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How to Ele in WvW?

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > I still play my old main ele in wvw as a roamer. But only build that works for me is the old dagger dagger build. I can hold my own in 1v1, and in some 2v1. I can kill even soulbeasts with it if I dont do any mistakes and they are not main rangers (those guys know what they do). Yet as you said, the amount of skill and energy I put is way more than any other profession. I tried soulbeast last night, oh boy... Rock gazelle + snow owl made my day really. I tried every profession in the last week actually, except warrior. And what i learned is that ele needs adjustments. Not just buffs but real adjustments/rewrites.



> Try weaver d/d with Unravel.

> It needs some exercise to memorize and chain combos; unravel, dual attacks, leaps ... but dagger dual attacks are really really strong, and unravel is quite good actually, it helps for example to reset CD and attune directly in water for cleansing/healing, air for the schoking aura, fire earth for leaps, etc.


Gonna give it a try. Actually I was thinking about using s/d but d/d is my favorite so gonna try that. All I need to do is to force myself to try weaver again. It still feels clunkier than normal ele :(

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> @"alain.1659" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > @"alain.1659" said:

> > > I still play my old main ele in wvw as a roamer. But only build that works for me is the old dagger dagger build. I can hold my own in 1v1, and in some 2v1. I can kill even soulbeasts with it if I dont do any mistakes and they are not main rangers (those guys know what they do). Yet as you said, the amount of skill and energy I put is way more than any other profession. I tried soulbeast last night, oh boy... Rock gazelle + snow owl made my day really. I tried every profession in the last week actually, except warrior. And what i learned is that ele needs adjustments. Not just buffs but real adjustments/rewrites.

> >

> >

> > Try weaver d/d with Unravel.

> > It needs some exercise to memorize and chain combos; unravel, dual attacks, leaps ... but dagger dual attacks are really really strong, and unravel is quite good actually, it helps for example to reset CD and attune directly in water for cleansing/healing, air for the schoking aura, fire earth for leaps, etc.


> Gonna give it a try. Actually I was thinking about using s/d but d/d is my favorite so gonna try that. All I need to do is to force myself to try weaver again. It still feels clunkier than normal ele :(


S/d is more "duelling" set up, of course with sustain armor etc you can handle 1v2~3~4 but in wvw it is nothing compare to d/d core or weaver.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > > @"alain.1659" said:

> > > > I still play my old main ele in wvw as a roamer. But only build that works for me is the old dagger dagger build. I can hold my own in 1v1, and in some 2v1. I can kill even soulbeasts with it if I dont do any mistakes and they are not main rangers (those guys know what they do). Yet as you said, the amount of skill and energy I put is way more than any other profession. I tried soulbeast last night, oh boy... Rock gazelle + snow owl made my day really. I tried every profession in the last week actually, except warrior. And what i learned is that ele needs adjustments. Not just buffs but real adjustments/rewrites.

> > >

> > >

> > > Try weaver d/d with Unravel.

> > > It needs some exercise to memorize and chain combos; unravel, dual attacks, leaps ... but dagger dual attacks are really really strong, and unravel is quite good actually, it helps for example to reset CD and attune directly in water for cleansing/healing, air for the schoking aura, fire earth for leaps, etc.

> >

> > Gonna give it a try. Actually I was thinking about using s/d but d/d is my favorite so gonna try that. All I need to do is to force myself to try weaver again. It still feels clunkier than normal ele :(


> S/d is more "duelling" set up, of course with sustain armor etc you can handle 1v2~3~4 but in wvw it is nothing compare to d/d core or weaver.


Well I tried weaver but I need to relarn the class entirely. Or at least I feel like that. My reflexes are attuned with dd core ele so it is not easy for me.


And also weaver is not that great. Apart from bunker the 1v1 potential is not on par with other PoF professions.


Ele desperately needs buffs and rewrites. Sadly I still love the friggin profession.


Thanks for the advice friend :)

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Staff ele killing people in a zerg is more like karma train soft bunnies vs null wvw templates and combat skill knowledge. Try landing that damage vs Havoc teams or a GvG guild. With barrier spammer squads you are just tickling. Also your damage and buffs aren't solo that's shared by your zerg. Hugs revenent

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> I think ele is still extremely useful to gather nodes, oneshot ambiant creatures and capping stuffs when there's no one else around.


