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Guardian Tank for Raiding, How do you build him? How does it compare to Chrono Tank?

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[https://snowcrows.com/raids/guardian/firebrand/power%20quickness/](https://snowcrows.com/raids/guardian/firebrand/power%20quickness/ "Snowcrow Firebrand Tank?/")


This is the build if you click on the link for the Tank Guardian in Snowcrow Gorseval benchmark team comp

But Snowcrow doesnt have any tank build pages only advice on what to do as a tank (only Chrono has a tank advice page, Firebrand doesnt have one)


I saw the build in snowcrow and we took some time in finding a tank last time I was raiding so finding a guardian as the main tank on snowcrow got me interested

Was curios to know what to build and what stats to use when building for a Tank guardian because I cannot find that information in Snowcrow and Metabattle

I was interested in learning how to gear one up, Might even gear one up after gearing my chrono to see how well it works ^^


Did find this [Ministrel Chrono build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Minstrels_Tank "Ministrel Chrono build") on Metabattle, Could these same Armor/Runes/Sigils be used on a Guardian?


Would love to hear your feedback!

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> yes minstrel could/should be used on guardian if you want to tank

> but you are trying to break stereotypes of raiding in this game, be careful lol



The build is suggested in Snowcrow in the comp part, no build yet avaible

Builds in snowcrow have a higher chance to be meta

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If you want to have Guardian as Raid tank, you will need a bit different Squad composition. Key roles that you want are:

-Quickbrand tank (tank and gives quickness for hos sub group)

-DPS quickbrand (gives quickness to other sungroup)

Alacrity heal renegade (second healer of group and gives alacrity for 10men)

Druid (druid is still go to healer coz of its offensive buffs and utility)


Many times players still prefer chrono tank, quickbrand, alacrity renegade, druid comp tho. Chrono still has some nice utility for tanking that firebrand dont have, like distortion for example. Also chrono has a portal for some encounters and ofc really useful pull in their Focus. Cant really say anything about CC but im pretty sure that chrono has more.


BUT there is raids where comp without chronos is actually better, example of this is w4 (pug lvl that is, not SC lvl)


Number one reason why pugs run with 2 chronos, 1druid and 1 heal? Coz its just easier to find those classes, those are lot more common than firebrands and alacrity renegades.



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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:


> Number one reason why pugs run with 2 chronos, 1druid and 1 heal? Coz its just easier to find those classes, those are lot more common than firebrands and alacrity renegades.




For now yes ^^

Fractals are already slowly swarming with Aligades and Quickbrands

More people with those gear/builds available means more people that can use those characters for raiding

Druid still good? that 20% damage pet nerf looks pretty evil especially in raiding with dps checks

Isn't a soulbeast better then with a frost spirit?

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Tank firebrand is usualy normal quickbrand that tanks because of highest toughness (1250) in the party. No special gear is required.


Edit: usualy fights that are harder to tank are tanked by chrono and not quickbrands. Quickbrands tank only easy bosses because they have higher toughness and its pointless to increse chronos toughness just to tank. On hard bosses where you might need tankier gear its always better for chrono to increse toughness then for quickbrand to do it.


The reason to take quickbrand over chrono is dps. If you need to take tanker gear this advantage is nullified and chrono would be much better

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:


> > Number one reason why pugs run with 2 chronos, 1druid and 1 heal? Coz its just easier to find those classes, those are lot more common than firebrands and alacrity renegades.

> >

> >


> For now yes ^^

> Fractals are already slowly swarming with Aligades and Quickbrands

> More people with those gear/builds available means more people that can use those characters for raiding

> Druid still good? that 20% damage pet nerf looks pretty evil especially in raiding with dps checks

> Isn't a soulbeast better then with a frost spirit?


It takes time for pugs to learn ^^

And some bosses are just build around chronos and druids. And dont let me Even started that most groups already run with 2 chrono 1 druid setup, this means that you have only 3 support classes so firebrigade comp Will actually make Squad dps a bit lower.

