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Do you like the daredevil trade-off?

Crab Fear.1624

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> @"omgdracula.6345" said:

> The issue is the dodges already had tradeoffs built in. Dash gives us exhaustions, bound is short range, daggers is garbage for anything but condi which is in itself bad.


The only issue with this argument i that if one wanted none of those negatives you could just take the traitline off put it back on and not use those 3 grandmasters in which eliminates the trade offs entirely


While i do find it odd that anet chose now to rework another trade off into Daredevil i dont think its a question on if they should undo it its more so when are the other professions that still currently do not lose anything lose something for the benefits they get (looking at you chronomancer, scrapper, holo, and soul beast) These 4 possibly 5 if you want to count mirage do not realistically lose anything serious.


note im not specifically talking about loss of damage its more so real mechanics on skills or certain skills that in question one would normally always half as a core of that profession.

For example why does chrono not lose their f4 in place of the f5

Why does holo and scrapper keep the majority of tool belt skills

Soulbeast has no negative for merging with the pets which even auto revives them why do they keep the option to have a swappable pet etc.

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Swipe is really awkward because in the end, it's still just steal but half the range. It's hardly a trade off, just a nerf from baseline steal.


Swipe should have been some kind of close combat or acrobatic steal/dodge built in together. Or it would affect the next grandmaster dodge trait, projectile steal from lotus, aoe steal from bound, and add a single target hit like staff 3 to dash that steals.


Or like deadeye, give daredevil unique steal items that are acrobatic with an evade built in.


Literally anything besides swipe. It's so boring.

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In concept and in relation to core game power, it's fine and a good idea for all the classes to move towards.


If the rest of the game is gonna maintain the powercreep, then yeah, it's a boneheaded change because no other elite spec really has significant penalties tied to its playstyle change yet; even reaper used to have these weaknesses, but they powercreeped "moar damage" complaints so far it's more or less only an issue at higher-tier skill levels in what basically amounts to duels.

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You go to a thief forum and ask the question,


"Do you like this nerf"


... What kind of awnser did you expect? ;)


I'm not overly fond of the change. A 600 range nerf with no core buff isn't enough to make me drop Daredevil - it's just going to make me a salty daredevil with a 600 range steal. I think this change was lazy and just downright bad, since the change makes it more difficult to stick to our enemy.

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