Lol ele is not meta at these. Gathering node classes are thief, guard, engi, mes, and rev because they have many acccess to quickness, teleports, stealth, and blocks. It sucks at one shotting critters because cast time too high compared to everyone else. Capping points metas are still your theives, revs, and mes because high mobility


truely a trash class.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > I think ele is still extremely useful to gather nodes, oneshot ambiant creatures and capping stuffs when there's no one else around.


> Lol ele is not meta at these. Gathering node classes are thief, guard, engi, mes, and rev because they have many acccess to quickness, teleports, stealth, and blocks. It sucks at one shotting critters because cast time too high compared to everyone else. Capping points metas are still your theives, revs, and mes because high mobility


> truely a trash class.


I always though gurd was the end all be all for ambient creature killing.

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WvW alone.


You can roam and win very very slowly your 1v1 vs certain classes as a Sword Dagger. So metas can absorb all of your damage by simple face tanking, such as Chrono/Mirage, Holo/Scrapper, DH/mediguard, Warrior/Berserker/SB, Druid?soulbeast, Reaper/Scourge, PowerRev or Condi rev. Thieves to have to cc stun spam you and dodge or out run you. If they have a bit of tough or sustain you are hoop in a fight. It will take too long and you will eventually get over powered by 1v2 or 1v3 and must flee like a potatoe rolling around.


Or you can play Scepter Weaver and pray no fighting strong condi or sustain or ccs. With that you can be a mosquito and spike people down 1k at a time. Your foe trolled into chasing you will die. Unless it's a meta and it will last forever.


Scepter weaver spends like 2 mins damaging me down to 40% hp and i just dodge roll and instantly fully heal. I land 2-3 weak sword hits on it and it lose like 65% hp and it begins to runaround frantically for another 1-2 mins. Repeat and rinse and that's an infinite ele fight (1-2hours or more)


But if you fight new players or playerss with awful glass builds with zero sustain. Weaver will like a god. You can mimic the feeling by playing Hammer Scrapper. Feels way strong team supports in wvw.


Other than giving us more condi types of damage, faster attack speed and or damage. less telegraphic moves. Increase armor/accessory stats effect on ele skills. I don't thing we can really improve this. Since every other meta is an ele witth great boons, sustain, hp, movement skills with faster cool downs.


I can only hope Anet rekindles our primal powers in the next expansion. Give us a weapon that will be hard hitting like a GS or Hammer. I want to see large numbers, AOE damage and crazy AOE CC. I want to see heads exploded from being overwhelmed by a mere ele. And please give us an elite with lower cd something like 32 or 40 so we can use it lol.


And very spicy visual effects!


![](https://i2.wp.com/blackandyellowotakugamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/konosuba03007.gif "")




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> @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > Marauder/Zerk Staff Weaver or Heal Tempest.

> >

> > Both are very good.


> both out of meta and wont be used by elite guilds. elementalist is DEAD


Lol, so wrong. Both are still meta, and heal tempest is still used by "elite" guilds.

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > Marauder/Zerk Staff Weaver or Heal Tempest.

> > >

> > > Both are very good.

> >

> > both out of meta and wont be used by elite guilds. elementalist is DEAD


> Lol, so wrong. Both are still meta, and heal tempest is still used by "elite" guilds.


hmm no ... good ol tempest is outclassed by scrapper and weaver by scourge and both by a long way . ele is RIP and will be RIP for has long has ANET makes them a REAL unit . not an absolute joke of a unit. and im one of the oldest ele in the game prob... and yes ele is off meta in EU,NA and CN/asia

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> @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> > > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > > Marauder/Zerk Staff Weaver or Heal Tempest.

> > > >

> > > > Both are very good.

> > >

> > > both out of meta and wont be used by elite guilds. elementalist is DEAD

> >

> > Lol, so wrong. Both are still meta, and heal tempest is still used by "elite" guilds.


> hmm no ... good ol tempest is outclassed by scrapper and weaver by scourge and both by a long way . ele is RIP and will be RIP for has long has ANET makes them a REAL unit . not an absolute joke of a unit. and im one of the oldest ele in the game prob... and yes ele is off meta in EU,NA and CN/asia


Doesn't matter if it is outclassed or not, Tempest is still used by guilds in EU and Weaver for blobs. I'm just disregarding your previous comment here about both being out of meta, which is most definitely not true.

