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[Spoiler] No hint for what's after this episode?

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> @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> >

> > Umm.... Actually, that is up to Aurene at this point. I don't know how it worked with Glint, but Aurene has to become a mom for that.

> >

> > Edit: Elonan stability and maybe a cure for Taimi are most likely on the menu. Who knows? Maybe they can finally tie Zojja's loose ends in it?


> Perfect. We set Aurene up on a blind date. ;) Should we pair her up with Bubbles, Primo, or Jormie? Ooooh. We can get some zephyrite choirs to set the mood....

> A lighthearted rom-com is the perfect outro to this.....uh.....consecutive series of world-ending disasters we've had going on.


If only we knew of someplace where there were lots of dragons...

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> @"videoboy.4162" said:

> They dropped a massive hint in the end.


> (I was gonna post it, but I don't think I'm doing the spoiler tag right and don't want to ruin anything.)


What is it?


>! That we are going to see Aurene again for another Dragon mission? That there will be a next Elder Dragon (Bubbles) confrontation? That Taimi is going to leave her mortal body? That Aurene is the first of her kind and will change the status quo of Elder Dragons? That Elona's political system is in shambles and will have to be rebuild, meaning new possible conflicts?

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Notably absent recently? Marjory and Kasmeer. I expect that we'll hear what they've been up to soon.


I think the catalyst for the next story will be a result of the giant land mass striking down from the sky and hitting ley lines in the ocean.


This leads me to two separate possible thoughts. 1) Something Canthan oriented. Cantha is south of where we landed, and Marjory is of Canthan decent - possible she went back to her homeland and something is brewing there. 2) The landmass and leylines suggest potential dragon activity nearby - aka Steve. 3) Quite possible a combination of the both. Perhaps we awaken Steve who impacts Cantha.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"videoboy.4162" said:

> > They dropped a massive hint in the end.


> What is it?


@"videoboy.4162": Ooooh, now I know what you meant by "the end": not the Epilogue but...

>! ...when a dying Kralkatorrik tells Aurene: "I hope you never have to kill that what you love."


>! Yes! I was thinking the same thing, "Uh oh, that sounds a lot like a dark prophecy... (gulp)"



> @"Jemmi.6058" said:

> Notably absent recently? Marjory and Kasmeer.


Noticed this, too, and was wondering about their wereabouts. Also, Canach did not have a single line of dialogue in this episode.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I can see the first episode being about is helping out with the elonian politics. However, since we the character represent the world and are all over the place, we shouldn’t actually help with voting or anything. But, a big part of restoring the order and societal functions of Elona could be reclaiming lost cities and territories. For that reason, I expect the next episode to either add a new map in Vabbi, or expand the domain of vabbi map (since anet said they may expand existing maps some episodes instead of adding new ones every time). Give us the brand around there, with the story of the episode being more casual and slow. For once since we started our hero’s journey, one threat isn’t instantly replaced by another. Season 5 will/should (IMO) be about cleanup, smaller problems, and tying up story threads.


> If we get 6 episodes this season, I’d like to see/expect:


> Episode 1: expansion of the domain of vabbi, as I said


> Episode 2: checking in with Caithe at the grove, leading to a new map in the Heart of Maguuma - there’s a few possibilities, but I’d bet on them doing the gap that’s surrounded by TD, rata sum, and dry top. The story would mainly focus on finally addressing malyck.


> Episode 3: something in orr, I’d prefer a new map but I could get behind expanding another one (btw, if they start expanding maps are we going to have core maps get doubled in size or even bigger? If they put the same amount of work into it then as they do now, cover as much land...). This is the calm down and checkup season, lets see how Orr is. We killed zhaitain like 7 years ago and there are still risen all over Orr.


> Episode 4: mapping the space between rata sum and the grove. The Asura episode, update us on the inquest and what their leader is doing? And introduce new plot threads (anet ought to do that a little for each race so that season 5 doesn’t tie up loose threads and leave them with nothing).


