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So when we gonna change the mounts?


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> Wow, great, then there will be less fair fights and more unfavourable fights, because many ppl do not like to fight fair fights and just fight when they smell an easy kill, them ALWAYS choosing when to fight is most certainly bad af.



You have just perfectly described what roaming was BEFORE the introduction of the Warclaw.


Funny how before the warclaw, when the statement above applied only to you / roamers, it wasn't an issue, but now when everyone has the same ability, WvW is suddenly broken.


Just in case you weren't aware of that stark hypocrisy, I'm happy to point it out to you.


Also, for bonus hypocrisy points:


> @"RedShark.9548" said:

>, thinking that you know it all without a care about other ppl.


The accusation you levied at another player actually describes you perfectly, at least as far as this thread is concerned.


Enjoy your time in WvW.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > Wow, great, then there will be less fair fights and more unfavourable fights, because many ppl do not like to fight fair fights and just fight when they smell an easy kill, them ALWAYS choosing when to fight is most certainly bad af.

> >


> You have just perfectly described what roaming was BEFORE the introduction of the Warclaw.


> Funny how before the warclaw, when the statement above applied only to you / roamers, it wasn't an issue, but now when everyone has the same ability, WvW is suddenly broken.


> Just in case you weren't aware of that stark hypocrisy, I'm happy to point it out to you.


> Also, for bonus hypocrisy points:


> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> >, thinking that you know it all without a care about other ppl.


> The accusation you levied at another player actually describes you perfectly, at least as far as this thread is concerned.


> Enjoy your time in WvW.



I dont enjoy it anymore, im used to solo roam (on warrior, so no cheese stealth oneshots etc blabla, you see me coming, you know what i do etc) so please, tell me more about my hypocrisy. Because there were soooo many favourable fights before mounts for solo players, give me a godkitten break before you judge me and kitten on me for not liking warclaw.

Now just one guy can hold me infight while a whole group mounts up and zergs me down, thanks bud.


Oh but ganking zerglings on their way to the zerg, yea, didnt do that alot, but if thats one way to help your zerg, i guess its a legitimate tactic in a gamemode that evolves around war, cutting off supply lines n stuff, isnt it now?

Not that warrior was rly good at that anyways.

Now you just mount and warrior has no way to get you off the mount.


Sorry that i loved this game for wvw only, i never do pve and rarely pvp'ed. Played since beta even. I rarely logg onto gw2 nowadays, because roaming has gotten less and less fun over the years.

Good to hear that atleast you still have fun, because now you dont have to give a damn about those pesky little roamers anymore. Except those ultra cancer roaming speccs maybe, that just nuke you out of stealth.


Ive played in zergs alot aswell, i know both sides, and roamer are definately not THAT much of a problem for zerg player to gut this way of playing completely.


Have a GREAT kitten day in wvw you condescending little zergling.

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> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:


> > how it evens the play field?


> Everyone has the ability to use it and all classes get increased mobility


> > im a ganker how did this help me?


> If you happen to be killed you can run back faster, especially if your teammates are still busy with someone


> > im a roamer how did this help me?


> Allows you to move faster to takes camps or other objectives, or to respond to an enemy attacking an objective. Or get back to the fight faster


> > im a blobber yes ty this did help me.


> It did, to get back to defense/offense back


> >

> > you on the other hand in part of ur post are most likely a dueler.. not a roamer neither a ganker.


> Nope, I don't think duelers needed/wanted the mount. I am a roamer, I solo roamed for a long time (if you had cared to read past posts of mine, and I mean actually read them, you'd know this). I have roamed after the warclaw and had 0 problems with the warclaw. It's the other roamers who can't adapt who are having "problems" with the mount....


> > i dont really enjoy duels if i wanted these ill go duel spot, i prefer roaming and yes i will kill most things on my path couldnt careless if its a new player or old or newbie or a pro. I die also here and there no1 cares neither i care for a blobber not being able to get back to his blob.


> Right, so if you have no issues attacking/killing anyone in your path, you should have NO PROBLEMS killing anyone on the mount. And if you are having issues, maybe it's your build, or your own player skill that's the problem.



> > i didnt need extra mobility i had it already it was my choice to be faster then others and get rejected by any commander cus ill never be in Meta..


> Good for you? But not all classes are as fast as a thief, the warclaw helps those classes/players more than you. You feel attacked by this mount adding speed to those players.