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Yes of course... used but the other classes are strongly favored . top weavers probably have Jedi skills :P yea im in NA and not EU ... weaver/tempest is badly looked at compared to the other meta classes.... might it be in T1 or T4 . i personnaly truly hate weaver but you are right for blobs they are good... for real tactical zergs they are much less. tempest can be usefull we can all agree if support is your fun tho . ministrel ele ... so much fun :P i saw guild leaders kicking out ele players unless they change :P. Strangely enough FB-SCRAPPER-SCOURGE-REV are the current META. you may ask any commanders :P i might be wrong tho... im wrong often...

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> @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> Yes of course... used but the other classes are strongly favored . top weavers probably have Jedi skills :P yea im in NA and not EU ... weaver/tempest is badly looked at compared to the other meta classes.... might it be in T1 or T4 . i personnaly truly hate weaver but you are right for blobs they are good... for real tactical zergs they are much less. tempest can be usefull we can all agree if support is your fun tho . ministrel ele ... so much fun :P i saw guild leaders kicking out ele players unless they change :P. Strangely enough FB-SCRAPPER-SCOURGE-REV are the current META. you may ask any commanders :P i might be wrong tho... im wrong often...


Commanders in EU are always asking for Tempests and Scrappers—for the auras and heals they provide, as well as the superspeed. Even in full squads, it is beneficial to have a few Tempests there, because the sustain is crazy and so is the superspeed, which can be used during a fight for second pushes and tactical retreats. Don't forget that casting the skill activates it instantly and is also a break stun. Unlike us, Scrappers have to wait for one of their skills to end for the superspeed to work, so we have the advantage there. Plus, we share it with ten people when traited.


You won't get kicked in EU for playing this. It's the opposite.


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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"LordTemujin.5498" said:

> > Yes of course... used but the other classes are strongly favored . top weavers probably have Jedi skills :P yea im in NA and not EU ... weaver/tempest is badly looked at compared to the other meta classes.... might it be in T1 or T4 . i personnaly truly hate weaver but you are right for blobs they are good... for real tactical zergs they are much less. tempest can be usefull we can all agree if support is your fun tho . ministrel ele ... so much fun :P i saw guild leaders kicking out ele players unless they change :P. Strangely enough FB-SCRAPPER-SCOURGE-REV are the current META. you may ask any commanders :P i might be wrong tho... im wrong often...


> Commanders in EU are always asking for Tempests and Scrappers—for the auras and heals they provide, as well as the superspeed. Even in full squads, it is beneficial to have a few Tempests there, because the sustain is crazy and so is the superspeed, which can be used during a fight for second pushes and tactical retreats. Don't forget that casting the skill activates it instantly and is also a break stun. Unlike us, Scrappers have to wait for one of their skills to end for the superspeed to work, so we have the advantage there. Plus, we share it with ten people when traited.


> You won't get kicked in EU for playing this. It's the opposite.



EU not as toxic of NA and offten the builds are not as "toxiced" aimed. But there are a lot more ppl on NA and this is mostly an NA forms so... wishfull thinking.


Sadly scraper may only bring 5 target super speed but its on a MUCH lower cd 8 sec for 5 sec super speed x 2 as well as 2 active tool belt effects that brake stuns and give out super speed both on the same or lower cd then eye of the storm. That and scraper often comes with high out going healing from that super speed it puts on it self making scraper into the best healing class in the game. There a LOT more to add too why you take a scraper over a tempest is kind of sad that super speed the "tempest thing" is comply out done by a tankly melee class who was build as the slower moving class and more selfish aimed. Yet we leave out all the other effect scraper / eng has over tempest that its out right sicking to think they are balanced by the same gaming devs from the same game.


The super speed alone was anet saying they hate the ele class many times over but its soo much more deeper then that. The type of real neglected and hate that you would not wish on other classes as an ele. You can out right use the ideal of ele balancing in gw2 as a word of cures to talk about players game play or what you wish harm to there builds balancing.


"I wish ele balancing on you" should be censored for sure.

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