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Upcoming Bonus Events

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I'm on the run, so I don't have time right now to post any ideas, but I would nonetheless like to say this:


**At long last!** By the Six, err, Five, why did it take you almost seven years to finally come up with bonus week(end)s for the PvE community? They were a common sight in GW1 after all...


P.S. @ devs: I truly like the ideas you posted so far. :)

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A monthly Raid CM boss rotation would be very nice.

Although this is for a niche group of players, I would like to have a reason to do challenge modes more than once.

Right now, after completing the CMs once, there is no reason to do them again, apart from when helping friends get the achievements.

Being able to get some reward from doing CMs more than once would cause more experienced players to do CMs more often and would help less experienced players with finding a group.

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I would love bonus events in general!

I remember the good old guild wars 1 time with a bonus event nearly every week, Random arena, Fame title points, double lightbringer and sunspear events etc.

this kind of stuff is what i am completely missing in guild wars 2.

Would be great to make people organize more in specific areas for specific events (WvW, Dungeon, Fractal, Open World etc.)

Anyway still like to play GW2 a lot, but these events would make it more beneficial, rewarding and fun to play!


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I think a sPvP rotating fun game mode would be fun, like randomized utility skills, even from other classes maybe. U load into the map and get a set of skills, that u cant change, just your amulet, runes, etc. Or something like a gamemode where u have 50% reduced recharge on your skills.

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+1 for Dungeon based events -I think they have a great potential and can stand on their own besides fractals (would be cool to see them revived). What I would also do (maybe in a future expansion or content update) is: Dungeon bounties -basically a version of the existing open world bounties but for dungeons. (you can call them expeditions or whatever). Basically you would take an expedition contract from a board (similar to bounties) and go to a certain dungeon -say some old pyramids. But instead of having the exact same little story there would be some variation: in these pyramids depending on your contract maybe you would be looking for a bandit who's hiding there Or trying to stop some cultists from summoning mists demons Or looking for a gem and having to fight the local spirits for it etc. and like with bounties the bosses can have different abilities/mutators -same with the creatures you encounter or puzzles/mechanics you may encounter. "But how is that any different from the existing fractals?" you may ask. For one they are places within the world (that can be discovered etc). This might not sound like a big difference but I think it would in terms of atmosphere. -think of the times when we used to gather at the Ascalon Catacombs entrance and look for parties -there's a sense of community when you have actual physical places in the world as opposed to fractals (which are also awesome but different). Also the mutators/variantion aspect would be different (in terms of having different bosses with multiple possible abilities etc. Anyway I'm rambling now -but I think there is potential for cool things in dungeons. (also in a way they could be small scale raids for ppl to train -as a step before actual raids?) -if you took the time to read this Ty! hope it helps.

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Good job, ANet! I like this direction. :)


Been a WoW and Battlefield player for (too) many years and lately this sort of dynamic reward system has been utilized with great response from players.


Here's some PvE ideas for GW2 from the perspective of a casual player:


• bonus XP week-ends / rewards: heart completion - _Follow Your Hearts!_

• bonus XP week-ends / rewards: vista views - _Can You See Me?_

• bonus XP week-ends / rewards: champion kills / boss kills

• bonus XP week-ends / rewards: completing 1 or 5 maps in a day - _Land Map Lover_

• bonus XP week-ends / rewards from activities: week-end event _Hurry Up, We're Playing!_

• bonus chest (rare skin reward + a chance of a black lion salvage kit? + anything) at the end of a story dungeon - _Remember to Unlock_

• bonus chest at the end of an explorable dungeon - for example: _Arah Bonus Week_

• extra reward for killing 15 / 30 / 50 world bosses week-end / week event - _World Boss Bounty_

• extra loot from certain world bosses during a week (example: Tyria world bosses or a random list of world bosses - all in a rotation system, with each week having it's own list of bosses - event _World Boss Selection_

• achievement week - rewards from completing a certain amount of achievement points in a week 10 / 100 / 1000 etc. - tiered? - _Overachieved_

• extra percentage gold drop week from all / specific mobs - event _I'm Rich and You Know it!_


And very much YES for community events (1 week / 1 month) with (possibly) tiered rewards, depending on the level of involvement of the player


• defeat mobs from certain faction (that drop special item that can be delivered to community event NPC)

• gather resources of a certain kind (same as above)

• craft certain items and deliver them to the same NPC

• etc.


There are more but we need to start someplace. :)


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How did I not see this before? That's amazing!


We will definitely see the Amalgamated Gemstone price drop pretty harshly :) And the promise of making the PoF metas more worthwhile sounds awesome as well!


Having multiple metas to farm instead of doing one over and over is definitely how it should be.


