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Swipe change

Jack Redline.5379

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None of the above, swipe is meant to be a trade-off and as such serve a different purpose to steal. It is suppose to be a close range unpreventable steal that, in conjunction with traits, allows the daredevil to break through the enemies defense (blocking) setting up the daredevil for continued offense where without it he would have had to stop.


What actually needs to change are the daredevil traits, and especially staff to enable this play style in spvp/wvw. Anet clearly wants the daredevil to be a bruiser or a duelist judging by the heap of damage reduction traits we got, however it was not enough. I am confident that we will get more buffs until daredevil becomes good enough in this regard, but overbufing swipe is not the way to do it.


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> @"foste.3098" said:

> None of the above, swipe is meant to be a trade-off and as such serve a different purpose to steal. It is suppose to be a close range unpreventable steal that, in conjunction with traits, allows the daredevil to break through the enemies defense (blocking) setting up the daredevil for continued offense where without it he would have had to stop.


> What actually needs to change are the daredevil traits, and especially staff to enable this play style in spvp/wvw. Anet clearly wants the daredevil to be a bruiser or a duelist judging by the heap of damage reduction traits we got, however it was not enough. I am confident that we will get more buffs until daredevil becomes good enough in this regard, but overbufing swipe is not the way to do it.


Problem is, breaking through enemy defenses means nothing if there is nothing to back it up. In other words, if they really wanted swipe to be a way to disrupt blocks then it should have a daze built-in to interrupt them, yet you're forced to go trickery for it making the whole unblockable thing pretty much useless since trickery also offers boon rip to remove aegis.


Also what are those suggestions man lol the only one close to being reasonable is the first one, in the sense that if they're reworking steal to be a combat oriented skill then so be it, take away our stolen stuff and give us a *real* combat skill that helps close gaps and disrupt the enemy.

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> @"Creaitov.6328" said:

> Problem is, breaking through enemy defenses means nothing if there is nothing to back it up.

Agreed, perhaps the best way to make swipe a defense break is to have it cancel and remove any block effect (but not trigger interrupt effects) if it is used against a target that would have blocked it.

For example if you swipe on to a warrior during his shield stance skill the block channel ends and the skill goes on a full cooldown (as if the warrior canceled the channel), or if used against ages then it just removes the ages. This way traiting in to trickery would still benefit you as you would daze on top, which would proc interrupts, but not be mandatory as swipe would by would stop blocks.


Or they could simply make daredevil traits and skills more powerful and leave swipe as is, making it a legit trade off; pick daredevil and get a melee oriented duelist specialization for thief that can carry itself in a 1 vs 1 scenario without having to constantly run & reset or duck in to stealth for extended periods of time at the cost of a objectively worse steal ability.

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Being a simple unblockable Steal at half range was a terrible idea. I agree that if it's going to be unblockable, it needs an interrupt built in.


I'd suggest to not even make it "steal" anything at all. Instead, give it real purpose that can help the Daredevil survive... focused more on degrading the opponent than enhancing the Thief. Just have Swipe remove ALL boons from the opponent if it lands. Not steal or rip or anything... just remove them. All of them. Take away the unblockable ability to balance it out. That way, Basilisk Venom, Sleight of Hand, and Bountiful Theft still have meaning.

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Sorry, but none of the above.


I don't get why ANet felt the need to change the class skill to begin with. Not every elite spec needs it's class skill changed. Mirages get a new dodge mechanic, and Daredevils were meant to be similar. Heck, Scrappers got a ranged finisher/revive skill and their class skills were completely untouched.


The best thing ANet could do in the short-term is just revert it back to normal, at least until they can come up with a tradeoff that actually makes sense.


EDIT: Grammar, as per usual...

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> Okay, a trade off. That's fair.


> Question is, what have [we] gotten out of it? Expected reply of 'unblockable!' but I'd repeat....what have we gotten out of it?

The trade off is a 3rd dodge which is modified to ether be a leap finisher and deal damage with bound, a soft cc cleanse and mobility maneuver that reduces damage with dash, or whatever impaling lotus is suppose to be. That is the daredevil elite mechanic for which we give up steal for the objectively worse swipe.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > Okay, a trade off. That's fair.

> >

> > Question is, what have [we] gotten out of it? Expected reply of 'unblockable!' but I'd repeat....what have we gotten out of it?

> The trade off is a 3rd dodge which is modified to ether be a leap finisher and deal damage with bound, a soft cc cleanse and mobility maneuver that reduces damage with dash, or whatever impaling lotus is suppose to be. That is the daredevil elite mechanic for which we give up steal for the objectively worse swipe.


