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What about "Save a Build" Feature?


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Hey guys!


I have been playing Guild Wars since Prophecies, and I have always love the feature that allow us to save different builds just with a click, this meaning that I can load them in any moment I wanted. I'm sure that a lot of people miss this, and I personally think that this can be very useful for players that like to try different things.


My phone is full of build photos, from traits to skill bars, and it's kind of annoying, I know that maybe is just pure laziness, but the feature exist in Gw1, and Gw2 it's a wonderful game, why don't add this? I don't think that devs haven't think about it, I'm just curious, why haven't they? Maybe it's harder in Gw2, or maybe they don't want this feature here for some reasons? Don't know.


What do you think? you miss this too? you think the feature is useles? :)

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This been requested so many time, I hope they will implement it in the future

Even if only the skill trait and skill hotkey at first (in the future maybe also save the equipment build) it would be really helpful <3


> @Jack.4017 said:

> maybe they don't want this feature here for some reasons?

The only reason that I can think of why they didn't want this feature is so that "character slot" sale will improve maybe? (even though that's not the only reason to buy character slot)

I personally been planning to create one more mesmer that the build is purely for doing HP Train / SW Chest Train / Jumping Puzzle

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> ANet has said they want this. They have also said it's not as simple as we think it is, and that's why they haven't released anything. Yet.


They said that? Interesting. Yes, it's not that simple but I'd be more than happy it saves just skills and traits for starters. I can swith armor and weapons in a second.

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In gw1 you could link builds from in game too couldn't you? I just think Anet is too lazy to do the programming, cause i'm sure saving builds and swapping builds should be a thing since there is so much being added to the game. Don't hold your breathe on it though. They will infracture your post before they even consider build templates .

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  • 3 months later...

> @"rapthorne.7345" said:

> The devs know that build templates are a wanted feature, but have said it's not a priority right now due to the expansion and other bits


I'd be very interested to know what they consider to be a "priority" right now. Clearly class balance, UI improvements or build templates are not a priority, nor is actually optimising the game's graphics so that we don't get random fps drops in random locations for seemingly no reason. Is the mass production of new content all they care about these days?


> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Why would you resurrect something this dead that not even Joko want to awake?

> Go get arcdps. Arenanet already gave it the AOK meaning "There. Use that. Leave us alone. We won't make it."


That's really not an excuse. I'm a huge believer in the devs of any game not relying on mod creators to fix all their problems for them. Too many games these days seem to rely on the fact if the game is broken, the community will step in and fix it for them. To me it shows laziness from the game devs, especially when you consider that most mod creators are unpaid hobbyists whereas the game devs are paid "professionals". Just as an example, take a look at Skyrim. That game has been rereleased no less than 4 different times over the course of 6 years and yet in that time Bethesda have done nothing to fix the game that is still mired by bugs and glitches. Bugs that I might add were fixed by community modders within a year of the game's initial release.


And as for people saying "oh it's not that easy to implement", as noted above it's already been done. You are telling me that a group of unpaid amateur hobbyists managed to do something that paid professionals cannot?

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If they did this then their character slot sales would drop. It would be nice, but I don't see them doing it.


I currently have 2 necros and 2 guards cause I got tired of equipping different gear sets and swapping traits, plus i don't need to waste bag space carrying around alternate sets.

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