My suggestion: Add a "Weekly" Achievement for an event, where you are supposed to do X different events all over Tyria, kind of like a quest chain or collection. For example doing a couple specific, maybe even rare events and a world boss at the end or something like that. Maybe bring back some type of invasion that's not just Awakened or Branded now.


In a perfect world I'd imagine temporary content like Season 1 cycling through every now and then.

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This is good news. The game has needed something like this for a long time. I'd suggest creating a more dynamic reward system for PvE so you can incentivize different maps at different times to keep players on the move and the game feeling more fresh. It's a little silly that SW has reigned supreme for 5 years straight.

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* It'd be great to see weeks dedicated to revisiting living world maps which can get pretty dead. Imagine if you had a living world season 3 week where each day focuses on a new map, a big portal appears in capital cities to take you there (maybe let people who haven't bought the lw season go to the maps but not get the story / not be able to WP in until they purchase too?), bonus rewards drop to incentivise people to go.

* I love a good invasion event in a game. The awakened one was fun. Do more like that. I hear the mists are pretty unstable at the moment...

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Temples, fire Shaman in iron marches and Siege-master in Plains of Ashford were always considered as world bosses at my eyes. I think they should be added to timer.. We have a simple centaur .. (ulgoth) and regular risens champions (Temples) why not the shaman and the siegemaster? I know that some timers consider them.


Due to that world boss event, I think we could have a round of novelties: Increasing permently a little the rewards and why not adding more world bosses?

-Kessex hills: Due to the proximity of Aetherblade retreat, why not an aetherblade attack? Like an airship is coming start shooting lasers on Garenhoff, scaring peoples etc..

The Admiral teleport himself on the ground near cereboth waypoint.

Mechanics: Shield itself, use laser cannon to shoot different directions, summon several minions to help him.


-Brisban wildlands: The very interesting concept of the sinister triad could have been pushed further, making the three baddies leader legendaries summoning techs/ summoning troops. Dividing peeps in three groups, the nightmare knight is high dps, the inquest is condi and the bandit heal/protect them.


-Gandarran Fields: Giant rampaging skelk in plains? => A moving world boss? Running through the whole map, stopping sometimes to launch attacks.


-Timberlines Falls: Could be a huge krait, so the first underwater world boss. (Second if considering blood witch)


-Lornar Pass: Inquest or whatever pirates reactivating a weakier version of the marionette? Or a giant twisted watchknight or cannonade or like the one in nightmare fractal.


-Snowen drifts: Containing a giant minotaur. Overcharge its attacks charging for high damages. Jump to stomp around.


I can still hope for nostalgia events bringing back LS1 contents... again why not? We have rift forming everywhere in Tyria Distorting time and space.


"No daily limit on world boss loot

Rare harvesting nodes spawn after world boss kill

Community goals and rewards

Collections and meta achievements with titles"




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> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:


> * If its possible, the return of the Marionette fight from Season 1 would be awesome to have as a event now and then, if its not too much work.



The Marionette was one of the most enjoyable events ever seen in GW2. It would be wonderful to see it return.


I'd also like to see (a lot) more map invasion events such as we used to get routinely in Season 1 and occasionally afterwards. They used to be a signature feature of GW2 and we see far too few of them of late.


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Metas should be added to those PoF maps that dont have them. The Desolation metas need to be put on a fixed timer, not knowing if you have to wait 5 min or 25 min doesn't help getting people to do them. Make the Maw and Junundu on opposite hours. Vabbi meta, ugh. A lot could be said about that meta - dont want to make it butter but something needs to be tweaked about the difficulty, maybe longer burn periods if you CC the zealots.

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I like the idea of a dungeon event as well, but I'd want to see some sort of incentive for taking players through that have never done it before. It seems like half or more of the groups looking for dungeon path members in LFG specify level 80 experienced runners only. I know the game tracks whether you've done a path or not (for the dungeon achievements), so perhaps the entire group could get a bonus for each person in the group that hasn't done the current path before? It would encourage people to try new things and teach new players.

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> @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> this is a good place to repeat an idea from before:

> [..]

> hopefully, Anet still has all the coding for Living World Season 1


There's been a LOT of discussion in the community about bringing back S1, and while I'm sure they still have all the old code, the issue seems to be that the old code wouldn't necessarily be usable any more. Around the re-release of the Crown Pavilion and the Festival of the Four Winds, they discussed how they basically had to scrap and rewrite entire portions of the code since it was incompatible with upgrades to their systems.


HOWEVER, I think that something like you suggested would be a good way to do it. Slow recreations, allowing them time in between events to fix up the code for the next bit instead of having a huge overwhelming sense of "get all of season 1 done at once."


And honestly, I'd love to see the Marionette brought back as a consistent world boss, not just for a one-time event!