Which we ultimately gave up out of acrobatics making that traitline worse to create DD. Core got a traitline nerf so DD could exist, that's more than enough of a trade off.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Which we ultimately gave up out of acrobatics making that traitline worse to create DD. Core got a traitline nerf so DD could exist, that's more than enough of a trade off.


That is a bad line of logic to go by in regards to balance. Yes acrobatics got changed for daredevil to exist, but guess what so did water magic to make space for tempest and its auras, nature magic for rangers got repeatedly changed 1st because it was too synergistic in conjunction with druid and later to enable druid to be a better raid buffer, ect.

Also by that logic no elite spec should have any trade offs because you are spending a trait line slot for it instead for another line, which should be more than enough of a trade off right?


Besides acrobatics at this time is fine trait line, it serves a different function to what it was 6 years ago but you cannot call it bad by any measure.

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DD previous steal as well as this swipe joke is about as lazy as nerfing a core traitline (acro) to make the new espec itself relevant. F skill coulda transformed the DD staff into a guandau with it's own set of brawler king fu esq skills that has a set duration or somthing. Instead of stealing from a core trait line to create a new espec and ontop just use the same f skill as core,until now which is just a worse version. I'm glad u think my way of thinking regarding balancing is wrong foste cuz if u think nerfing and stealing a trait from a core trait to make a new one is a good way of doing things than I'd rather u not agree lol

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Uh, no, Feline Grace wasn't nerfed to make room for Daredevil, it was nerfed because it was an absurdly powerful trait that carried an otherwise underwhelming trait line on its own.


An extreme rework of steal is never going to be in the cards. Far too many traits are linked to steal being an aggressive ability that targets a foe. If you remove that the spec becomes pretty worthless immediately.

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> @"Ensign.2189" said:

> Uh, no, Feline Grace wasn't nerfed to make room for Daredevil, it was nerfed because it was an absurdly powerful trait that carried an otherwise underwhelming trait line on its own.


It's quite convenient that Feline Grace's third dodge was literally nerfed exactly when Daredevil was added which naturally gave three dodges, eh?


Yep, it was so absurdly powerful that Anet removed it from the game... only to add it back instantly... behind a paywall.


So an underwhelming traitline became even more underwhelming.

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I'd be happy if Swipe was upped to 900 range tbh. Unblockable isn't powerful all on its own - it requires that the thing being unblockable have some OOMPH to it - unblockable Death's Judgement was something to be feared. Maybe


Or if it came with 2k damage (that could be stacked with mug, but otherwise applied a pulm impact if it hit) or something. Heck, make landing Swipe deal 2k damage and give 2k barrier, if anet really wants to go with this whole brawler + weakness spam thing.

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> @"Curennos.9307" said:

> I'd be happy if Swipe was upped to 900 range tbh. Unblockable isn't powerful all on its own - it requires that the thing being unblockable have some OOMPH to it - unblockable Death's Judgement was something to be feared. Maybe


> Or if it came with 2k damage (that could be stacked with mug, but otherwise applied a pulm impact if it hit) or something. Heck, make landing Swipe deal 2k damage and give 2k barrier, if anet really wants to go with this whole brawler + weakness spam thing.


If it is going to add unblockability, then it needs to also make the next strike unblockable... or make everything unbloackable for the next 4 seconds like Unstoppable Union. Or grant Haste on Swipe, and make attacks for the next the next 2 seconds unblockable.


I really do like the idea of a pulsing Weakness AoE, though. Maybe even a stronger version of Weakness that guarantees denial of all crits.


My goodness, there are just so many great possibilities! Why can Anet not see them???


PS. I really, really want to be nice to Anet. As a whole, they are great, and GW2 is an amazing game! But whoever is balancing professions and making design decisions... they are seriously dropping the ball.

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > @"Curennos.9307" said:

> > I'd be happy if Swipe was upped to 900 range tbh. Unblockable isn't powerful all on its own - it requires that the thing being unblockable have some OOMPH to it - unblockable Death's Judgement was something to be feared. Maybe

> >

> > Or if it came with 2k damage (that could be stacked with mug, but otherwise applied a pulm impact if it hit) or something. Heck, make landing Swipe deal 2k damage and give 2k barrier, if anet really wants to go with this whole brawler + weakness spam thing.


> If it is going to add unblockability, then it needs to also make the next strike unblockable... or make everything unbloackable for the next 4 seconds like Unstoppable Union. Or grant Haste on Swipe, and make attacks for the next the next 2 seconds unblockable.


