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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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The mastery should be hidden so people can still earn exp.


The time gate seams suitable to me atm. Gorik has to figure out what to do with the eggs so he needs time. I havent done the following collection so I don't know if they are thematicly appropriate after this.

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The mount isn't needed to do anything in the game. And by forcing a time gate to get the mount, Anet ensures sure you don't burn yourself out, you are spending time on other stuff and not going full-tilt OCD.


In that respect it's not a bad thing.


My only concern is will this become the norm? If it sets a precedent that is used for items that are really needed for progression in game then you can certainly point at this moment as being a terrible thing.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> >

> > ?


> -Releases more content for people to play

> -Stops people playing said content


> ?


>! -Context is raising a baby dragon from a hatchling

>! -This should happen in a day, on release preferably, ASAP at any rate

>!-"Stop trying to make me feel invested in a game! Just give me the damn thing NOW!"


>! ?

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"


> ?


I hope Anet timegates every single thing in the future so that ppl like you finally understand that a timer running, keeping you away from the content you want, is an awful idea.


I hope from now on you can only do one story instance a week and only get rewards for one meta event each day. At that pace the story will last 1 month instead of 1hr. Wouldn't that be great?

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> > >

> > > ?

> >

> > -Releases more content for people to play

> > -Stops people playing said content

> >

> > ?


> >! -Context is raising a baby dragon from a hatchling

> >! -This should happen in a day, on release preferably, ASAP at any rate

> >!-"Stop trying to make me feel invested in a game! Just give me the kitten thing NOW!"

> >!

> >! ?


Should completing the collection take years?


Crafting a normal set of armor should take weeks?


Cooking a feast takes a full day of continous work?


Crafting a normal ring takes hours or days as well?

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> >

> > ?


> I hope Anet timegates every single thing in the future so that ppl like you finally understand that a timer running, keeping you away from the content you want, is an awful idea.


> I hope from now on you can only do one story instance a week and only get rewards for one meta event each day. At that pace the story will last 1 month instead of 1hr. Wouldn't that be great?


Oh spare me the strawman. You'll get your Skyscale soon. You might even be the first guy in LA to hang off of the octopus bank area! Won't that be keen?

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > ROFLOL!!!!

> >

> > I am probably not going to even be able to START the stuff for the mount until Sunday and my major concern is if people will still be doing the story this weekend. All of you are complaining about 5 days? Please.

> >

> > [i would rather in not be story gated though, I like to do stories on my own schedule. Raise the cost of it if you want to.]


> No. People are complaining about five weeks. Stop thinking about yourself and your own schedule.


Back at you.


What I am saying is people are yelling about their schedule and not thinking that other people's schedules may not match the doitallinoneday mentality. When I (and a lot of people) get a new zone we want to explore it, do any unique events, and stuff like that. Yes, we care about gates (my pet peeve is story gates as I do not want to feel like I HAVE to accomplish the full story the first day and can instead enjoy it) but the last thing on my mind is a time gate.


Is it 5 weeks or 5 days? I have not seen the details yet but some people were saying 5 days and others were saying the earliest is this Sunday.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> > >

> > > ?

> >

> > -Releases more content for people to play

> > -Stops people playing said content

> >

> > ?


> >! -Context is raising a baby dragon from a hatchling

> >! -This should happen in a day, on release preferably, ASAP at any rate

> >!-"Stop trying to make me feel invested in a game! Just give me the kitten thing NOW!"

> >!

> >!


>! -Trying to justify a terrible design via "context"

>! -"I feel so invested not playing this game at all!"



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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"


> ?