> >like i said a 100 times i cant see any good things warclaw did to WvW i can only see the bad things.


> Then you are actively not seeing both sides of the conversation. Or from day 1 you you made up your mind without actually trying it and are actively trying to get it removed.


> > the speed and mobility added by warclaw did nothing good to WvW i mean let say im on thief and happy necro thinks he can roam now or gank.

> > i still got my mobility over him when he dismount i still get to choose when to attack and leave again i still got upper hand in the fight over all these classes that pretend they can roam or gank or duel now.


> Lol, all classes have been able to roam to varying degrees. The mount just balanced some of the playing field for the slower classes. However a good thief will be able to get out of most situations if they choose to, barring a mistake by said player.


> > so even for these people it changed nothing beside fact that they can run faster from A to B but it was never needed to be faster WvW maps are already rather small..


> The mount LITERALLY changed things for all classes, otherwise it wouldn't have been added to the game. Because it didn't "improve" your play experience doesn't mean it didn't improve other players play experience. But I forgot, it's all about YOU.


> > so again no1 can give me a valid reason why Warclaw is such a good add to WvW.


> I've given lots of valid reasons the mount was a good addition to WvW, as have others, but you won't accept anyone's answer unless they agree with you.


to pick out one thing or a few but not quoting like you ;)


no on certain classes i dont have problem with warclaw at all, but like i mention before i enjoy roaming on my core ele also with d/d.

there is no freaking way for me to dismount any1 and as i mention before i really wanna kill everything on my path, why? because when i as happy roamer walk around solo infront of enemy blob i get blown up also these blobbers dont care for me either they kill everything on their way also.


in a way my playstyle to a blob player is no difference.

im alone killing all on my path

hes in a group killing all on their path


but now u add in warclaw

i cant dismount all players on my path cus of certain classes not having burst or range to do it or the mobility.

blobbers can all do 111 most of them are ranged and u get popped off your mount like it was nothing.


so again in my point of view they got advantage hence why im asking for a serious HP nerf to make mount a nice tool to go around quicker but also deadly cus u get popped off for example by 1 guard hit near a tower.


as for its all about me, its not but WvW isnt sPvP.

i have freedom to do what i want if i wanna play solo on my ele or guard i should be able to get full enjoy out of it and not having to see a million people pass me cus they arent interested in same thing as im.

im not interested in the zerging but yet im getting crippled by a mount and they are not.



and i saw somewhere before from you or some1 else, anet will add a dismount option to warclaw how this gonna help exactly? i need mount up my self to dismount other player? so i can only dismount one guy every X amount of seconds if i can get out of combat atleast.

as for the faster getting to objectives thing why it needs to be faster, for example im going to your north camp u run from your spawn to north camp while u spotted me in south camp (near bay) would it matter if i had no mount and u had no mount?


if would take me without mount 1minute to get from south to north camp and you 30 seconds from spawn to north camp

then with mount (for example)

it would take me 30 seconds to get there and u 15 seconds.


what is the difference? beside fact that u can come back faster which i find retarded also cus it helps you but not the attacker in this case it can be the other way around also

whole WvW map hasnt been build on mounts just like tyra or tyria maps arent build for mounts but in pve its not so game breaking.

look at huge size and blockades in new maps when mounts got introduced they are different and not compareable to older maps.


but we can go on for ever, youre okay with mounts.

im okay with mounts after they recieved a huge nerf to point its rewarding to be fast on mount but fucking deadly if u meet a enemy.


thats all i miss in mounts the downside for wanting to be faster.

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forgot to mention btw, what if people dont buy PoF? they basically can never get into WvW.

even if u enjoy blobbing u cant follow your commander ull be trully meat for any ganker on the map as non mount player cus all the other blobbers are really not gonna help you with a ganker cus what if i die while helping this poor guy vs ganker.


cus yes i put my money on ganker in 2v1 even 3v1 i bet on ganker when its vs blobbers.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> If Anet gives in to all your requests, and i bet more to come from you gankers, the Warclaw is not a mount anymore.

> [..]

> If you want Warclaw to be removed, just say it like those haters. See what is happeneing ANet? The more you obliged, the more the demands will come in and getting absurd too.


The ganker lobbyists have been at it for years. They always get their way eventually.

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I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.

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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount.

