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Rank all the classes for most OP WvW 1 vs 1 impromptu fights Mid 2019 (External Poll)

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> @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> You could then say class X has the most favorable matchups in most environments, therefore it's the strongest, but then people would adapt by playing more builds with favorable match ups against that class and it wouldn't be that strong in practice anymore.

Which is why there cant be consensus. Its impossible. Peoples judgement is heavily clouded by what *they* run. Even trying to create a "generic threat list" doesnt really work. Only the very best roamer that literally run all classes on all builds would be able to truly tell the full story and they dont exist. People always favor something and if that has a counter well thats OP.

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Well, I mean I kinda agree with the poll results. Sorta. I voted a few days back:

Engineer -> Warrior -> Ranger -> Mesmer -> Thief -> Revenant -> Elementalist -> Guardian -> Necromancer.

The mesmer hate is a little off-putting, but I'm glad to see the silent majority don't find rangers to be quite as omnipotent as some would claim.


~ Kovu

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roaming on wvw will always favor mesmer, thief and ranger since they can stealth and move 10 miles away - they can leave if they are doing poor on the 1v1 so they dont die... or they can engage from a distance getting random people without even noticing :)


if it was on a arena that you couldnt escape, things could be different... but thats not the case

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People are predictable.As soon as they are put on an even match and have to fight a fair fight and can't have easy wins they get mad . This forum is full of it. Nerf the other class because its not easy any more but Anet better not don't touch my favorite class. These polls are meaning less because the people here are already biased .

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> roaming on wvw will always favor mesmer, thief and ranger since they can stealth and move 10 miles away - they can leave if they are doing poor on the 1v1 so they dont die... or they can engage from a distance getting random people without even noticing :)


> if it was on a arena that you couldnt escape, things could be different... but thats not the case

That doesnt really make them OP in the actual 1v1 though, just adept at roaming in general. Any sensible person will turn 180, disengage and mount up as well when an enemy try to ooc.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> People are predictable.As soon as they are put on an even match and have to fight a fair fight and can't have easy wins they get mad . This forum is full of it. Nerf the other class because its not easy any more but Anet better not don't touch my favorite class. These polls are meaning less because the people here are already biased .


Well...I'm a necro main and you would think I would've placed ranger top but I voted as objectively as I could, based on which class currently had the least hard counters and had meta builds that could comfortably put up a good fight against a large variety of opponents in an impromptu encounter.


This was my ranking.


1) Engineer


Oppressive close-mid range skills coupled with high mobility makes this a fearsome combatant. Already a top tier fighter, what pushed this to number one was the increased sustain and condi management now made available.


2) Revenant


Originally one of the kings of power builds, they come with an extremely strong skill set capable of handling any encounter. What held them back previously was their weakness to condition foes. Now that condi clear is more readily available and condi builds are more balanced, there is little standing in its way.


3) Mesmer


Top tier in just about every aspect, whether they ran power, condi or hybrid, they are a force to be reckoned with. Nothing more needs to be said about this class.


4) Ranger


I've ranked them just out of the top 3 as mounts have nerfed their opening range advantage somewhat. Other than that, there is not much difference separating them from the others above. Be it LB/GS or Boonbeasts, they have few weaknesses.


5) Elementalist


They seemed to have fallen off the radar recently with all the new fotm classes taking centrestage, but are actually still capable of holding its own in a large variety of impromptu fights.


6) Warrior


The hype train has been going on with all the berserker buffs and stuff but against opponents who know how to fight, they can still be caught out as being too 1 dimensional.


7) Guardian


Guardians have seen some love with the true shot buffs. However, what separates this class from the rest above is its relatively low sustain. And with the increasing ease of access to unblockable, they can face a tougher time out there.


8) Thief


I've ranked them this low, not because they are bad fighters. But because there are too many classes that can oppress them hard. Any class in the top 3 have enough in their kit to end them in a couple of blows. A top thief can still work wonders though.