Do explain, how is it _more_ content? It's just timegated. Timegate or not, you'd do the same exact content, but now you just log out, perhaps frustrated, the moment a timegate walls you from doing anything instead. It's not in any way shape or form more content. Pretty much nobody has said they want everything on release day either. These collections are massive enough on their own (and "Day 3" even has its own little timegate inside the timegated collection), so it'll take days for anyone that has a sleep schedule they like to maintain. For those with little time, it'll likely take a week or two. Most people are saying they hate this timegate system that ArenaNet has decided to use. That is what people want abolished. Not the amount of effort the collection itself actually takes. All this has done is create toxicity in the map chats where people are telling people in the nastiest way possible to quit playing the game if they mention they dislike the timegates. You see it here on the forums too, though more moderated. It's on Reddit, it's on Twitter, it's on Facebook. This timegate system was a terrible design decision by ArenaNet. Players are unhappy. A lot of them. And it literally serves no purpose other than delay you. There's no _more_ content that comes from it. It only serves to pressure some players into feeling as if they have to do a collection stage in a single day before reset, which is understandably frustrating if you don't got the time to do so, and to delay everyone. Again, how is it _more_ content?


In terms of keeping me invested and excited about new things, this has been the worst update since 2012 for me. Literally because of the daily reset timegates to progress further. They push me to do so much more of the collections in one sitting than I would have without the daily reset criteria being there, and I'm feeling burned out already. 2 days in.

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> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> >The more I read about the Skyscale, the more I'm starting to think I'm no longer the target audience for Guild Wars 2. Sad really as I've been a Guild Wars fan since 2004.


> This feeling starts to grow in me too.... I even don't want the skyscale but the Mastery blocks the XP bar for shards. So i feel i need to do it. If this would not be the case i would just ignore it (Like i do to the warclaw) like other thinks i do not want to do because they are no fun to me. But ''wasting'' all the xp on the pof maps feels also pretty bad and not satisfying too. **I feel more and more forced to do stuff i don't want to do....**


When I collected the last egg today and ported back to the main waypoint, I stood there and wondered what to do next. There was nothing I wanted to do anymore on the map, so I left the area. I don't even care about helping to set up the waypoints on the map, because I was "forced" to do that just to buy collection items. Anet keeps taking things out of the control of the player, and most humans don't react well to having control taken away. The story itself reflects that quite clearly, most of the time you don't even control your travel, you watch how the computer does it for you.


And about the xp: I don't care about shards, but all those xp should go into levelling the mastery instead of being wasted. After we get the mount, we have to get the xp to level it, spending even more time, while the xp we get now is completely lost. Not fun.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> > >

> > > ?

> >

> > I hope Anet timegates every single thing in the future so that ppl like you finally understand that a timer running, keeping you away from the content you want, is an awful idea.

> >

> > I hope from now on you can only do one story instance a week and only get rewards for one meta event each day. At that pace the story will last 1 month instead of 1hr. Wouldn't that be great?


> Oh spare me the strawman. You'll get your Skyscale soon. You might even be the first guy in LA to hang off of the octopus bank area! Won't that be keen?


No in fact I won't. I won't do the mount at all. I already didn't do the warclaw since it's useless in PvE so why would I do the skyscale? It has no apparent usage and its aquisition is an abomination. I'd rather waatch paint dry then wasting 20+ days of my time clicking through images on a 3rd party wevbsite to click on random items and then craft 10 seconds 20 days some mat and also, god knows what will be the next colltection that no one has unlocked so far.


I've already resumed to my usual MMO that I play inbetween the 4 months of content drought in GW2, I just returned a few days earlier than I would've when I would've gotten a new mount to give the same xyears old content and mechanics a new touch. But I guess that's not what Anet had in mind.

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The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .

> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> My only concern is will this become the norm? If it sets a precedent that is used for items that are really needed for progression in game then you can certainly point at this moment as being a terrible thing.

I'm not too worried about this. Anet seems to prefer mixing up their gates so it doesn't get stale, and if they did decide to go with precedent in the future they certainly have far worse examples from the recent past that they could follow . . .

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > > > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> > > >

> > > > ?

> > >

> > > I hope Anet timegates every single thing in the future so that ppl like you finally understand that a timer running, keeping you away from the content you want, is an awful idea.

> > >

> > > I hope from now on you can only do one story instance a week and only get rewards for one meta event each day. At that pace the story will last 1 month instead of 1hr. Wouldn't that be great?

> >

> > Oh spare me the strawman. You'll get your Skyscale soon. You might even be the first guy in LA to hang off of the octopus bank area! Won't that be keen?


