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Imagine getting a mount fairly easy and use it in events to level masteries

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Would be an awesome idea instead of making the mount a longbutt collection that requires you to clear the map etc. and then when you get the mount you have to level it up in the same map doing the exact same things.


Why not make the mount fairly simple to get and then design the map to need the mount and while you do the meta event you gain the xp for masteries? After doing the meta event 3 times for the collection i honestly don't have any interest do repeat them again for mount masteries. This design is just obnoxious.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Why do you have to 'level it up' in the same map? Desert (PoF) XP comes from many different maps; ten or so, I believe.


I hope you can level it up on other maps but tbh it would be better to design content around leveling the skyscale than design content around getting the mount by pressing f multiple times in the same places which is not fun and isn't really game play.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> Would be an awesome idea instead of making the mount a longbutt collection that requires you to clear the map etc. and then when you get the mount you have to level it up in the same map doing the exact same things.


> Why not make the mount fairly simple to get and then design the map to need the mount and while you do the meta event you gain the xp for masteries? After doing the meta event 3 times for the collection i honestly don't have any interest do repeat them again for mount masteries. This design is just obnoxious.


Because then you timegate the map. Id rather them timegate acess/full acess to the mount and leave the map untouched.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The meta is fairly rewarding and we have a full on event map again. Rewards are good too. Trust me, you'll barely notice that you're leveling up a mount after the fact because you'll be spending a lot of time on the map anyway.


That's not the problem. The problem is that i have to repeat the same thing over and over again and that's the content. Repeating stuff isn't that funny but instead completing stuff is if you get what i mean. Going to a map and having like a event map and progressive achievements or something to get stuff and progress forward is fun but if it's done by repeating these same x events 20 times or pressing f 54 times on different locations is not fun.


I guess what i am trying to say is that it would be more fun to have map full of different events and things to do and when you complete all the events you clear the map and get the achievement rewards instead of do the meta 20 times.

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The whole map is designed so using the mount you get there is more effectively, however by the time you get the mount there will be no reason to play that mount anymore as you will probably know the map better, and be done with most of the content there. GG Anet.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Why do you have to 'level it up' in the same map? Desert (PoF) XP comes from many different maps; ten or so, I believe.


> I hope you can level it up on other maps but tbh it would be better to design content around leveling the skyscale than design content around getting the mount by pressing f multiple times in the same places which is not fun and isn't really game play.


Well, you can see the Mastery is in the Path of Fire Masteries section. Otherwise, it would be in its own section.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The meta is fairly rewarding and we have a full on event map again. Rewards are good too. Trust me, you'll barely notice that you're leveling up a mount after the fact because you'll be spending a lot of time on the map anyway.


That is if you enjoy open world content/grinding metas for extended amounts of time in the first place.

By the time I finally finish the collections over a week or so, I'll more than have my fill of open world until the next episode comes out.

So having to grind out that mastery AFTER I have done all the available content 20 times already, I'm definitely going to notice.


At least having the base mount unlocked after the story step to do the mind breaking collections with to unlock the masteries would have made them a lot more pleasant. But even then, this is just a bit much..

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > The meta is fairly rewarding and we have a full on event map again. Rewards are good too. Trust me, you'll barely notice that you're leveling up a mount after the fact because you'll be spending a lot of time on the map anyway.


> At least having the base mount unlocked after the story step to do the mind breaking collections with to unlock the masteries would have made them a lot more pleasant. But even then, this is just a bit much..


Exactly! I am all for having game play content on unlocking stuff but pressing f around the map isn't content. It would make a lot more sense to get the mount after the story with a little effort and then have the long process of training the mount instead of this collection stuff. Even like having 5 million xp requirement on mount masteries would be a better design than this timegated stuff. For example, there could be a collection that would eventually earn you the 5 million xp when you complete it to guide players in the mount leveling.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> design content around getting the mount by pressing f multiple times in the same places which is not fun and isn't really game play.

Actually if you "play" this content, explore the map, check the achievement for hints, go out and figure out the hints by yourself instead of blindly following a walkthrough somebody else put up then you are in fact playing the content. Somewhere along the line you might even press f here or there without noticing ;) .



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