But yes you are kinda right about druid tho, but still one healer that can bring 25 stacks of might, spotter, spirits, boons, entangle or spirit of nature and ofc is If not best atleast most familiar class to do certain mechanics like pushing at KC/desmina, entangle at gorseval etc.


Lets take Escort or tc for example, yeah.. really fun to do without chrono portals ?

Personally i would like to have rene/firebrand comp Been a meta ?



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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> It takes time for pugs to learn ^^

> And dont let me Even started that most groups already run with 2 chrono 1 druid setup, this means that you have only 3 support classes so firebrigade comp Will actually >make Squad dps a bit lower.


It actually doesnt. While yeah, you replace one Support class with two you have to remember that both, firebrand and renegade, pull higher numbers than Chrono and offer unquie damage buffs in form of Bane Signet, AP and Soulcleave.


>Personally i would like to have rene/firebrand comp Been a meta ?


Dont worry, it is on a lot of bosses.

The only bosses that really favor a 2 chrono setup are SH, Dhuum, Largos and Qadim. Maybe Sloth and Xera in a Pug group, considering that pulling on chrono is way easier than on firebrand.

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I use Minstrel, Water runes, and Giver weapons for tanking on Firebrand. The absurd toughness stacking is just so I don't ever need to worry about some random Minstrel druid dropping in. You can maintain 100% Quickness for your subgroup, have some decent self-sustain, and group heals (clocked around 4k while tanking SH). Boon application is also far more lenient than Chrono.


Compared to Chrono, you lose bar breaks (forcing you to rely on another player), focus pulls, Distortion tanking, boon strips, and other utilities a mesmer offers.


I also keep a Diviner set handy in cases where my healing isn't needed.

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  • 10 months later...

> @"phs.6089" said:

> yes minstrel could/should be used on guardian if you want to tank

> but you are trying to break stereotypes of raiding in this game, be careful lol



You make a very good point, in that there are reasons for the "stereotypes" that exist in this game (because they work), but just as a footnote, I'd like to put my two cents in and remind you also not to fall into the trap of believing that **only** those stereotypes are viable. Some of the best players in any MMORPG have become the best precisely _by_ breaking the stereotypes and experimenting—doing something "crazy" that nobody would consider trying, and thinking outside of the box are what enable a player to rise above and beyond.


Now, by all means, I am **NOT** saying that those builds currently accepted as standard or "stereotypes" are useless, nor should they be ignored. But along with the helpful warning phs.6089 gives, which I _would_ take to heart, that each player is different and has his/her own strengths, and that if you put your mind to it and experiment a little, you may be able to even come up with a build that's _better_ than the stereotypical ones.


I'm not disagreeing with phs.6089, though. The current models used as standard builds are standard for a reason: because they work. I'm merely cautioning against seeing these standards as **RULES** written in stone and more as _guidelines_ to be adapted to one's own play-style and strengths. Just a thought, anyway. Happy tanking!



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Guardian tank works really well, yes you loose distort, but you have better ageis share.


You take the roll of second healer, so monk runes and minstrels. Still provide 100% quick uptime to your squad and alot of heals and mitigation.


Depending on boss depends on your weapons, swap between staff, axe and mace as required.


Tanks SH a lot better than chrono, and a couple of other bosses as well.


W3 is the only wing where chrono tank really outshines fb tank.

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> @"Davros.9823" said:

> Guardian tank works really well, yes you loose distort, but you have better ageis share.


> You take the roll of second healer, so monk runes and minstrels. Still provide 100% quick uptime to your squad and alot of heals and mitigation.


> Depending on boss depends on your weapons, swap between staff, axe and mace as required.


> Tanks SH a lot better than chrono, and a couple of other bosses as well.


> W3 is the only wing where chrono tank really outshines fb tank.


Tanking SH is way better with chrono since you have much much better dps and enough blocks to not take any damage.

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