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Requiem on Guild Chat this Friday–we want your questions!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi all, I want to call out this Friday's Guild Chat, where I'll be talking about our Requiem series with members of the ArenaNet Narrative Team. My dev guests are Studio Narrative Director Tom Abernathy, Story Editor Julia Nardin, and Narrative Designer Alex Kain.


They're excited to talk about everyone's work on the Requiem, and I'd like to try something new for this episode. We're still going to take questions from the live audience, but I'd like to pull some from all of you ahead of time as well here on the forum. We might not be able to get to all of them, but we'll keep an eye on this thread over the next day or two and incorporate some of them into the show. (The questions should be about the Requiem series, we can't answer questions about upcoming/unreleased content or stuff about other topics. )


Also: My awesome teammate Anatoli is the person who put the Requiem series into Twine format. He will not be on the show, but if you have questions about that part of things, drop 'em here and I'll pass along his answers.


Guild Chat begins this Friday, May 10, at noon Pacific time (UTC -7) on the [Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel](

"Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel"). If you can't join us live, watch for it on our [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/arenanetofficial "YouTube channel") after the broadcast. See you Friday!
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Loved these stories! I'm curious though what made you decide to tell us details like how Rytlock got Sohothin and basically all of Zafirah's backstory via short stories rather than in game? Also, as someone who gets really invested in the characters I have to ask if we will get to peek inside the minds of other characters in the future?

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Are you considering more side-projects like these, using the Twine tool ? Since those character pieces aren't getting in game would you consider making them more interactive in the future? Twine is well known for its text-based games and a small, old-school adventure in the GW2 setting would be a fun little addition.

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Some of these stories are really, really good. Especially the Zafirah story. (Happy to see the Zaishen interpreted as Gw1 fans knew them to be!) However, it would be a shame not to see them ingame. Most players I know do not intend to check the site, and probably won't be aware of these great stories a few years from now. I hope you consider an ingame avenue to view these stories someday!


As for my question: What do the Zaishen think of the WvW Mists War, and would they ever consider participating as allies of our world?

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When Zafirah mentions that Balthazar in person felt different to the blessings she felt, will this little detail be important going forward?


Also, were humans still receiving blessings associated with Balthazar even whilst he was imprisoned and stripped of his divine power?

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When did you decide to write the Requiem series?

Was it along the Episode 6 writing? Before? After it was done but you needed something to bridge to the Ep6 plot?

I am interested in knowing when and why you felt the need to write them ( I highly appreciate them ).

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Where do these stories sit in relation to the development of the overall story line and the progression of the living world episodes themselves? Are the written off the back of the episodes, to expand on a given character's back story, or do they come about earlier in the process, as a way of outlining where you want to take that character or where you want that character to end up?


Also, are there plans to do more? I'd personally love a story focusing on Marjory, with that noir/gumshoe flavor you used for that cutscene back when she was first introduced. Basically a lost Micky Spillane story, but with magic. And dragons. And Kasmeer.

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> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:


> Guild Chat begins this Friday, May 10, at noon Pacific time (UTC -7)


It would be awesome if you posted the time of the event also converted to CET (central europe time) to make us europeans understand better when events like this happens.


Apart from that, awesome work with Requiem, i loved the writing and interesting insight of the different characters.

This kinda stories gives the opportunity to tell stories that otherwise couldnt be told, and thats something i love about this. So, do you plan on doing this kinda stories to other characters or plots that dont necessarily has something to do with the current storyline? Like how Faolain gain control of the Nightmare Court or how Zojja became Snaff's apprentice.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Arthier.9521" said:

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:


> > Guild Chat begins this Friday, May 10, at noon Pacific time (UTC -7)


> It would be awesome if you posted the time of the event also converted to CET (central europe time) to make us europeans understand better when events like this happens.


We usually share the following link on our blog posts so here you go: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?qm=1&lid=5786882,12,100&h=5786882&date=2019-5-10&sln=12-13

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Lot of questions asking about the future of these stories, how they'll be used. I got one in that line. Could we expect these short stories for side characters, to give some sense of closure? Or for significant background characters? I understand the utility of leaving plot threads hanging open until you need them. But still. I'm curious about what became of Malyck. Also left wondering what the human gods may have thought as they watched Tyria vanish into the distance behind them. I'd imagine reading that could be a real punch to the gut.


And here's the obligatory totally irrelevant question: Largos when? When do you make [Wave of Shadow](http://guildwars2.waveofshadow.com/ "Wave of Shadow") but, you know, for real? Pretty please? If I ask nicely enough, the money, manpower, and consumer demand will suddenly appear - right? I think that's how it works.

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