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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Regh.8649" said:

> With the sense of accomplishmentt and closure this episode brought me story wise (with Zaithan, Morthremoth and kralkatorric's death, glint's prophecy is fulfilled and my Aurene all grown up) It's a good time to take some time away. Now that only frustation awaits me within this madness.

I'm here to apologize for my rush conclusion, some steps were misunderstood on my part, and though I still agree that time gate within time gate is a bit off, its was an hell of a journey to me, yes, I was not able to do some stuff I used to do, but then again I broke the rotine and did it slowly one bit each day. I have grown attached to my winged lizard due to all we've been through.

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I was excited to come back to finish the LS4 story and because of this mount because after test flying it around Dragonfall, I felt I would really enjoy exploring other maps with this mount so I spent all the time doing the collections, the timegating was bad but hey they said that this mount was going to be "more available to players than the griffon mount." I ended up buying one of the LS3 maps since the collection for getting frozen wasn't working for me after doing the meta 2 times, and spending an extra 230g (just 20g less than what the griffon requires) since I literally had 0 charged quartz and 0 of the mats required to make them, but after seeing the 250 currency req for each map it just destroyed all of my excitement that helped me get through the timegates because at least with those I felt like I was closer to the mount each day. Just a few days before the mount was even announced, I had went through my bank and got rid of anything I felt I wouldn't need and liquidized it to save up for the griffon, including majority of those currencies since the things that the maps offered for them I didn't care for at all. Then shortly after the skyscale was announced so I decided to stop playing until the patch was released since I didn't feel like logging on for anything else at the time. The timegating didn't feel too great, it was tedious, but it at least made sense to me (and for the most part almost all of the collections except for the saddle, didnt require me to own all of the previous maps).


I was already feeling unsatisfied with the game due to multiple problems with customer support and their lack of making anything but generic copy paste bullshit responses that took them slightly longer than a month to respond to me with, and of course solved literally 0 of the problems I was having and FORCED me to pay extra to get back what I already had in the game (thanks alot, once again go fuck yourselves). I thought that this mount would revitalize the joy I used to have for this game but instead all it did is piss me off with their brand new timegating and the saddle being the grand fucking icing on the shitcake of this whole thing. Your company obviously doesn't listen to or care about its consumers, which reminds me of a certain employee you had to fire last year in July.


I hope that one day your company actually improves and listens to players feedback and develop some communication with your fanbase, as well as having a competent customer support, but until then I am done with this game.

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Its GAME OVER for me to. im done with anet .I have played since 2012 and got into the game because it was different and did not require grinding to make progress.

They took my time and money for 7 years .but this collection and particularly the part were i am forced to go back and grind out currency's from previous maps that i already earned in game but never saved as i had no way of knowing they would be needed for this horrendous collection was the last straw for me.

Grinding for cosmetic or luxury items is one thing but this collection is forcing grind were it should not be.The mastery system is how we progress our lvl.

now to get a few extra lvl s we have to grind out this ridiculous collection.

definition of grinding in an mmorpg

Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress through the game.




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It was a nice quest. I would welcome more quests like this one. I might actually start playing actively again if there were more like this.

I actually liked that it was slowly paced and time gated. Took me a week or two to finish it, but it was fun.

The map currency grind was just like the Aurora one, and it wasn't really that hard. And if you are just starting it, you can actually focus on getting the map currencies while you are waiting for the next step to unlock.

So just take your time and actually enjoy it.

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I find it difficult to understand why i should enjoy doing repetitive tasks for extended periods of time(grinding) that will cause me actual physical harm(carpal Tunnel syndrome, trapped nerve etc). But if you enjoy this sort of self harm good for you.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> I find it difficult to understand why i should enjoy doing repetitive tasks for extended periods of time(grinding) that will cause me actual physical harm(carpal Tunnel syndrome, trapped nerve etc). But if you enjoy this sort of self harm good for you.


Don't grind 24/7, it's bad for you. Just play an hour or two.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> definition of grinding in an mmorpg

> Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress through the game.





Not only that, but you have now tamagotchi in game!!! A Tamagotchi in 2019!! It's just a matter of time that will spread to other areas in game and that mount will be forced in future content, I have no doubt of that. At the end AFK farm comes and we have... BDO.

Many mention that they liked the collection because it was difficult and long - wrong, it was stupid, artificially prolonged and definitely insultingly easy for anyone with mouse and kbd, able to press 2 keys at a time.

