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Most of the Races are hard to look at


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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> We don't need new race, just a better character maker with lots of options so we can actually make good looking characters.


And in addition to that, no auto-log-off for being "idle" while creating your character. If you really want to spend time on creating your character, you have to take screenshots while you are doing it, because when you are done, you'll have to start over because you were logged off automatically. Even on the forums you can now save your draft...

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So basically you want another race that's human but not human? To me this would be a waste of time. I'm not sure what purpose it serves. Just make more hair styles, face choices for the existing races, and this way you can have more looks. Adding another race that's human by any other name isn't likely to happen even if Anet adds another race.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> So basically you want another race that's human but not human? To me this would be a waste of time. I'm not sure what purpose it serves. Just make more hair styles, face choices for the existing races, and this way you can have more looks. Adding another race that's human by any other name isn't likely to happen even if Anet adds another race.


Pretty much what I was thinking. In most games human is my last choice for a race because they're boring to me - I spend all day every day being a human in real life, why wouldn't I make my character something more interesting? (Admittedly I do play elves or 1/2 elves in a lot of games, but that's ones where all the races are ' tall skinny human', 'short bearded human', 'green human', 'human with horns' etc.) In GW2 my main is human, but that's because I wanted her to be descended from my GW1 character and there weren't any other playable races in that game. Otherwise she'd be a sylvari.


Considering we already have humans, norn who look like humans but bigger and sylvari who can be made to look almost human but with a wider choice of skin and hair colour I think the last thing we need is yet another human looking race. Considering the most asked for race seems to be tengu, followed closely by quaggan, skritt and kodan I think a lot of people would be disappointed if Anet announced a new race and it was another 'human with 1 defining feature' race.

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I'm actually freaked out by Humans in GW2 because they look like Barbie-dolls. It might have gotten better since, but when the game released and I saw them in the character creation they looked so... _artificial_ and it broke immersion bigtime for me. I have no problem with the other races and like them very much.

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As has been said... beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I personally find sylvari very beautiful, even the ones with the more... assymetric or odd faces, they are art with their intrigueing details. So interesting to look at and create.


Charr are facinating too, maybe not always what you would call beautiful, although some definitely are in their own way. Either way they are very interesting.


Regarding asura they too can be pretty interesting, they can range from pretty darn adorable to something not overly appealing. But again... either way interesting.


Norn are just taller/beefier humans and male norn have the most potential to be unappealing/ugly... in my opinion... but then I dislike the super bulk.


Humans are kinda average... sure they can be appealing, thanks to various armor choices, but they are just not quite as interesting, facinating or with the artistic appeal that I find in asura, charr and sylvari. Its good they are there though :)


I would love to see another race, but another standard not human, but still human race, seems pointless. Would love tengu... while it is a beast race not tooooo unlike charr, they are still quite different fra charr also and could offer up very interesting new looks/designs.

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All I know is people have criticised the look of my Sylvari (who I made look like a poisonous mushroom - I think he looks amazing and I put a lot of effort into the design and colours) have half naked female characters with glitter everywhere. People just have really bad taste in terms of style. They make uninspired, boring female humans with like, only two dye colours, usually something really ugly like red/black.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> All I know is people have criticised the look of my Sylvari (who I made look like a poisonous mushroom - I think he looks amazing and I put a lot of effort into the design and colours) have half naked female characters with glitter everywhere. People just have really bad taste in terms of style. They make uninspired, boring female humans with like, only two dye colours, usually something really ugly like red/black.


Most human characters made by people are so bad.


Underboob, lots of skin everywhere, blue hair usually flower one, generic face 0 use of sliders so they all look the same, and few obnoxious auras stacked on top of each other.

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Even thought I play on Norns and Humans, I have found Sylvari, Asura and Charr interesting looking races. On Sylvari I really appreciate how the one who has designed them has not taken the shortest route just to make a green-skinned human, but has created pretty unique look to the race. The same goes to both Asura and Charr. With Asura, I have really liked Asura NPCs' attitude :)

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As far as characters go, the humans are bland, and generic as generic can be. Not much depth here. The male norns look like dopey clods, especially when running, and should just have been oversized human males instead of lumpy oafs. Some charr faces are ok but too many look like complete simpletons with their crooked teeth and derpy faces. Sylvari are ok I guess, for people made out of iceberg lettuce although they're different from the early concepts.


As for the character creation process it's very, very basic, boring, and I would certainly welcome an advanced version where we could make characters truly unique.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> They make uninspired, boring female humans with like, only two dye colours, usually something really ugly like red/black.


> What's wrong with red/black? :anguished:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/YJy1lDs.jpg "")



Nothing. At least, not in the way you used it for your character. They're not the only colours you used, and you used good shades of them to look tasteful. I'm talking about people with only two colours chosen, usually very red and shadow abyss.

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I'm the opposite, I hate the human female meta, they make me cringe because they all look similar with fake boobs, too generic and boring. Norn females are the same but they are tall and drunk. I love how colorful Sylvari can be, they have the best body customization options.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Norn females are the same but they are tall and drunk. I love how colorful Sylvari can be, they have the best body customization options.


> Not all of us Norn females look like that.

> Thank you @"ProverbsofHell.2307" for the compliments.



I'm also a very big fan of Belinda's GS btw (my favourite GS skin probably). :+1:

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I hate humans the most because female face options are all..really anime...lol...i just want ONE normal looking face with non-exaggerated, normal looking features for females is that too much to ask.

also the lack of freckles for all races and genders faces (& bodies - humans can have skin patterns that arent tattoos too...).

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