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last balance patch


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> @"azmodey.4576" said:

> Hello,

> I stopped playing since a couple of year. I heard there is huge balance patch so I am here to ask !


> Is thief still a +1 class ?


It is the worst +1 out of all available +1-capable professions, the perpetual nerfing and nonsense changes made Thief worse at **everything** than other professions. You can still move farthest the fastest but other spec got their insane movement skills too, to such a degree that you will not get the decap anyway, all you'll do is get there bit sooner than them.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> It is the worst +1 out of all available +1-capable professions, the perpetual nerfing and nonsense changes made Thief worse at **everything** than other professions. You can still move farthest the fastest but other spec got their insane movement skills too, to such a degree that you will not get the decap anyway, all you'll do is get there bit sooner than them.


if you burn hard you can still pretty reliably get the decap, but I think the issue is that with other brawlers/sidenoders being a more mobile now, the value of decapping far has been greatly reduced.


The whole point of decap is gain time for your team (in order to create fight imbalance) via the decap vs recap difference, **and the time difference from forcing at least one opponent to run slowly between mid and far**. The latter has shrunk significantly given a lot of professions can now run in between nodes pretty fast. So even if you do decap, the imbalance that thief was designed to create isn't nearly as impactful anymore.

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> @"Xenji.4907" said:

> I hope ANet is seeing this. Some of the symptoms of the last patch. Losing confidence in the profess and the balance team. In turn, losing confidence in the game and warning others about it.


It wont matter, arenanet dev team is like that friend who will never admit thier wrong or that they messed up even if it had negative effects. U will never see hey guys we tried somthing different and tho on paper seemed good it didnt fit well in game and with the players who have invested in the class so we're going back to the drawing board as we definitely want to change some things up on DD to further push its unique identity as a spec.thank u all for the feedback.lol will never happen

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Well I like they are revisiting old stuff(hopefully traps!), trying things new and trying to switch up the META. The only problem is the direction they are taking Daredevil is so weird. It feels really incomplete and not really thought out. For the bug still not fixed shows that however I HOPE maybe they waiting on the bug to REWORK Daredevil some more or change it back. But that is HOPING!


Edit: Spellings and adding

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> @"Xenji.4907" said:

> Well I like they are revisiting old stuff(hopefully traps!), trying things new and trying to switch up the META. The only problem is the direction they are taking Daredevil is so weird. It feels really incomplete and not really thought out. For the bug still not fixed shows that however I HOPE maybe they waiting on the bug to REWORK Daredevil some more or change it back. But that is HOPING!


> Edit: Spellings and adding



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yeah im taking a break from the game until they fix thief but with the way they've been balancing the game i have better luck waiting for GW3. last few balance patches have been shitting on thief with the dash nerf, dagger AA nerf, lead attack nerf, and now the steal nerf but the nerf that pissed me off the most was from years ago with the 1 second cd on backstab which pretty much killed the backstab builds.

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> @"Xenji.4907" said:

> I hope ANet is seeing this. Some of the symptoms of the last patch. Losing confidence in the profess and the balance team. In turn, losing confidence in the game and warning others about it.


It's going to take a lot more than a forum post to mean anything significant.


The powercreep from HoT marked what, the literal collapse of the pro sPvP scene and like a 60% drop in sPvP/WvW participation?


If they wouldn't react then, they sure as hell aren't gonna react to a few forum complaints. In talking about games with many real-life friends and coworkers, any time GW2 has come up as a topic, I've deferred them away from the game.


I'll be honest, those still playing the "competitive" modes seriously are some combination of addicted, willfully ignorant, or just ignorant.

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Decided to reinstall the game because I was feeling nostalgic only to see the redesigned DE still feels like garbage and thief in general seems to be doing worse every single time somehow. Core thief outperforms the elites by a longshot?? Is core finally on equal footing with the elites or is the balance just absolute crap?


Also deadeye rifle feels terrible, why the hell was the first iteration ever reworked into this stealth to DJ and worse, waste a dodge to stealth? I want to come back to this game but damn it thief has felt like crap all around for years now.

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