> I really do like the idea of a pulsing Weakness AoE, though. Maybe even a stronger version of Weakness that guarantees denial of all crits.


> My goodness, there are just so many great possibilities! Why can Anet not see them???


> PS. I really, really want to be nice to Anet. As a whole, they are great, and GW2 is an amazing game! But whoever is balancing professions and making design decisions... they are seriously dropping the ball.


Nice ones! Reminds me, Weakness - the condition - needs changes. It's super strong, but also super RNG. 50% chance to reduce attacks by 50% or...whatever. I think everyone would be much happier if it was just a flat reduction, for reliability reasons (it's painful to apply weakness, but have the 50% chance miss and get smashed by whatever my opponent has going).

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> Yep, it was so absurdly powerful that Anet removed it from the game... only to add it back instantly... behind a paywall.


Daredevil's 3rd dodge is nowhere near as powerful as Feline Grace. Don't insult everyone by pretending you are too stupid to understand that.



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> @"Ensign.2189" said:

> > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > Yep, it was so absurdly powerful that Anet removed it from the game... only to add it back instantly... behind a paywall.


> Daredevil's 3rd dodge is nowhere near as powerful as Feline Grace. Don't insult everyone by pretending you are too stupid to understand that.




Alas, the interwebs and their trolls. Can the insulted party please explain how Pre-HoT Feline Grace was, in itself, more powerful than the Daredevil's third dodge?

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> Alas, the interwebs and their trolls. Can the insulted party please explain how Pre-HoT Feline Grace was, in itself, more powerful than the Daredevil's third dodge?


Sure. Old Feline Grace was a power multiplier on every source of endurance gain. It did not just provide in effect a 3rd extra dodge off the bat, but increased base endurance regen, increased vigor potency, increased endurance gain from skills, and if allowed with Daredevil would have multiplied every endurance restoring trait it offered as well.

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> @"Ensign.2189" said:

> > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> > Alas, the interwebs and their trolls. Can the insulted party please explain how Pre-HoT Feline Grace was, in itself, more powerful than the Daredevil's third dodge?


> Sure. Old Feline Grace was a power multiplier on every source of endurance gain. It did not just provide in effect a 3rd extra dodge off the bat, but increased base endurance regen, increased vigor potency, increased endurance gain from skills, and if allowed with Daredevil would have multiplied every endurance restoring trait it offered as well.


Yes, old Feline Grace had synergy with other traits/effects. It was not more powerful than Daredevil's third dodge in itself. It's like Steal... it had to rely on other traits to make it so powerful. If Daredevil had all of the other old traits/effects excluding Feline Grace, it would be even more potent.


Could Daredevil combined with old Feline Grace combined be completely overpowered? With all of the old traits/regen/etc., yes, completely. Daredevil wouldn't even need the old Feline Grace to become overpowered. But yes, without the changes, Daredevil and old Feline Grace couldn't exist in a balanced game (not that the game is balanced anyway).


However, Feline Grace itself wan't more powerful than Daredevil's third dodge... especially with all of Daredevil's built-in endurance regen.


Once again, though, old Feline Grace (along with old Vigor) had to be removed from the game JUST so Daredevil as we know it could exist without being completely overpowered. And in doing so, it broke Acrobatics Core Thieves. I remember Sword Thieves being furious and disheartened by the change.


They could have just changed Vigor. They could have given Daredevil some unique function while keeping two dodges. They could have done several things without changing Feline Grace itself (or at least removing ALL of the endurance regen), and thus avoid kneecapping Core Acro Thieves. But they chose to wreck the line instead, allowing Daredevil to have the third dodge and endurance regen.

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> None of the above, swipe is meant to be a trade-off and as such serve a different purpose to steal. It is suppose to be a close range unpreventable steal that, in conjunction with traits, allows the daredevil to break through the enemies defense (blocking) setting up the daredevil for continued offense where without it he would have had to stop.


> What actually needs to change are the daredevil traits, and especially staff to enable this play style in spvp/wvw. Anet clearly wants the daredevil to be a bruiser or a duelist judging by the heap of damage reduction traits we got, however it was not enough. I am confident that we will get more buffs until daredevil becomes good enough in this regard, but overbufing swipe is not the way to do it.



Whats the point of an unblockable steal when the skill is instant. If you steal into a block its your own fault.


And the cases where a block isn't aegis, they are so friggin rare.


But to me,.none of the options are all that good in this poll


Hell, they could keep the 600 range change if thief is given a reason to stay so close to everything that can kill them so quickly.


Maybe a counter attack. Maybe a round house kick that restores ini if successfully landed.

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