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Daily 15K AP

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So look at all the many posts, mine included, that fuss about the missing ap from ls1.


Now I started playing three years ago. Because ap are CAPPED it doesn't matter. I can catch up. I can even go to GenCon, family wedding, funeral, vacation and feel no stress because I'm missing nothing.


Otherwise taking a week off, just a week, would mean 70 ap I could never ever get. A year? 3650 ap. That's a lot.


I wouldn't object to maybe adding some each year(500?) but honestly I don't mind it staying where it is either.


I'll still do them for gold when I feel like it. But I'd rather they add in NEW things to do. 2 gold for a few minutes is plenty reward. I mean. You only get five for doing EIGHT dungeons.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > I reached my cap a long time ago. The only daily I do is daily Mystic Forger, and sometimes the WvW dailies.

> > > I don’t feel punished, I feel relieved to not feel the need to log in every day now.

> >

> > Posts like this always make me so sad. Anyone who has ever felt the 'need' to log in for any reason should do some serious self reflection. We're playing a video game . . .

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > AP from dailies dilutes the system. Personally, I’d say remove all AP from dailies and rebalance the rewards to reflect that. If someone wants to increase their AP in the achievement system then they have to do the actual achievements.

> > The trouble with this logic is that many of the 'actual' achievements are just as trivial as dailies . . .

> >

> > The best solution would be to remove the unique rewards from the AP reward track and just have it repeat like the other tracks . . .

> Some but not all are like that. Having dailies give AP, and especially if the cap were removed, would just let people continue to get their AP through trivial achievements.



So long as we both understand that the thing you said you would like to see achieved by the removal of daily ap wouldn't actually be achieved by the removal of daily ap . . .


> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > Posts like this always make me so sad. Anyone who has ever felt the 'need' to log in for any reason should do some serious self reflection. We're playing a video game . . .

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > AP from dailies dilutes the system. Personally, I’d say remove all AP from dailies and rebalance the rewards to reflect that. If someone wants to increase their AP in the achievement system then they have to do the actual achievements.

> > The trouble with this logic is that many of the 'actual' achievements are just as trivial as dailies . . .

> But they are different kinds of trivial achievements. You can't complete the agent of entropy indefinitely, or defeat unlimited numbers of inquest, or repeat using the diving goggles. To add to your ap, you have to do something differnt. It may be trivial, but it's still something different, which actually turns ap into something that gives an indication of how many areas of the game you've tried. Or would, if half of it wouldn't come from the same comparably small pool of trivial daily tasks.

And what would be the purpose of having that indicator? What beneficial thing would it indicate, and to whom? And in what circumstance might it be useful to indicate variety but not longevity? And if you know half of the indicator comes from longevity, why would you need the game to do that math for you . . ?

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> The daily system, related to achievement points, was a terrible idea since the beginning of gw2.

> They somehow managed to put an end on that system, but there's still seasonal stuff.

> So don't worry, you will be farming forever if you are an ap farmer.




OK I admit.. this cheered me up - and guess what... in the time it took to listen through the whole song, I did my 3 achievs for daily :)

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > I reached my cap a long time ago. The only daily I do is daily Mystic Forger, and sometimes the WvW dailies.

> > > > I don’t feel punished, I feel relieved to not feel the need to log in every day now.

> > >

> > > Posts like this always make me so sad. Anyone who has ever felt the 'need' to log in for any reason should do some serious self reflection. We're playing a video game . . .

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > AP from dailies dilutes the system. Personally, I’d say remove all AP from dailies and rebalance the rewards to reflect that. If someone wants to increase their AP in the achievement system then they have to do the actual achievements.

> > > The trouble with this logic is that many of the 'actual' achievements are just as trivial as dailies . . .

> > >

> > > The best solution would be to remove the unique rewards from the AP reward track and just have it repeat like the other tracks . . .

> > Some but not all are like that. Having dailies give AP, and especially if the cap were removed, would just let people continue to get their AP through trivial achievements.

> >


> So long as we both understand that the thing you said you would like to see achieved by the removal of daily ap wouldn't actually be achieved by the removal of daily ap . . .


Yeah it would.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This daily reward system as it is today is the best I've seen in any MMO - the dailies are usually effortlessly done and even when I (rarely) don't have time I just log in to progress on the daily calendar for bonus rewards. It was bad without a cap, ANet fixes it and people still complain... they offer 2g both pre and past the cap, JPs, dungeons, xpack dailies, etc., people still complain... honestly guys, I think you're missing the point - this isn't why you should play, the best reward is _playing the game_ for the fantasy, story, combat mechanics, animations, build-crafting, exploration, what have you... this here is the _metagame_, side systems maybe interesting and fun to dabble in but by no means the core of the experience.