I feel this statement is quite true, but both sides get equally ganked as much now, whatever they may be called. It's just that if you're for the mount, it's not ganking, and if you are against mount, you are a ganker.

To add, now you will see players go to the ends of the earth chasing people - I would say this behaviour is worse now than any ganking that came pre mount. They don't care if you are a zergling/roamer/ganker/quaggan/whatever. They will just try to mow you down with their numbers and laugh at you like they accomplished a great thing.


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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


Fun thing is, no matter whoms territory you in


You can run away tnx to the mount, whether it's 20v20 or 10v1

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


> Fun thing is, no matter whoms territory you in


> You can run away tnx to the mount, whether it's 20v20 or 10v1

Fun thing is, I can still dismount people 1v1 because they are just standing there thinking they cant be dismounted.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.

> >

> > Fun thing is, no matter whoms territory you in

> >

> > You can run away tnx to the mount, whether it's 20v20 or 10v1

> Fun thing is, I can still dismount people 1v1 because they are just standing there thinking they cant be dismounted.



Well they were standing there as you said...


Im loving the mount now, BG can't catch meeeeeee.....

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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory


But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:


If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?


I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?

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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


> I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory


> But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:


> If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?


> I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


Because WvW is a open world PvP zone, if you want to run in your mount, Anet added plenty of races in PVE.

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


> Fun thing is, no matter whoms territory you in


> You can run away tnx to the mount, whether it's 20v20 or 10v1


Fun thing is, they make sure you are stuck in combat before they run you over.

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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


> I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory


> But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:


> If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?


> I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


I'm honestly not sure how the problems with the mount can be fixed. I'm just annoyed that everyone who dislikes the mount automatically gets labeled a ganker when the mount makes ganking even easier in a lot of cases. I guess if they ever make a trap that dismounts and it doesn't cost much sup I could just surround everything I want to cap with them before I attempt it so I have a chance to get away if a zerg shows up, but that's gonna be a pain.

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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> > @"zengara.8301" said:

> > > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.

> >

> > I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory

> >

> > But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:

> >

> > If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?

> >

> > I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


> I'm honestly not sure how the problems with the mount can be fixed. I'm just annoyed that everyone who dislikes the mount automatically gets labeled a ganker when the mount makes ganking even easier in a lot of cases. I guess if they ever make a trap that dismounts and it doesn't cost much sup I could just surround everything I want to cap with them before I attempt it so I have a chance to get away if a zerg shows up, but that's gonna be a pain.


Mounts should work as mounts, only for mobility, without CC immunity, HP, and dodges.

Until then PvP, outside big skill lagged fights, is reduced to ganking groups chasing indefinitely groups with less numbers.

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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.


> I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory


> But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:


> If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?


> I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


what if gankers dont exist, and in your perfect world only blobs exist and u have CC immunity 50 dodges and 400k HP.

imagine how much fun that would be for a 50 man blob to put down all your shit on 1 person who has the choice to just dodge around and then run off into distance or keep you all in combat making u blow all your skills untill his commander shows up with 0 CD's and will instantly blob up your whole blob.


you couldnt run cus of that 1 guy keeping u all in combat so u cant mount up.



imagine it that way now look at it again from a "gankers" eyes.

WvW has no rules if i wanna sit out of ur spawn and 1 shot everything on a OP build i should be able to do so.

if i decide i wanna be slow as fuck in wvw i can do it if i trait to be super fast i can do it.


but in most people eyes here WvW should be all around blobbers, they are the ones with correct trait they are the one who make this gameplay possible they are everything


while in my eyes if u get a group of "gankers" and u plant em infront of enemy spawn and put a 50vs50 blob up against each other the people with the gankers at spawn will lose not cus of ur commander being better no because of gankers making ur enemies come back much much slower.

u guys need wake up that wvw isnt about 1 thing and doesnt only have 1 purpose which is blobbing.

every1 is doing its own thing and all of em most of the time one guy doing X will help the other guy doing Y.

Y might not realise what X is doing and X might not realise hes helping Y big time but yet they do help each other.

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"zengara.8301" said:

> > > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.

> >

> > I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory

> >

> > But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:

> >

> > If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?

> >

> > I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


> Because WvW is a open world PvP zone, if you want to run in your mount, Anet added plenty of races in PVE.


