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whats something u learnt recently? [but has been in the game since forever]

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I play since beta and I still discover things nowadays, at all levels (landscape/graphic, achievements, ....). I believe that there are several factors causing that we keep discovering stuff all the time:

- The game is dynamic. Existing things change, new ones are added, patches bring all sort of updates (small and big). Globally, that's a lot.

- The graphic content is globally rich and while we play, we do not always take time to observe around in details. So, years later, we still discover things we had not seen before. Typical example:The town Divinity Reach has an incredible rich content and regularly, I see something I had never noticed before (NPCs, animals, building, ...).

- Since a while, many new players just hurry to end game activities (PvP, raid, wvw, fractals higher levels), skipping as much as they can from the game content else than that. So of course, they still have quite a big part of the content untouched.

- Our taste in game changes over time. There are things we don't do because we don't like them at a point in time, and later we give them a try and discover them. Typically me, I have waited several years before to touch WvW and raids. It was of course an enormous discovery.


I believe we globally tend to underestimate how enormous is the game content of GW2 and how much it changes regularly. Since a while, I am used to read the updates patch notes, because quite a big number of times, I have failed to see updates that were very useful to me, of the type "banging-head-on-table" upon discovery. But it is not only those changes. There are also the item becoming account bound, the items that become available on TP, and such... There are also changes with material prices caused by whatever change at another level (for example, a new armor requiring different mats). I have stop counting the amount of times where I suddenly realized that a material that I was giving away since ages because it was peanuts, has become important, and I suddenly need a big amount of it at time it then newly has a high price! :#


That's what I like with GW2: A never ending source of discovery. :)

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The forced gliding phases in the final fight of HoT can be skipped by just following the NPC's into Braham's shield...apparently? (Please, please, PLEASE tell me this is actually true. I so want it to be true but I can't test it out for myself just now.)


Jump-dodging exists. Wowsers.


You know those blue fruit-like pods in the sylvari starting area, where you first enter the world after the sylvari prologue? They're the pods unborn sylvari grow in, of course...but if you look very closely at the surface of those pods (get up close to one and zoom in with field-of-view settings to look closer), you can actually see the silhouettes of what appear to be baby sylvari. They're vaguely humanoid.

No, I did not know that after spending an unholy amount of time hanging around the sylvari starting area just because it's so pretty......


> Double click waypoint to tp on it. And i'm playing since october 2012 -_-

[adds that to the list of things I didn't know]

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> The forced gliding phases in the final fight of HoT can be skipped by just following the NPC's into Braham's shield...apparently? (Please, please, PLEASE tell me this is actually true. I so want it to be true but I can't test it out for myself just now.)


It is true but it will fail the achievement :)


What I learned recently is that in Hoelbrak home instance map you can pick lower map layer to teleport out to any map till thta i use to get out of instance first :/



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > The forced gliding phases in the final fight of HoT can be skipped by just following the NPC's into Braham's shield...apparently? (Please, please, PLEASE tell me this is actually true. I so want it to be true but I can't test it out for myself just now.)

> >

> It is true but it will fail the achievement :)


I don't care about achievements, so... :heart: AAAAAH now I can get past that fight without those cursed forced gliding segments! Yay!! [happy dance]

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Cluster of Baneberry can be used in WvW and you can slowly kill yourself or transfer the admittedly short (and probably useless) condition to a foe. Similar scenario if you're in pve running full trait master corruption necro and come across another necro with plague signet on... you can slowly kill them. Cruel yet amusing death.

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> @"Zephire.8049" said:

> About a year ago I learned that if you're in Mistlock Sanctuary, you can go to the map and pick a different map layer to be able to waypoint to nearly every WP on the standard map. For a long time I thought you had to go to your previous map, a guild hall, or use the hub in the middle of the map before you could go somewhere else so still used LA a fair bit.


I did not know this, THANK YOU!

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> @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

> Just found out I could change chat tabs by pressing the tab key while typing.


I've also only just found that out, literally just this second when I read your post lol


For my thing it's not so recent, but I was surprised when first I discovered you could still use aerial combat skills in Lake Doric if you caught a ley line then detached from it.

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Another tricks which is cool but I believe most people know.. if you are at a higher ground falling to lower ground, it makes your character go in combat which immediately slow down movement. Movement pick up again when your character back to off combat mode. The trick to avoid the in combat is dodge down instead of free fall. ? Pretty cool rite

I found this out by doing black lion key farm .. at the start instance where my character have to super speed to the event lol



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Recently learned that people are still upset that HoT exists and that refuse to buy expansions on the sole reason of being stubborn.


LOL. I bought it and yes, I hate that place, being there only when it is really necessary.


I found out recently that in Tequatl event, those cannons get attacked while I've been always focusing on the dragon only. And that (still don't know the reason) sometimes a big bone wall grows around Teq.

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> @"Zephire.8049" said:

> About a year ago I learned that if you're in Mistlock Sanctuary, you can go to the map and pick a different map layer to be able to waypoint to nearly every WP on the standard map. For a long time I thought you had to go to your previous map, a guild hall, or use the hub in the middle of the map before you could go somewhere else so still used LA a fair bit.


Now if only they made it so that the Mistlock layer wasn't the default layer since using WP links just don't work.

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> @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Recently learned that people are still upset that HoT exists and that refuse to buy expansions on the sole reason of being stubborn.


> LOL. I bought it and yes, I hate that place, being there only when it is really necessary.


> I found out recently that in Tequatl event, those cannons get attacked while I've been always focusing on the dragon only. And that (still don't know the reason) sometimes a big bone wall grows around Teq.


the big bone wall appears if ppl on hylek turrets dont get rid of stacks of hardened scales...


it's also very exciting when cannons are not defended... but its rare these days cuz Teq is so easy

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> @"Valgar.9576" said:

> > @"ExCentya.4305" said:

> > About a year ago i learned that chests that pop in your right corner can be opened directly by right-clicking it.


> Wait what!


Most, but not all, can be right-clicked to immediately recieve its content. Does of course not work for stuff were a selection is needed etc.


It was added while back, pre-PoF but post-HoT, iirc.

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> @"ExCentya.4305" said:

> > @"luzonophir.7134" said:

> > there is an occupiable crevice in one of the HoT maps which is guarded by 3 enemy snipers that hit hard and are tough to kill.

> >

> > the vast waters underneath wvwvw maps.


> nooo, really? How have you survived?


i was killed, the enemy npcs removed their aggro, i rallied from downstate (warrior) then flew to that crevice and died there. but when i logged on, i found my char there, alive. and was his "Charr Cave" eversince.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Valgar.9576" said:

> > > @"ExCentya.4305" said:

> > > About a year ago i learned that chests that pop in your right corner can be opened directly by right-clicking it.

> >

> > Wait what!


> Most, but not all, can be right-clicked to immediately recieve its content. Does of course not work for stuff were a selection is needed etc.


> It was added while back, pre-PoF but post-HoT, iirc.


And that's the second thing I've learned because of this thread, not counting the thing I learned shortly before... Playing since Beta...

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