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What is the best way to make a legendary? (HoT way Vs Old way)

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Hello everyone

So first of all I will like to mention that I crafted some legendaries before but I have never tried to craft them using the method that was introduced back in the HoT where you could buy the Vol.1 do the collection craft somethings and then do the Vol.2 . Now personally am more of a fan of the old way of doing it such as getting all the mats together then crafting the needed recipes and then get the precursor or buy it and then craft it.


Now sadly with the HoT way you can't buy the precursors so you will have to craft them by following the Vol. 1,2,3 etc but because I've never tried it I have some questions .


1) I know that the HoT way only lets u to get the precursor which it could take more time , but how much does it costs in general to craft the precursor and to finish it to a legendary ?

2) Also because crafting a legendary means spent some time in-game . Which way (HoT way Vs Old way) is more worth on doing based on time, mats and also gold ??

3) Now this question might be difficult to answer but is there any other way to get HoT precursors ?

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First thing: It depends on which legendary you want to make. You only have that choice for the original (gen 1) set. Legendaries introducing with or after HoT have account bound precursors which have to be crafted, so if you want to make one of those you need to do the collection.


For gen 1 it depends on what you mean by best. The quickest way is always to buy the precursor. (In fact for gen 1 legendaries the quickest by far is to buy the finished legendary.) The cheapest methods depends on which legendary you want to make. For example according to the GW2 Efficiency link @"Ronan.9518" posted above it costs 475g to craft Dusk and 803g to buy it, so it's cheaper to craft it, whereas it costs 525g to craft The Bifrost and 436g to buy it - so it's cheaper to buy it.


The other aspect is what you prefer doing. Some people hate the thought of trying to save/farm huge amounts of gold so buying a precursor seems impossible but gradually chipping away at a collection seems reasonable, even if it works out more expensive in the long run. Others get more of a sense of achievement from crafting it, or may resent paying all that gold to someone who got a precursor as a random drop.

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