 arc slicer or 1 if you kitted properly then bully them when they enters 15 seconds CD when they do 0 damage and has 0 self defense skill, also they do no damage and no sustain except block when they are out side of greatsword even when they are in berserk, so bully them as well

also you can CC bully them because they have little stun break and every second stunned when berserked is time less for arc slicer and even force them to go shield because they have 0 defense, and when they go shield they have 0 damage.

also CC arc slicer renders berserk useless

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