> No in fact I won't. I won't do the mount at all.


Alright so you don't even have a chip in this game. Noted. Why does it concern you? What's the point of your commentary? If it wasn't timegated you would work towards the mount? The Warclaw isn't timegated.


You didn't do that for reason of function and if you think the same of the Skyscale, why does it matter to you at all?

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > > > "Man we really need more content! There's just nothing to do!"

> > > > > "What the hell, why can't I get every single new thing on release day?!"

> > > > >

> > > > > ?

> > > >

> > > > I hope Anet timegates every single thing in the future so that ppl like you finally understand that a timer running, keeping you away from the content you want, is an awful idea.

> > > >

> > > > I hope from now on you can only do one story instance a week and only get rewards for one meta event each day. At that pace the story will last 1 month instead of 1hr. Wouldn't that be great?

> > >

> > > Oh spare me the strawman. You'll get your Skyscale soon. You might even be the first guy in LA to hang off of the octopus bank area! Won't that be keen?

> >

> > No in fact I won't. I won't do the mount at all.


> Alright so you don't even have a chip in this game. Noted. Why does it concern you? What's the point of your commentary? If it wasn't timegated you would work towards the mount? The Warclaw isn't timegated.


> You didn't do that for reason of function and if you think the same of the Skyscale, why does it matter to you at all?


"Alright so you don't even have a chip in this game." Because that sentence is wrong and shows that you have no clue what you are talking about.


I've been playing this game since the beta and before I've played GW1 and I spend enough RL cash and enough time on this game. Obviously I want to play it but there just isn't enough incentive and new content, fresh idea and mechanics to do exactly that- If they release after 4 months 4hrs worth of content, 1hr of it high quality story and 3 hrs of the most boring and tedious chore of collections, that then get stretched out over anywhere between 10 days to months, then this is just such garbage game design, that as a paying customer I will leave a comment on the one place that is there for such feedback.


As I've said, if this mount would've been more fun to aquire, in whatever way this would've happened, which involves the lack of absolutely fun killing timegates as well as collections, I would've played the game longer. This did not happen. On top of that the mount is a gimmick and has no use, therefore the reward for all this tedious trouble is not balanced, making it even easier to leave the game once more until the next update hits.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .


I mean this thread and like 10 other threads alone are proof that it's causing harm in terms of the fact that no one is actually able to play the content created.


Again, the time gating is forcing players who actually want to invest time in this game to not invest time in it because they aren't simply hitting a wall that they can break later on, they are being completely stopped from progressing.



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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> -Trying to justify a terrible design via "context"

I didn't justify it. The context is as stated. Do you suppose the collection eludes to something else? Are they not trying to make the player feel invested per the collection? You can argue whether it was a good idea or not with someone else.


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Although I don't mind the time gate myself, I don't think it's a good way to make people play the game more or longer. I left that zone when I couldn't proceed any further in the quest, and will return to it tomorrow for the next collection. After getting it done, I'll leave the zone again to return the next day. If I have to spend 4 days crafting charged quartz, I will not enter the new map before I'm done with doing this.


I will not bend to that kind of manipulation, and I will not do any quests or kill any mobs in that map if it is not necessary for the collection.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think it's funny someone complains about the time gate ... I guess spending 250G is more to your liking?


From a brand new account, by the time I got to the end of PoF story, I had 500g in the bank. The collection for the Gryphon took me about a week, off and on, between doing fractals, WvW and metas.


The Beetle collection took me a weekend, 3 months after it was released, as I didn't really care about it and procrastinated that chapter of LW.


I was more interested in the Skyscale than the Beetle, but based on what I'm seeing of the collection, I may just give it a pass, since I already have the Gryphon.


EDIT: in addition, if you have enough resources and gold, you could technically craft any of the Gen 1 or Gen 2 legendary weapons in the same day. If you're very hardcore, you could even do the collections for the Gen 1 / 2 Precursors in the same day.


So now we are saying the Skyscale is more "prestigious" than legendary weapons?