> Episode 5: the norn episode, expanding on how they feel about jormag’s tooth breaking and then basically doing nothing (braham led a small expedition that didn’t even hurt him, that’s it?) expansion of existing map (or new one) into more of the deldrimor front. Why haven’t the norm expanded down there, just because of dredge? Maybe they can work together to keep the shiverpeaks as a whole safer.


> Episode 6: the only episode that will really deal with the “main” plot, leading us into expansion 3. It will vary based on what that expansion is, but my two most likely guesses are: it expands an Ascalon map into the mountains and almost into blood legion homelands before we get that land in the xpac. So the Charr episode, with the blood legion becoming a problem, an enemy. This could also be expansion 4 and a different LW season, if we go with Most Likely Option 2: the deep sea dragon. A map on the coast somewhere (Orrian coast, tarnished coast, elonian, wherever). Investigating reports of strange and horrifying creatures attacking boats and emerging on shore. We learn it’s the DSD’s minions and expansion 3 is the unending ocean against it.


Feel like a great schedule, but it's totally dead with asuras (hurt me to say that), in hot rata novus story they had a chance to unlock the door leading to deeper complex/the cube letting the thing in suspend. About inquest it wad planned in s4e2 to introduce phlunt as an high member of inquest, but the plot was restructured and many steps/good plots twists were deleted, removed from client in e3. We will never know who is their leader (through I imagine someone like phlunt), their researchs are always one step before us, when we arrived in sandswept they were already using kralky abilities, using it's crystals for weapons and studying on their awakened colleagues, also they made subject beta, delta soon. Even derv are from them, they were planning to fight dragons in the worst case. Rata novus and primus I think were for them the best, we will maybe never explore depths of tyria, quora sum or more things about asura (cf my expansion suggestion). I have no idea what we will do know if it's exploring steeve, charrs or norns. (Human and sylvaris are out for me, due to hot/pof)

About expanding core maps, the quality should be the Same or Better, I don't want to feel like a frontier between the original map and addition.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> We might have to deal with Elonian politics now for an episode, making sure the land is stabilizied. I could also imagine revisiting core maps since they have mentioned that we might not get a new map *every* episode. Ideal to have some clean up work, like maybe showing a bit more of a regenerated Orr or a cleansed Brand.


> Besides that we really can't know anything.


> Personally I hope we get frequent updates for whats next


i think Elonian politics are already set, since the undead shatterer interrupted it. im sure they took the topic to another location. lol

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> No hint for the future was unexpected, but it also made the ending feel complete. And, in a way, it feels like a proper ending to the entire GW2. They could very well announce GW3 tomorrow if they wanted.


true, but i feel they need to release another DLC, they are doing such a good job.

it just left me wanting more, keep in mind fire,ice,water dragon are still alive.

and if they want to not focus about dragons for a while, theres always cantha, and tengus as playable race. :)

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> I was hoping there's some hint for what or where things gonna happen after today's story, watched some live stream seems like theres nothing...

> Did the hint of Path of Fire happend right after the Season 3 finale?



So far, there was a cliffhanger leading towards next story at the end of LS1. There was another leading to HoT at the end of LS2. The same for LS3->Pof, and for PoF->LS4. So far, the only exception was at the end of HoT, which (as far as i can remember) didn't spoil what was going to happen next, in LS3.


So, while this clean ending situation is not happening for the first time, it's still quite unusual.




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I believe that the Elder dragons are not the real threat overall. I think that they either consume and kill and absorb as much magic to prevent whatever the real threat is from awakening. We will probably kill all the dragons, all the powers will be absorbed into Aurene, and we'll have to face off against an Eldritch God/Dragon that has existed since the birth of Tyria before Elder dragons/ major life races existed.


At this point the only thing that would be able to stand up to this would be Aurene due to her ability. After that thing dies, we may have to kill Aurene in the end.


