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What daredevil build are you running?


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hey guys. i know i know, daredevil is dead and it's not viable.

i still want to play daredevil though and would like to hear what you are running.

i'm still quite succesfull with d/p dash daredevil in wvw. however in spvp the dmg is just too low.

with crit strikes and assassins signet, d/p dash daredevil just barely has enough dmg to properly +1 but it's not too exciting to play only for that one burst.

is a staff 1v1 build something i need to consider? is something like scorpion wire for more cc maybe a viable option? maybe bound is needed for enough dmg output.

i'd just like to keep the discussion going, maybe not in a too pessimistic way, because we have enough of that :)

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Non,why play a ruined spec when theres better options/classes. Thief would be a great spec if arenet wasn't so conservative with their changes like they are other classes.its like they're so afraid of making them OP that their changes are either nerfs or inconsequential. Than with other changes ie scrapper etc not so much lol.

Try to find a different class u enjoy or adapt to using a class that will always be at a disadvantage in all aspects except running away as well as always being one of the least viable options for the content u doing, unless speeding through pve of course which is fun for a while but does get old eventually.

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thanks for the input. it's close to what i currently run and what i felt like is not dealing quite enough dmg in the current meta. i will give your might oriented setup a go.

maybe because one can take the condi cleanse on evade + PI makes room to drop SoA. that would be interesting imo.

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> @"Padd.1479" said:

> thanks for the input. it's close to what i currently run and what i felt like is not dealing quite enough dmg in the current meta. i will give your might oriented setup a go.

> maybe because one can take the condi cleanse on evade + PI makes room to drop SoA. that would be interesting imo.


its not really might spam, just it gives 5% dmg with might, can run schoal runes but you're rarly over 90% so.

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imo that is the best daredevil build post patch. You can stealth by dodging through black powder, you have good auto attack damage which applies weakness, pistol whip is insane damage when all of your modifiers are stacked, and all of your traits have strong synergy. Replace the rune for ether rune of the scrapper or rune of the fighter if you want to trade some damage for more in fight presence.

Also pistol whip evades during the sword flurry, which is something arena net has not put on the skill description after 7 years....



This is less effective than the 1st build but still somewhat viable, although harder to play. With the change to the master minor trait (build editor is still not updated) this build spews weakness like no tomorrow, has good mobility and damage with the caveat that you have to get good at 'aiming' vaults and weakening charges as well as use steal at times when improvisation is most likely to recharge something aka after using a bunch of utility skills (at least 3 different types need to be on cd for your chances to be decent at a recharge). Again change to scraper or fighter rune if you want to be present during fights more.


But whatever build you play or experiment on know that the old d/p setup no longer works at all, it has abysmal sustained damage and it's burst ability is significantly gimped by swipe range on top of the fact that you have to spend most your ini on said burst. The last part is not new but the fact that you are less likely to be in position to get a good burst off is, after which you are left with low ini meaning that with your mediocre sustained damage you are not killing anything already not below ~50%hp and at that point any build could have done the job; basically d/p is a one trick burst pony that can no longer burst effectively while it's mobility is made less relevant for decaps due to the mobility creep pof brought in.

On a side note i have a hunch anet will make additional changes to staff in the next 1-3 months to further push the bruiser/duelist daredevil builds so build #2 might be worth getting familiar with in case that occurs.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

>But whatever build you play or experiment on know that the old d/p setup no longer works at all, it has abysmal sustained damage and it's burst ability is significantly kitten by swipe range on top of the fact that you have to spend most your ini on said burst.


that kinda sums up my recent d/p experience.


the s/p build is a nice idea imo just because the auto attacks alone apply decent pressure already in comparison to a d/p setup. also sword #2 helps compensating for the steal range loss.

a daredevil sword setup seems to make sense all in all. 3 key questions now come up:


deadly arts vs acrobatics

bound vs dash

s/p vs s/d

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> @"Padd.1479" said:

> bound vs dash

> s/p vs s/d


- Bound VS Dash: Bound (that is a leap) combines with Black Powder: so you can stealth yourself. With acrobatics trait "Expeditious Dodger" you gain Swiftness dodging, so you can play without dash.

