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Is Druid still meta/needed or is there a better healer after the latest update?


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Just wanted to know if Druid became useless and is now replaced by a different and better healer to prove someone I have an argument with something.

What are your thoughts? Will Druids be kicked now from groups because they became useless? Is any other class outperforming Druid now? Is it time for Druids to switch to a different and more efficient class? How's the reputation? Etc etc etc

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Spirit shepherd I mean Druid is still meta for boons and might. I don’t find it fun to play anymore, but if you do, they are to my knowledge still desired in groups for PvE content at least (I know nothing about WvW or PvP).
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If you run 1 healer then druid is the best in 99 percent of cases (record run for sloth included renegade but that is very minor fraction).


But with the removal of glyph of empowerment, second druid is mostly worthless because you dont need that many utility slots anymore.


Before from 2 healers you wanted 2 goe, 3-4 spirits (stone, storm and frost/sun)

Right now you lost 2 spells and 3rd is not that needed so advantages of second druid are small compared to other healers but the dissadvantages (mostly heals) are big.


Tempest is great because of range. Scorge + firebrand can help bad groups. My favorite is ren because it also provides offensive buffs, more cc and amazing healing + chronos can drop well of recall for diferent ultility/dps skills. Also if it becomes stable it enebles quickbrands in pug groups

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Druid is still fine, all that happened was that druid lost some damage in raids, which isn't why you brought a druid anyway, and the damage didn't even go down by that much. It still has tons of boon output, healing, and depending on your pet choice a ton of CC as well. The nerf is barely noticeable and is not nearly as bad as these forums seem to think it is.

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Good to know, thanks.

I nearly thought it would have become unplayable after the latest patch and even more a reason to label ranger (no matter if any elite spec or not) as a noob class. Allthough I see quite a lot of them in WvW roaming and let me tell you, these are definitely not new players as they manage to split zergs with 15+ people apart.

Anyways, so it's still safe to use Druid for the healer role, right? I don't like switching to firebrand for example as this is the class I'm more focused on in WvW while PvE is a whole different story there. Just wanted to know about this since I might plan to come back to raids after a long break maybe soon and I've always had the healer role before with which I'm most comfortable with. Had a break since my last group disbanded and became inactive since the release of wing 2.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Good to know, thanks.

> I nearly thought it would have become unplayable after the latest patch and even more a reason to label ranger (no matter if any elite spec or not) as a noob class. Allthough I see quite a lot of them in WvW roaming and let me tell you, these are definitely not new players as they manage to split zergs with 15+ people apart.

> Anyways, so it's still safe to use Druid for the healer role, right? I don't like switching to firebrand for example as this is the class I'm more focused on in WvW while PvE is a whole different story there. Just wanted to know about this since I might plan to come back to raids after a long break maybe soon and I've always had the healer role before with which I'm most comfortable with. Had a break since my last group disbanded and became inactive since the release of wing 2.


Yeah, Druid is still fantastic in PvE the changes really only impact their damage potential, and even then it’s not by a whole lot. The only thing that’s changed is that other healers are on more equal footing with Druid nowadays, so you’re bound to see people running more than JUST Druid.


I keep hearing Druid is very good in small scale WvW groups too, but I don’t play WvW, like at all, so I can’t confirm anything on that front.

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Actually for the WvW part I was referring to mostly Soulbeasts due to the survivalbility you get from merging with pets, I guess. In WvW you don't need a "healer" in zergs, just support and that is the guardian's (usually firebrand) job by spreading boons like stability, protection etc. and heals across each subgroup. That's why every subgroup should have at least one guard. But that isn't the point here. I was just wondering about the part if druids are still fine in raids as (like I said) planned to maybe get back to it again. My experiences and styles vastly differ between WvW and PvE and when it comes to PvE I'm most comfortable with either tanks or healers. In WvW I'm fine with the other roles such as damage or support. (That's why I main warrior or guard in this mode while in PvE I'm specialized in three other classes which can sometimes change depending on usage)

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Just wanted to know if Druid became useless and is now replaced by a different and better healer to prove someone I have an argument with something.

> What are your thoughts? Will Druids be kicked now from groups because they became useless? Is any other class outperforming Druid now? Is it time for Druids to switch to a different and more efficient class? How's the reputation? Etc etc etc


If you mean are they best healer? No not by a very large margin, in fact they're one of the worst. If you mean are they the best boonbot for might and frost spirit sure, then bring them.



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  • 3 months later...

Druid is still one of the most effect healers in WvW. I will not say meta cause i make own builds, never use meta. Druid can help out to give 50% outgoing healing for few sec to the whole squad (max 5). Plus there is a awesome trick that a druid can able to heal himself somewhere at a 800 - 1000 every second. Only himself. But whenever you heal an ally you'll heal yourself again. Also thanks to the elite glyph you can do condi cleanse and in avatar mode you can now ress allies. For boons i would not recommand it but for healing support for sure! Cause you can easly give 35 - 50% health back to your allies if you have a support firebrand with you then give you another outgoing healing 25%.


Most important part from druid is to keep himself alive long enough to create sec heals and outgoing heal support.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Just wanted to know if Druid became useless and is now replaced by a different and better healer to prove someone I have an argument with something.

> What are your thoughts? Will Druids be kicked now from groups because they became useless? Is any other class outperforming Druid now? Is it time for Druids to switch to a different and more efficient class? How's the reputation? Etc etc etc


Heal guard or ele. Don’t bother with druid

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