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Do you Harvest less or differently now that you have a Mount?

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It depends on where I am. In the PoF zones, I harvest when there are no enemies nearby, which means I hardly ever harvest there. There is little that is worth getting into a 5 minute battle over. In Tyria, I still harvest everything. While Mithril itself is no longer worth the bother, I have a sprocket pickaxe, and the sprockets are worth it. I have managed to avoid HoT zones since PoF released, but I would harvest as usual there I think.

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The dismount you get from harvesting seems fluid to me and not a bother at all. If I have to kill a few mobs before I mount up again, that's fine. I would have had to kill them before I had mounts too. I do more dedicated farming runs on core maps now because it's so much easier. It's faster and terrain is less of an obstacle. That and I can breeze through mobs that normally I would have thought twice about before because jackal ...wheeeee!

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Tyncale.1629 said:

> > Mm, probably should have added a 7th option of "I am harvesting more now" . I hope those people will indeed choose option 5 (changed my tune) and post about it. It is very interesting to read how people harvest (since PoF). I guess the Mount speed is a big boon for serious harvesters.


> For someone who only plays Warrior - a class without a runspeed signet - it is a huuuuuuuuge boon.


Have you considered the trait that provides a speed buff while a melee weapon is equiped?

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I don't really find it a hassle to re-mount as I've got that bound to one of my side mouse-buttons. I pretty much harvest the same as I always have.


I mean, I do sometimes skip more stuff in PoF maps specifically (namely Mithril) because of the aggro range, overall mob power level, and lack of ability to mount while in combat. But that's specific to PoF maps, so that's not technically a "change" to my overall harvesting habits. There are other maps in the game where I don't necessarily harvest everything I see, like some of the LS3 maps where its not always as easy to get to some of the nodes as just walking up to them.

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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > I harvest the exact same.

> > If I see something that is worth my time to me, I go for it. If not, I keep on going.


> But that has changed too. Is it worth now to stop for Mithril? I don't think so in most cases, its price has dropped from about 85 copper to 25 copper since PoF.

> You cannot earn money with it and I already have more than enough refined stuff. The price of deldrimor steel has dropped too, from about 7 gold to under 5 gold last I checked.


> I can say I don't harvest as much as before. I used to stop for everything and walked unneccessary paths for it. I have Unbound Magic gathering tools and only got 4k Unbound Magic since PoF, that's little compared to pre-PoF times and indicates how rarely I farm now. Materials seem to come mainly from salvaging now, and many people throw their hoarded mats on the market to get the griffon. That includes myself, I sold 20 deldrimor steel ingots for 5 gold each. A week before I sold some for 7 gold. If I had better market skills, I could have got 40 gold more for my stuff. People who have thousands of gold are probably buying that stuff now, and expect that prices will rise again, while the majority sells cheap to cash in. A griffon now is better than a griffon in 2 months ^^


> I believe it will take a few more weeks before prices bounce back, and then I will start gathering more again. I should gather mats now and hoard, but I'm just too lazy.



Mithil I still do actually as I have someone that needs a ton and it's easier to just get off the middle of the road with PoF now when I'm there, but even if I decided not to touch it at all, it's not because of the mounts and more because of the abundance of it in Elon.

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The wording of the poll is a bit odd, since it requires agreeing with the reason for the gameplay. It might be better to have used more neutral phrasing:

* My harvesting habits remain the same.

* I harvest as often, but I've had to change how I go about it.

* I harvest less often.

* I harvest more often.


Then people could post an explanation of the why or how.


Mounts change everything for me: the harvesting itself takes the same amount of time, my forward progress is slowed down considerably, so it's a bigger percentage delay than pre-PoF. On the other hand, when I'm specifically farming (e.g. for a daily or to visit all the rich iron nodes), then I'd be able to reach more nodes more easily in a shorter period of time.


In other words: less harvesting while going from A to B and probably more harvesting when farming (or, at worst, time is spent more efficiently).

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When I am out harvesting, it is so much less tedious to ride and raptor-leap past the empty map areas and heavy monster populations. If anything, I am harvesting more. I am also fighting more mobs than ever before, due to the mounting restrictions. On foot, I used to completely ignore them and tank my way through, dragging feet because my pet was hanging back and fighting and slowing me down. This way is still faster, and I end up with a pack full of drops in addition to my harvested items.

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In pof zones I'm still exploring and working on story so that's my main focus there. Getting mastery points and hero points as I discover them. Switched mains and my new one is only in mid 60s map competion. So I'm pretty much focused in core maps to unlocking wps and I'll grab hero points and pois as I come across them. Havent done much gathering in either areas unless for daily gathering

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