Once you start focusing and worrying about these side, bonus systems an incredibly huge and diversified game feels no better than Solitaire and discussions like this really only obfuscate what THIS game is about.

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Let's be clear about one thing. There are no AP that actually require really achieving anything in GW2. It's all just doing mostly mindless stuff in a video game. Sure, some AP are more tedious than others. That's no reason to suggest that the use of the word "achievement" is anything other than window dressing. Game developers use titles like "achievement" and "Legendary" for effect, the way one might put lipstick on a pig. The only title where the argument that daily points are too trivial would make sense is if they were called Busywork Points (BP). If that were the actual title, then there there would be precious few AP beyond dailies that would not also be trivial.


The purpose of dailies was always to get people to log in, probably because of login metrics used as a yardstick for game health. The daily cap became inevitable once ANet responded to the demand that, "AP need to be more rewarding!" Producing rewards takes resources. At some point, ANet probably realized that the number of players choosing not to log in because of the daily cap was not big enough to warrant needing to put resources into expanding AP rewards sooner. Don't expect ANet to relax the cap.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:



> The purpose of dailies was always to get people to log in, probably because of login metrics used as a yardstick for game health. The daily cap became inevitable once ANet responded to the demand that, "AP need to be more rewarding!" Producing rewards takes resources. At some point, ANet probably realized that the number of players choosing not to log in because of the daily cap was not big enough to warrant needing to put resources into expanding AP rewards sooner. Don't expect ANet to relax the cap.


I think this is a faulty logic. Do you have any information about how many players stopped login in because of the reason they have **NO** AP cap? A MMO should care about keeping the players in. Any action resulting in making the players to not log in is a BAD one. And, as you agree, the AP cap made some players to stop login in.


But even so, putting this at the tolerable losses, taking a motivation for the players is not good also. Now you are tempted to skip daily. Tomorrow you will be tempted to don't log-in. In the future you may be tempted to try another game.


It is amazing how many moves ANet made resulting in a loss of players and how many defenders they have on Forum =).


I completely agree with the OP (although I still have daily AP to the cap). Most of the players have now 2 g+ 10 AP. Some of the players lost the AP. I think is common sense to replace the AP with something else. Enough to keep them playing.


If you remember, in the past we had no gold for dailies. And we still completed them. That means the gold is not so important. More important is the AP. I think that 3 gold is a minuscule compensation for the 10 AP.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> >

> > The purpose of dailies was always to get people to log in, probably because of login metrics used as a yardstick for game health. The daily cap became inevitable once ANet responded to the demand that, "AP need to be more rewarding!" Producing rewards takes resources. At some point, ANet probably realized that the number of players choosing not to log in because of the daily cap was not big enough to warrant needing to put resources into expanding AP rewards sooner. Don't expect ANet to relax the cap.


> I think this is a faulty logic. Do you have any information about how many players stopped login in because of the reason they have **NO** AP cap? A MMO should care about keeping the players in. Any action resulting in making the players to not log in is a BAD one. And, as you agree, the AP cap made some players to stop login in.


> But even so, putting this at the tolerable losses, taking a motivation for the players is not good also. Now you are tempted to skip daily. Tomorrow you will be tempted to don't log-in. In the future you may be tempted to try another game.


> It is amazing how many moves ANet made resulting in a loss of players and how many defenders they have on Forum =).


Eh. Most attempts to read into what ANet is doing/has done are speculation. All I've got to support my belief is facts -- ANet did put a cap in, they did put in a gold reward and they have made neither move nor comment (I've seen no comments, anyway) about removing or expanding the cap, despite the regular recurrence of complaints about it. I've also got anecdotal evidence (not worth squat) that I see plenty of people still doing the daily tasks despite the existence of the cap (yes, most could not be at the cap yet, thus even more not worth much). All you've got is a belief that the lack of AP incentive has resulted in significant reduction of logins, unless you'd care to share some data.


Has ANet done things that cost them players? I believe so. I also believe that losing players is inevitable, because not all players want the same things. What pleases Group A angers Group B, and so on. ANet can't do anything to please/keep players without at least the risk of angering/losing others.


You also speak about people defending ANet. Please don't lump me in with those people. I'd be happier if daily AP restrictions were removed. I'm just capable of observing trends and speculating about motivations based on observation, and have become cynical about ANet doing anything I might like.

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