This dev team treats people as being autistic and creates whales. I'm not playing anymore, but still throwing an eye here for changes - if it doesn't happen I'm uninstalling in 1 Months time. I'm not wasting electricity for bad story and incompetent game design..

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i still hold on to a tiny bit of hope that this collection and the grind that goes with it was an over site that will be corrected buy the company that lured me in back in 2012 with there no grind promises in there manifesto.but there silence leaves me to believe that guild wars 2 has done a major u turn regarding grind.

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First time posting (or commenting I guess ? )

I was fine with the collection at first . Getting the 60 pick ups was tedious ,but it was doable . The time gate ,while annoying , isn't really an issue for me either . I'm happy to se it go ,but I didn't really care much about it . Now the real issue I have on this collection is the 250 map currency that you have to grind for .


I'm in a pretty unique position here , I took a huge break of the game when HOTS came out , played a bit through it and I stopped about 4 mounths in , played on and off for a year and stopped completly until POF came out , I bought it ,but didn't even play it and only recently came back to the game to play through the story and the living world . So you can guess that having to farm 250 units of 6 different maps currency that are all a pain to get while I have very few of them ,since I didn't farm the maps of the living world except for the last one is a huge pain . To put it lightly . And the 10 quartz are not helping ,sure you can buy them but if you want to make them , you're in for a 10 day trip on top of the map farming .

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Just wrapped up my Skyscale adventure last night, and now have to work on unlocking the masteries. Pros and cons to the whole thing. I can appreciate what the devs were going for (or at least what I think they were going for,) in regards to breathing life into the LS4 maps that may not have had as much action otherwise. During the story run, I know I ran through them pretty mindlessly, and I long ago stopped trying to push all my characters through story content, and have only focused on my main. So, coming back to the maps, and running through the numerous aspects of each provided a deeper exposure that otherwise would not have been there for me. The flip side to that coin is now that I never ever want to go back. Haha. I'm utterly burned out from the saddle currency grind. I'm on the fence if the whole thing was good, or bad, however. It was extremely grindy, and that was/is not fun at all. The length of the chain wasn't the hurdle, and the timegates were simply an annoyance (though it probably kept me from grinding ever more, so kudos I guess?,) but the sheer amount of doing X over and over again; simply horrible. I felt I was really lucky during key parts of the chain, in regards to mesmer ports for the jumping puzzles (only had to use the given food for the Jackal puzzle, and only then because I was too rushed to find the solution online,) and during one ley line champion because I happened to roll up the same time as several players. Even then, it took us some time to down that thing. But as long as you had an out (the food,) the chain was still manageable. Overall, the experience was manageable...just questionably long and drawn out. I can't really say if the currency amount should be reduced or not. During the grind, I would have been all for it. And I'm not advocating NOT reducing it because I've already done it; I don't buy into that sort of mindset at all. I'd say I'm more on the fence because does the whole thing solve X, where X is putting people on these maps? If so, I'd say it did it's job (at the detriment of long term viability, due to grind burnout.) I will say that the entire ordeal was very excessive, however. I voted to reduce the currency cost, only because ultimately, the experience made me never want to participate in those maps again for the foreseeable future.

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Quote: "For now, we’ve made a couple of changes in areas where players were engaging in content with competing goals. In the May 28 update, we’ll reduce the time between collection tiers from 24 hours to 2 hours, to reflect the passage of a full day in Tyrian time rather than in real world time. You’ll also be able to feed your skyscale four times a day instead of three, reducing the total number of days you need to feed your skyscale by one (assuming you feed them the maximum amount each day)."


But there is no mention of this in today's patch notes. Is this still up to date or was this QoL update cancelled?

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> @"aintiarna.1038" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77191/an-update-about-the-skyscale-acquisition#Item_0


> Quote: "For now, we’ve made a couple of changes in areas where players were engaging in content with competing goals. In the May 28 update, we’ll reduce the time between collection tiers from 24 hours to 2 hours, to reflect the passage of a full day in Tyrian time rather than in real world time. You’ll also be able to feed your skyscale four times a day instead of three, reducing the total number of days you need to feed your skyscale by one (assuming you feed them the maximum amount each day)."


> But there is no mention of this in today's patch notes. Is this still up to date or was this QoL update cancelled?


Hey @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" - was this part of the patch notes forgotten? Seeing reports on reddit that imply it did make it in.