> @"Azamanaza.5740" said:

> I would also suggest to run this on weekends, so that those with jobs can participate! :)


Keep in mind that not everybody has 8-5, Mon-Fri jobs! My spouse has Tue/Wed off, for example, and works Sat/Sun. I think to keep it fair for everybody it would be neat to see these things span a week, so that no matter what days you have available, you can join in on the fun.

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More achievement quest for special armors and weapons please. Customization is one of the best things about Guild Wars 2. Not only what class you have, or what stats your armors look like etc, but being able to make your character stand out.

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Thanks for keeping up the open communication. When looking at your previous and current projects, it appears that you focus on mechanics that are already implemented and want to improve them with minor changes that have a huge impact. You have the Living Story and probably a long list of other very important projects which consume most of your resources. So here are a few ideas that go into the same direction:


- High Diving: Adding a daily diver to the dailies (e. g. Daily Krytan Diver) where a player can pick any diving goggles from a certain area. The players can pick which spot they want to use, no one is forced to do the Not So Secret diving goggles. Mesmers can help as with Jumping Puzzles. The daily reward can be a +10 Swim Speed Infusion. Completing 5/7 rewards with a title.

- Marathon: You can just recycle the beetle race tracks and make a special event between the regular races. People who want to participate have to complete one round without using any mount. Class mechanics, skills, gizmos, even portals are allowed. This would be accessible for all players, even the F2P ones. One race-track per day for a daily. After completing all races, the player gets a title.

- Last Minute Hero: Champions & Legendary Bosses grant bonus loot if you kill them within the final minute of the timer.

- Unfinished: Almost complete a heart in a certain region of Tyria. That means do it until the progress bar is at 90 % or higher. The next morning the player gets a mail from the NPC in question, complaining about the unfinished work. Attachment is a complaint-report trophy worth 50s - 1g. Did that for 5/7 days, you get the title "Unfi..." XD.

- I like trains: Participating in a Worlboss Event grants 1 stack of Trainer buff (X % of Magic Find, EXP gain, Karma gain, ... etc.) . The buff lasts 2 h and can stack up to a maximum of 10. Duration does not stack, but will start at 2 h whenever a new stack is gained.

- Unfinished II: Revive X players per day, but let them on the ground before finishing the job. The next morning the player gets a mail from the NPC that greeted you after your Intro level 2 mission, telling that you have yet much to learn. Attachment is a certificate proving that you failed revival worth 50s - 1g. Did that for 5/7 days, you get the title " ...nished."

- You lose some, you win some: If you die once or more in an hour, you get a stacking buff that grants you a fixed stack of rat-luck (X % of Magic Find, EXP gain, Karma gain, ... etc.). The buff lasts 2 h and can stack up to a maximum of 10. Duration does not stack, but will start at 2 h whenever a new stack is gained.

- The guilds may be praised: Buffs from guild-banners get double-effects, duration also gets doubled. Tavern buffs also get double effects.


Note: 5/7 rule means, you can miss 1-2 turns in the week due to personal life issues and still get full participation & complete the meta event.

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As someone who will be off for almost the whole week, I have these suggestions:


- spread the event over a longer time period, let's say do two days, then two more after a short break (a week?) and then two more event days the week after.

- take inspiration from Warframe: rotate events, with guarantee of at least some events re-appearing every quarter or so.

- don't leave the loot completely unlocked, grinding the stuff non-stop will burn out your players faster than anything and any short-term bonus in terms of new and returning players will backfire very fast.


In short, pace these events carefully and don't overdo it for cheap short term gains.

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Maybe an event to bring new players into raids.


the biggest obstacle of raids is getting into them. Once you have a build and know the mechanics of the bosses a little they are really not that hard anymore. The problem is that you'd need a group to take you with them the first few times so you can actually learn/ get to know the encounters and that is a big turnoff for many players.


this event should obviously not be for the common raider or for some speedrunning groups but for the vast majority of players who never/very rarely set food into raids.

for example, if a group has a # of players with less than a # of LIs (maybe 10 or less) the raid events/bosses are going in slow motion but they keep all the mechanics and all phase transitions as usual. On top of that give the group an infobox/letter (anything like that) with a short explanation on what to do and what mechanics are most crucial for success on every arrival of a new boss/event.

With the bosses attacking in slow motion aswell as mechanics taking a much longer time (e.g. like VG green fields take 3 times as long untill they explode and the same goes for direct attacks from VG), it would be a great and easy opportunity to allow new players without an already existing group to try out raids during that week without having the feeling of wasting their or some other groups time and it would refresh the amount of raiders in GW2. And of course the rewards for those players (if they manage to defeat a boss during that week) should stay the same as they are right now (they are gated to once per week anyway and exclude CMs)

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