Yeah but his problem is that he want to decrease ganking. In that same scenario as he proposed, it would increase ganking, it would make it a lot easier to gank. The argument whether or not ganking should be more promoted, is an argument I don't generally care about. But he wanted ganking to decrease, and the idea that making Warclaw easier to knock down, should make him somehow able to run away from 10 people (exact scenario as he stated why he hates mounts), is just directly wrong.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> > @"zengara.8301" said:

> > > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.

> >

> > I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory

> >

> > But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:

> >

> > If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?

> >

> > I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


> what if gankers dont exist, and in your perfect world only blobs exist and u have CC immunity 50 dodges and 400k HP.

> imagine how much fun that would be for a 50 man blob to put down all your kitten on 1 person who has the choice to just dodge around and then run off into distance or keep you all in combat making u blow all your skills untill his commander shows up with 0 CD's and will instantly blob up your whole blob.


> you couldnt run cus of that 1 guy keeping u all in combat so u cant mount up.



> imagine it that way now look at it again from a "gankers" eyes.

> WvW has no rules if i wanna sit out of ur spawn and 1 shot everything on a OP build i should be able to do so.

> if i decide i wanna be slow as kitten in wvw i can do it if i trait to be super fast i can do it.


> but in most people eyes here WvW should be all around blobbers, they are the ones with correct trait they are the one who make this gameplay possible they are everything


> while in my eyes if u get a group of "gankers" and u plant em infront of enemy spawn and put a 50vs50 blob up against each other the people with the gankers at spawn will lose not cus of ur commander being better no because of gankers making ur enemies come back much much slower.

> u guys need wake up that wvw isnt about 1 thing and doesnt only have 1 purpose which is blobbing.

> every1 is doing its own thing and all of em most of the time one guy doing X will help the other guy doing Y.

> Y might not realise what X is doing and X might not realise hes helping Y big time but yet they do help each other.


Ok, I like your opinion, I dont share it......But he wants ganking to decrease, and it still does not change the fact that he would not escape, if 10 people jumped him while A-Net made it so they could knock down his Warclaw easiere in that same scenario as he proposed?

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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> > @"zengara.8301" said:

> > > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > > I'm honestly starting to think the real "ganker lobbyists" are the ones who love the mount. I've never been ganked as often as I get ganked now that groups of players can chase you down with a mount. I used to have a chance to escape if a gank squad showed up while I was fighting someone, but now if I see a big group coming while I'm in combat I'm screwed no matter what I do. Being able to dismount other players with your mount won't fix that, unfortunately, and may even make that problem worse. Oh, and the whole "oh, the mount is an indirect nerf to gank builds" thing is BS because a gank build will still shoot your mount down in 1-3 hits. The only people being punished by the mount are the non-ganky roamer builds and you gankers know it.

> >

> > I am pretty sure it is still the gankers who wants your mount to have less HP, and making it easier for these groups to put your mount down, will in the end just diminish your changes of running away, unless if you want the mount fully gone. Try to run away from them in your own territory, if you are having that issue. I have personally, still not been shot down yet from my own territory

> >

> > But nonetheless I still honestly don't get this whole theory, at the very least, if you dont want to fully remove the mount from the game:

> >

> > If these people can run you down now with the current mount, would having a mount that fall in 1 shot instead of 3+, fewer dodges or even being able to CC it, makes it so you would be killed even faster when 10+ people jump you?

> >

> > I literally don't get your theory here, would they not be able to just destroy you easier, if you literally are making the 1 thing that should be able to make you run away weaker?


> I'm honestly not sure how the problems with the mount can be fixed. I'm just annoyed that everyone who dislikes the mount automatically gets labeled a ganker when the mount makes ganking even easier in a lot of cases. I guess if they ever make a trap that dismounts and it doesn't cost much sup I could just surround everything I want to cap with them before I attempt it so I have a chance to get away if a zerg shows up, but that's gonna be a pain.


Thats true, but based on the answers I get, most of them are "WvW has no rules if i wanna sit out of ur spawn and 1 shot everything on a OP build i should be able to do so." kind of people. I just dont see how you have a better chance of surviving gankers without buffing Warclaw, which I would not like either, nerfing it would just put you in a worse position, specially in enemy territory. I simply like how it is now, good to roam with, unless if enemy comes to defend their camp/tower or w/e and you dont see them coming or in combat, but then you would be in a worse situation no matter what (at the very least, as long as mounts is a thing).

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