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> > @"octagon.6504" said:

> > The current mounts are just regular mounts. What will they do if they decided to create legendary, exotic, or rare mounts? I think they got ahead of themselves wanting to slow people down. The only other game I've seen mounts that required so much work to get is WoW, but that's to get rare exotic mounts, regular mounts are a lot easier to get as they should be.

> You are only saying this, because you are usual not playing WvW. For someone that is usual playing WvW and finish a few times a reward track in a week it was just playing the usual game, maybe shorty stopping for something they usual wouldn't do and unlock the mount without any problem.


> The roller beetle was the one with the most work (even beating the griffon), however it was 5 time less work than the skyscale and without a time gate of a week.


You're right. I don't play WvW. I didn't know this was going to be the new normal. Thanks for letting me know, perhaps it is time for me to move on as this isn't my play style.

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I fed my hatchling last night after reset, about 7 or 8 pm mountain time. After the update this morning it still says my hatchling has "eaten all she can eat for now". Are we still going to be able to feed her every 2 hours, as Stephane Lo Presti said in the above linked post? Do I have to wait for a Day/Night cycle, or has this part of the update been delayed?

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> @"octagon.6504" said:


> You're right. I don't play WvW. I didn't know this was going to be the new normal. Thanks for letting me know, perhaps it is time for me to move on as this isn't my play style.


I agree with you. I hate WvW in addition to mindless grinding, so if this is the new normal then I'm taking a break.



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> @"Little Leota.5849" said:

> I fed my hatchling last night after reset, about 7 or 8 pm mountain time. After the update this morning it still says my hatchling has "eaten all she can eat for now". Are we still going to be able to feed her every 2 hours, as Stephane Lo Presti said in the above linked post? Do I have to wait for a Day/Night cycle, or has this part of the update been delayed?


I misread what Stephane wrote. The 24 hours to 2 hours update is for the collection tiers. The update to feeding is 4 times a day rather than 3 times a day. I still can't feed her though, even though I've only fed her 3 times since reset last night. I hope this is available after reset tonight.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> Its GAME OVER for me to. im done with anet .I have played since 2012 and got into the game because it was different and did not require grinding to make progress.

> They took my time and money for 7 years .but this collection and particularly the part were i am forced to go back and grind out currency's from previous maps that i already earned in game but never saved as i had no way of knowing they would be needed for this horrendous collection was the last straw for me.

> Grinding for cosmetic or luxury items is one thing but this collection is forcing grind were it should not be.The mastery system is how we progress our lvl.

> now to get a few extra lvl s we have to grind out this ridiculous collection.

> definition of grinding in an mmorpg

> Grinding refers to the playing time spent doing repetitive tasks within a game to unlock a particular game item or to build the experience needed to progress through the game.





It makes no sense to say Skyscale is a grind:


1. You do it at your own pace and if you hit time gates, you re PREVENTED from grinding it.

2. You don't need it, at least not immediately.

3. Very little of the overall skyscale is grinding as you have defined it.


Seems like people will say anything is a grind if they don't like how it's implemented.

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Grinding: doing the same thing over and over for the same miniscule rewards. That's what the map currency reqs are for me. I decided to only buy the currencies from the VM vendor in Dragonfall for the next month or so (which is itself a grind), because I can barely stomach the LW4 maps any more. YMMV

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As a somewhat new player, I find the entire scyskale bit a long drawn out grind but I was going to do it, util... JUMPING PUZZLES OMG. NO NO NO NO NO NO. I am done. The story ends for me here, I refuse to do another one of those accursed things. I have never left a comment and kept to myself until now, but I am done with this game. Yes I hate them that much, dying over and over again to have to get back to the same point. Some people are just not good at them and do not like them. I will not force myself thru hours and hours of them just because some developers has a soft spot for them. Good luck and enjoy your game.

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I only come on the forums to let anat know how i feel about this collection.for me its a grind to far.i understand some of you seem to like were the game is going.

iIdo not,and i am not the only one.Going forward im sure anet will be adding more collections and grind to the game so the people who like this sort of content should be happy.

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its to much because its on top of a collection that was already to much.and i have no intentions of spending another second on this game or this collection .

ye i could spend the next 3-4 months doing stuff i dont like that gives no pleasure and finish the collection just in time for them to add more of the same.

as i said i was addicted to guild wars 2,now after a few days break im not.and the game as it is now is one i will not play.

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