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Does this mean Unending Ocean and Bubbles Coming Next!!!!?

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The events of the story and the new map Dragonfall happen so close to the Unending Ocean portion of the map. This is the end of LW S4, so if S5 starts with a disturbance caused by this ending and builds up to the next expansion, we may FINALLY get a story with Bubbles and underwater exploration in GW 2 Expansion 3!!!! It's about TIMEEEE!! Largos world here we come!!!!

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Wouldn't get my hopes up. Location doesn't mean anything, especially not with literal islands that were ripped from another dimension.


Well I don't think that will be happening anymore.


But I do think this placement is kind of odd. Why the ocean? Why not an inland zone that we don't know of that just has masses of land thrown ontop of it? Was that Aurene creating a portal where she knew people would be safe from the falling debris? But how did she know Kralk was going to pull all of that in with him?


I also think, if Kralk was eating these domains during our chase, what's going to happen no that these domains have been tossed into the middle of the ocean? Seems like an enticing snack.

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