Or at least that's what I would like to see anyway haha.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> There might be subtle hints for less grandios arcs in se5. I think a slower pace and less world ending threats and events need room to breathe.


> Going from one major world ending event to the next is kinda ehhhh.


Yes. And we always know that the world can not end. Because, if the world ends, that would also be the end for GW2. :)

So we would always win no matter the odds.




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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > There might be subtle hints for less grandios arcs in se5. I think a slower pace and less world ending threats and events need room to breathe.

> >

> > Going from one major world ending event to the next is kinda ehhhh.


> Yes. And we always know that the world can not end. Because, if the world ends, that would also be the end for GW2. :)

> So we would always win no matter the odds.





Or just the end of the beginning ;)

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I imagine the next episode will deal with the fallout of Kralk being gone -- namely, what happens to all the branded?


Eh... given how they handled the fallout from other major events (Mordrem, Forged, White Mantle, etc.), I don't think they'll immediately or directly show what happens to the branded unless we get a Siren's Landing type map that shows a previously branded area being restored (between Ebonhawke and Desert Highlands or south of the Desolation). Hopefully they don't just get written off like the other mentioned groups did without even a mention.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > There might be subtle hints for less grandios arcs in se5. I think a slower pace and less world ending threats and events need room to breathe.

> > >

> > > Going from one major world ending event to the next is kinda ehhhh.

> >

> > Yes. And we always know that the world can not end. Because, if the world ends, that would also be the end for GW2. :)

> > So we would always win no matter the odds.


> Or just the end of the beginning ;)


You mean the end of Guild Wars 2 and the beginning of Guild Wars 3? ;)

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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.


> Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.



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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> >

> > Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.


> where?


the damn lil dragon is the chosen one.


[You Are More Than I](

"You Are More Than I")

[Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you](

"Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you")


[Key Word]magicssssss

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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> > >

> > > Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.

> >

> > where?


> the kitten lil dragon is the chosen one.


> [You Are More Than I](

"You Are More Than I")

> [Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you](

"Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you")


that's pretty vague and it doesn't say she'll be the only "new" ED

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> > > >

> > > > Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.

> > >

> > > where?

> >

> > the kitten lil dragon is the chosen one.

> >

> > [You Are More Than I](

"You Are More Than I")

> > [Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you](

"Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you")


> that's pretty vague and it doesn't say she'll be the only "new" ED


she already is an Elder Dragon.

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> @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > > > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> > > > >

> > > > > Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.

> > > >

> > > > where?

> > >

> > > the kitten lil dragon is the chosen one.

> > >

> > > [You Are More Than I](

"You Are More Than I")

> > > [Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you](

"Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you")

> >

> > that's pretty vague and it doesn't say she'll be the only "new" ED


> she already is an Elder Dragon.


mate learn to read before replying

>she'll be the **only** "new" ED.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > > > > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.

> > > > >

> > > > > where?

> > > >

> > > > the kitten lil dragon is the chosen one.

> > > >

> > > > [You Are More Than I](

"You Are More Than I")

> > > > [Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you](

"Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you")

> > >

> > > that's pretty vague and it doesn't say she'll be the only "new" ED

> >

> > she already is an Elder Dragon.


> mate learn to read before posting

> >she'll be the **only** "new" ED.


guess we will leave that to the devs :)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Nazferatwo.1764" said:

> > > > > @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> > > > > Y'all forget. Balance requires the existence of 6 elder dragons. There are only 4. We kind of also have to fix that.

> > > >

> > > > Aurene was chosen one to hold all powers, they have said this multiple times.

> > >

> > > where?

> >

> > the kitten lil dragon is the chosen one.

> >

> > [You Are More Than I](

"You Are More Than I")

> > [Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you](

"Death Does not Stop you, The Magics Dont Torment you. they Belong to you")


> that's pretty vague and it doesn't say she'll be the only "new" ED


It doesnt say shes gonna be the only, hell it even teases that likely she wont be but it does say shes the only one at the time able to do so.

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