- S/P VS S/D: Daredevil lets you gain access to pulmunary impact so you can take advantage of Headshot, Pistol Wip and Swipe Dazes. Sword / Dagger performs really better with core thief.

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I have been trying multiple staff builds, the 3 most effective so far _(read: not as bad as the other tried out builds)_ are:

**1)** http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAWVn8lCFOhlOBGmC0PhlxiybACgDYbDLrOc+279iH-jpBHQB6Y/hBcIAYSZgDeBAI4DAAAHBAA


**2)** http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAWVn8lCFOhlOBGmC0PhlxiybACgDYbDLrOc+279iH-jpBHQBD4IAsj9HAwhAIflBO4FAggPAAA


**3)** http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAWVn8lCFOhlOBGmC0Phlxia+279i3bACgDYbDLrOE-jpBHQBD4IAcvyAE8BAcwLAAQ2fAAHCAA


As was mentioned, the skill editor is not updated yet, all of those builds use _**Marauder's Resilience**_ in the first DD trait line slot.


The Build with Valkyrie amulet can use Barbarian Amulet instead, but if you do then swap it's Rune for Rune of Scholar/Eagle/Wurm, your choice.


None of those builds is effective when spamming Vault, all of those builds are more or less homogeneous just differ in their DMG/Survivability ratio and you gotta find out which one of them makes you _**(read: your gameplay/gamestyle)**_ most effective.

It's overall most effective _(non-dependant on your style)_ when you focus on landing your weakness applying skills, due to numerous benefits you got from it, which is stuff like using _Weaking Charge_ after stunning opponent, or landing any hit after you Dodge due to the new DD trait.

For the same reason Staff DD synergies well with _Deadly Arts_ as it provides quite considerably more Weakness application, however Staff and DD already has suitable amounts of it so _Critical Strikes_ gives you more freedom for Amulets and a bit more dmg. Non the less build with Paladin and Demolisher can use _Deadly arts_ instead of CS, but I strongly recommend not swapping CS out when using Valkyrie or Barbarian.

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> @"SehferViega.8725" said:

> > @"Padd.1479" said:

> > bound vs dash

> > s/p vs s/d


> - Bound VS Dash: Bound (that is a leap) combines with Black Powder: so you can stealth yourself. With acrobatics trait "Expeditious Dodger" you gain Swiftness dodging, so you can play without dash.

> - S/P VS S/D: Daredevil lets you gain access to pulmunary impact so you can take advantage of Headshot, Pistol Wip and Swipe Dazes. Sword / Dagger performs really better with core thief.


^preaty much this; s/p with bound & acro is superior to dash & da.

Simply put you have more synergistic traits: acro gives you more dodges, meaning more damage modification and weakness uptime, and more swipes which in turn give you even more endurance due to gm minor in daredevil. s/p has further synergy with impacting disruption and bound, giving you access to stealth and thus tactical strike.

One other interesting point is that all 3 gm traits in acro are good, not amazing but every single one is useful depending on the team compositions. Same goes for instant reflexes and pain response, totally interchangeable depending on the opposing team. This, at least for me, makes the build more fun when compared to any da builds in the past where you just go through the middle line no matter what.


I think allot of thief players are going to have a hard time coming to terms that dash is no longer the best choice for every singe daredevil build, and that deadly arts is similarly not the best trait line for non maind hand dagger builds at least for the time being (ever since they changed exposed weakness to a stacking 2% modifier da as a line is not that good outside of the steal burst, which as you noticed daredevil was moved away from this patch)

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I run this.

Laugh all you want i still get results with it. Not the same results as pre patch but it still does something. It is rly good for 1v1 tho. Which rly pays out in duel Arenas :^/




it also depends on what i face if i go agaisnt casters = Necro Ele Reve I equip Distracting daggers instead of RFI

If i go against more than one war or engi i take bandits defense instead of Signet of Agility


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