9) Necromancer


Necros are here. But don't think less of us. We bite and got a good chance to keel anyone above depending on our builds. We just don't have a single build that can do decently against the wide variety of foes out there in an impromptu encounter.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> People are predictable.As soon as they are put on an even match and have to fight a fair fight and can't have easy wins they get mad . This forum is full of it. Nerf the other class because its not easy any more but Anet better not don't touch my favorite class. These polls are meaning less because the people here are already biased .


People are biased, but these polls exist in an attempt to take everyone's opinion and make an average out of it. You can't seriously believe that only necro, ele and guardian mains are voting here. They are last for a reason.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"Mokk.2397" said:

> > People are predictable.As soon as they are put on an even match and have to fight a fair fight and can't have easy wins they get mad . This forum is full of it. Nerf the other class because its not easy any more but Anet better not don't touch my favorite class. These polls are meaning less because the people here are already biased .


> People are biased, but these polls exist in an attempt to take everyone's opinion and make an average out of it. You can't seriously believe that only necro, ele and guardian mains are voting here. They are last for a reason.


Polls like this have never been an accurate representation of the facts Because the statistic is taken over to small of a demographic. 128 responses out of a possible 1.5 million GW2 players ? That can hardly be taken as accurate .People that participate in these polls tend to be the same people that frequent these forums and have a uninformed opinion based on inaccurate toxic testimonials .This particular forum is full of toxic threads about certain classes being "OP" that produce evidence that is highly questionable .It's easier to band wagon than it is to really find out the facts. and these bias opinions spill over into these polls .This is a problem that is even occurring in the real world with increasing frequency.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Thief not being able win most 1v1 because it can disengage is a rediculous reason.


Not it is not, being able to escape all fights and being able to catch up to most runners has to come with a drawback. Compare a slow class and a fast class and make them both equally strong in Terms of skills, the faster class clearly has the upper Hand.


> Most classes have ways to disengage these days, maybe not quite as well as thief but great non the less. I can distance myself very far from a opponent on warrior using gs,stampede ranger with gs,bird mesmer dont have to explain,holo or scourge have invisibility and leaps list goes on.


Not quite as well as thief is the Point here. The only way to escape a thief is via at least 5s stealth. Distance as far as you want with your warrior, thief can cover that distance in way less time. So it HAS to be weaker in direct contact-fights.


> Theirs a good reason all rogue archetypes in all games have mobility,low hp/sustain and hit hard. No class should be at a disadvantage vs all or most classes in a fight just because it has mobility....


Yes it should.


> People are so biased towards the claseed they play and the ones they dont like fighting lol gets embarressing reading people's reasoning for such lmao


I am not biased at all, I like fighting against each of the 9 classes similarly, you are the only one giving biased "thief is soooo bad" complaints.


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> @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Thief not being able win most 1v1 because it can disengage is a rediculous reason.


> Not it is not, being able to escape all fights and being able to catch up to most runners has to come with a drawback. Compare a slow class and a fast class and make them both equally strong in Terms of skills, the faster class clearly has the upper Hand.


> > Most classes have ways to disengage these days, maybe not quite as well as thief but great non the less. I can distance myself very far from a opponent on warrior using gs,stampede ranger with gs,bird mesmer dont have to explain,holo or scourge have invisibility and leaps list goes on.


> Not quite as well as thief is the Point here. The only way to escape a thief is via at least 5s stealth. Distance as far as you want with your warrior, thief can cover that distance in way less time. So it HAS to be weaker in direct contact-fights.


> > Theirs a good reason all rogue archetypes in all games have mobility,low hp/sustain and hit hard. No class should be at a disadvantage vs all or most classes in a fight just because it has mobility....


> Yes it should.


> > People are so biased towards the claseed they play and the ones they dont like fighting lol gets embarressing reading people's reasoning for such lmao


> I am not biased at all, I like fighting against each of the 9 classes similarly, you are the only one giving biased "thief is soooo bad" complaints.



