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Solutions to the Skyscale problem?

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  • 1 year later...

I mostly use mounts in specific stuff.

Raptor: Need long jumps.

Springer: High Jumps or abuse fast endurance regen for other mounts.

Jackal: Versatile and sharp turns via blinks.

Griffon: Long range travel when very tall structure is available.

Beetle: Long range travel when high ground is not an option or just cruising around.

Skyscale: Smooth travel while looking for stuff, use bumbs and hills to recover flight meter.

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As a player who came back in February 2020 and bought all Expansion, I simply cant be arsed to do a trazillion timegated collections for something so useless, but on the other hand I am glad that it is compared to the Griffon useless in almost all ways, that makes my 250g Investment worthwhile.


And im against a **HARD** to obtain mastery that allows you to fly nonstop, simply no.

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> @"abelsgmx.7530" said:

> I just pass for this mount when test it and see how "fly". Thanks a Anet for not wasting my time let me try this mount before do all collections chain


I had unlocked Crystal Champion mastery before I could unlock Skyscale, so I can assure you that that those mounts you can borrow before you can unlock them will not let you use Crystal Champion skills and that actually make a big difference on how you can use your mount. Every mount do also share some passive abilities like take less fall damage, which is important when jump high on Springer or when you use any mount that are in air including Jackal with sand portals that leads into air and sand paths. (Skyscale can land on sand paths and use it if you get high enough up to catch those paths instead of using Jackal, if you want to use Skyscale to get to those places).


If you unlock the ground based mounts incl jackal, then you should have good tools to get up high enough in air and combine it with places that have volatile magic you can climb even higher up in the air. You will need to unlock [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Volatile_Magic_Resonance](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Volatile_Magic_Resonance). There are plenty of places where you can find a "thread" or path of VM that you can use to get up high in the sky with Skyscale even in Tyria. Later you can combo those skills with Gliding to change between Griffon and Skyscale or just Glide instead (as you can descend faster down to ground this way instead of using ).


When you have unlocked wall climbing on Skyscale, then you can use it to charge your elevation against a wall (it turns your dodge/energy bar into flight bar charges). You can also use a skill that will charge your flight bar directly, but it have a high cooldown, so it is best to only use it as a last resort to get a bit higher in air when there is no wall around or VM.

You will loose elevation when your flight bar is empty (energy bar will refill over time when you are not climbing on wall, so it is important to keep it close to one bar and not make it completely empty (same as dodge-bar it have two bar) or you will be forced down to ground slowly). Both bar will be fully charged if you "eat" in air VM and you gain quickness (boon), so can get from VM to another when you are collecting those and you collect those even with a borrowed Skyscale in Dragonfall.


ERGO: Make sure to at least put points to unlock first Crystal Champion Mastery so you can keep to be in air if there is a path of VM around. Borrowed Skyscale with VM Mastery can be kept in air with this Mastery.

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> @"melody.2601" said:

> As a player who came back in February 2020 and bought all Expansion, I simply cant be kitten to do a trazillion timegated collections for something so useless, but on the other hand I am glad that it is compared to the Griffon useless in almost all ways, that makes my 250g Investment worthwhile.


> And im against a **HARD** to obtain mastery that allows you to fly nonstop, simply no.


Not sure if you did see that this thread is almost one year old when it was first posted on forum in June 2019? (From GW2 Wiki notes it looks that this discussion where created after Guild Chat Episode 83 - Fly High, Skyscale where published in Mai 2019).


From that discussion it looks like there weren't any Skyscale at that time published and people only had some info about what Skyscale where supposed to do at that time. Suggestion about harder collection that should reward player that owns a Skyscale with a flight ability instead of Gliding seem to be made before people did get their hands on a their own Skyscale (and before they had unlocked Crystal Champion Mastery which adds skills like in air jumps and summon which can be combined to change mount or to get into air before mount will die from low HP). I don't think it is on the board to add any more collection/achievement for this mount to have capabilities that Griffon have today as that would make Griffon loose its worth to collect for new players that still haven't any of these mounts on their account.



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Odd to see there are still people who are left stuck in the mindset that the Skyscale is a useless mount that is way too hard to get.


Maybe if you never join a Meta with a rushed commander, or a frantic Boss/Champ run, or never go harvesting in rough terrain with lots of height differences (90% of Tyria) or like to fumble jumps with your Springer and Raptor instead of just taking into the air and cover any distance, vertical or horizontal, painlessly with your Skyscale. Did I mention it is the ultimate aggro-avoidance Mount? Jackal can not hold a candle to it also because the Jackal is completely useless for covering vertical motion. Skyscale is also the only Mount that lets you safely "park" your character in the world by hovering high above the mobs, so that you can FINALLY take in some scenery, arrange your Loot, pick out your next destination, whatever, without CONSTANTLY being harassed by aggro mobs that wander into you.


A few more points:


The Skyscale can take off vertically into the air MUCH faster then the Springer, that first has to "load its spring". This may sound trivial, but to me it is not.

You will easily hop over a Tent or Rock or other semi-large feature in the landscape, much faster then with a Springer, that also lack that forward motion.

Springer forward motion sucks, there's really no reason to ever choose Springer over Skyscale.

The Skycale is the ultimate Bee-line mount to use.

Raptor is still a fun Mount to use, but I will quickly favor the Skyscale to be on the safe side with that wide chasm, or that small height difference you have to scale.

Do not forget to use the barrel roll of the Skyscale as often as possible: it will make your Skyscale a lot faster in the air.

Skyscale just looks freaking cool.

The damage skill (fire AOE on the ground) also looks cool.

The mount is a lot cheaper then the Griffon when you see the Skyscale as a Quest that you work on over a couple of weeks. I have done it on 5 of my accounts now and I am thinking of doing it on all of my accounts.


Do not sell yourself short and go for the Skycale!

NB Nowadays I only use the Griffon when I find myself on a very high Altitude already: then the Griffon is a very cool mount to use. So fast. :)

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