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > -Trying to justify a terrible design via "context"

> I didn't justify it. The context is as stated. Do you suppose the collection eludes to something else? Are they not trying to make the player feel invested per the collection? You can argue whether it was a good idea or not with someone else.



But you just did. Stating that it's time gated because "we're raising a baby dragon" is literally an example of explaining the context of a design. It's a bad design and you tried to give it context. There's a degree of investment one can make until they stop feeling it. This isn't the case here. People feel invested then they get told to stop investing when they still can. That's the complete opposite effect of trying to make people feel invested, that's telling them all you can do now is waste time until they open that gate.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > -Trying to justify a terrible design via "context"

> > I didn't justify it. The context is as stated. Do you suppose the collection eludes to something else? Are they not trying to make the player feel invested per the collection? You can argue whether it was a good idea or not with someone else.

> >


> But you just did. Stating that it's time gated because "we're raising a baby dragon" is literally an example of explaining the context of a design.


I'm not justifying the sky when I point out that it's blue.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> The only really compelling argument I've seen against the time gate so far is that it is a lazy way to prolong the content and keep players invested in the map over a period of time, and I think that is a fair complaint. BUT, I haven't seen anyone present any reasonable alternative that accomplishes those goals nor have I seen anyone demonstrate that the time gate is causing any actual harm . . .


The harm it causes is burning players out within just a few days. I am in this boat. Due to the nature of the timegating being tied to needing to complete the previous stage before a daily reset, I feel compelled to push myself through collecting all the collectibles within just a single sitting, whereas otherwise I may have naturally spread it out over a few days as I did other content. That tires me and I barely feel like playing at the moment. I am just logging in and doing it to do it. Getting it to get it. There's no drive to do that other content anymore because I am spending so much time collecting the collectibles. Afterwards I just want to log out the moment that stupid timegate wall hits me. I've done my _job_ for the day, time to clock out and go home to relax.


The toxicity brewing in map chats all over the zones related to the collections aren't exactly good either. I haven't seen this high levels of nasty comments fired around.. I think ever. This clearly is upsetting people and then there's those it doesn't upset that are nasty in return to those who are upset, with no good reason either. There's no reason to defend the timegating as far as I can see. The timegating has nothing to do with instant gratification or effort put towards getting the mount. It is just a wall, preventing you from putting in effort where you want to have fun and focus your playtime, when you want to focus on it, not when the game psychologically pushes you towards doing it.


I'd say that any prolonged investment in the map isn't there because of the timegating either. You only need to do 10 events in each "lane" to unlock the vendors, but otherwise you don't need to partake in the map events or meta. "Day 2" sends you around to various other maps as well, so there's no investment in the new map there, other than speaking with a couple NPCs. I am actually kinda sick of the new map. I loved it as I went through the story, I loved it as I did my initial events clears and exploration. Now I hate it. Well, hate is a strong word, but I am unlikely to return to it unless its needed. I somewhat feel bad for the talented map designers. I associate it with a frustrating grind that sent me to the same freaking locations three bloody times to collect scales, feed medicine to sick Skyscales and then pick up eggs, all in one sitting. It was largely the same exact locations! That was such a _boring_ and frankly terribly done collection that was simply frustrating after the second roundabout. At the very least it could have put the collectibles in more varied locations. "Day 2", far better, but I still feel like I am under a time constraint where I have to complete it all, and there is a lot to do, within the time I have to spend on the game, before the daily reset. I know there's no gun to my head, but psychologically this timegating with the daily reset mechanic has that effect on me, and I'm sure plenty other players too. It's just frustrating.


I do think it's causing harm. I think it's creating negativity in what has been one of the most open and welcoming game communities out there. Sure, we're largely still friendly, but a new player being greeted with a bunch of complaints in the map chat about the timegating and seeing a bunch of nasty comments from those who don't mind it, flung in the direction of those who do mind it, isn't going to be a good first impression. I think it's burning out players. I think it's an element of frustration when you don't got enough time to finish a collection stage in a single day and are as such forced to wait yet another day when you do get it done. I am not in that boat, but I can only imagine how demotivating that must be.


I do not see anything positive about the timegating, and I can't fathom why people are defending it.

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