The fact u wrote it is fine that thief should lose every solo engagement when it can disengage led me to not read the rest. Mist if not all the other classes that are great at 1v1 can also disengage easily these days,if u cant with them that's your l2p issue. A class designed on just disengaging but being disadvantaged in almost every fight is a ridiculous notion. Does that sound fun to u? I kno ur prob not a thief fan but I'm sure u would agree playing a class that cant Stanton toe to toe with almost anything because it could run away is boring and makes zero sense.why not just delete the class, especially since revs etc are now better for the +1 role than thief is.

Playing a class in a mmo that's based around combat that is only meant to disengage is stupid.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I kno ur prob not a thief fan but I'm sure u would agree playing a class that cant Stanton toe to toe with almost anything because it could run away is boring and makes zero sense.

I assume that Stanton is the thieves own codeword for the teleport dance, doing the Stanton.


Otherwise it should be.



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> @"Prinzsecond.4863" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Thief not being able win most 1v1 because it can disengage is a rediculous reason.


> Not it is not, being able to escape all fights and being able to catch up to most runners has to come with a drawback. Compare a slow class and a fast class and make them both equally strong in Terms of skills, the faster class clearly has the upper Hand.


> > Most classes have ways to disengage these days, maybe not quite as well as thief but great non the less. I can distance myself very far from a opponent on warrior using gs,stampede ranger with gs,bird mesmer dont have to explain,holo or scourge have invisibility and leaps list goes on.


> Not quite as well as thief is the Point here. The only way to escape a thief is via at least 5s stealth. Distance as far as you want with your warrior, thief can cover that distance in way less time. So it HAS to be weaker in direct contact-fights.


> > Theirs a good reason all rogue archetypes in all games have mobility,low hp/sustain and hit hard. No class should be at a disadvantage vs all or most classes in a fight just because it has mobility....


> Yes it should.


> > People are so biased towards the claseed they play and the ones they dont like fighting lol gets embarressing reading people's reasoning for such lmao


> I am not biased at all, I like fighting against each of the 9 classes similarly, you are the only one giving biased "thief is soooo bad" complaints.



The fact u wrote it is fine that thief should lose every solo engagement when it can disengage led me to not read the rest. Mist if not all the other classes that are great at 1v1 can also disengage easily these days,if u cant with them that's your l2p issue. A class designed on just disengaging but being disadvantaged in almost every fight is a ridiculous notion. Does that sound fun to u? I kno ur prob not a thief fan but I'm sure u would agree playing a class that cant Stanton toe to toe with almost anything because it could run away is boring and makes zero sense.why not just delete the class, especially since revs etc are now better for the +1 role than thief is.

Playing a class in a mmo that's based around combat that is only meant to disengage is stupid.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’ve been seeing a lot of Soulbeasts is OP threads and would like to remind you guys of this very recent poll by 100+ respondents which is quite significant for the WvW forum goers, that rangers are not even in the top 3 spot.











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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I’ve been seeing a lot of Soulbeasts is OP threads and would like to remind you guys of this very recent poll by 100+ respondents which is quite significant for the WvW forum goers, that rangers are not even in the top 3 spot.


> 2.8Mesmer

> 3.3Engineer

> 3.5Warrior

> 3.6Ranger

> 5.3Revenant

> 5.3Thief

> 6.7Elementalist

> 6.9Guardian

> 7.5Necromancer


This seems like a pretty accurate list though if rangers switched with mesmers. It's funny cuz if the list was based on what class is most fun u could literally just flip it lol

Least in my useless opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I’ve been seeing a lot of Soulbeasts is OP threads and would like to remind you guys of this very recent poll by 100+ respondents which is quite significant for the WvW forum goers, that rangers are not even in the top 3 spot.

> >

> > 2.8Mesmer

> > 3.3Engineer

> > 3.5Warrior

> > 3.6Ranger

> > 5.3Revenant

> > 5.3Thief

> > 6.7Elementalist

> > 6.9Guardian

> > 7.5Necromancer


> This seems like a pretty accurate list though if rangers switched with mesmers. It's funny cuz if the list was based on what class is most fun u could literally just flip it lol

> Least in my useless opinion.


That’s true for me as well. I find necro and guard fun to play. Simple and cool classes. Staff ele can be lots of fun too.

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