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Only the mount after doing all the collections for the skyscale?

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After doing all the collections for the skyscale, do we get more than just the mount for our effort?

Like an additional skin that's just a paint job but still would be a nice addition.

So far the effort/reward ratio is kinda off with the effort-value going through the roof.


And how about some communication?

I would like to hear the reasoning behind the decision of tying the mount to collections in collections locked by time gates.



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Just not going to get the mount for now. It's the only way I can preserve my love for the game, which I chose because it _was_ so different in design philosophy from other grind/time-gate-obsessed games. I'll make do with Springer > mastery dismount > Griffon for elevation, since I got the one mastery point on the new map that requires Skyscale hover.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> Just not going to get the mount for now. It's the only way I can preserve my love for the game, which I chose because it _was_ so different in design philosophy from other grind/time-gate-obsessed games. I'll make do with Springer > mastery dismount > Griffon for elevation, since I got the one mastery point on the new map that requires Skyscale hover.


Even though I hate the collections, I'll do them, simply because I want the skyscale.

Still, it's so far the worst collection that they've ever implemented. I could understand the effort required if we would get more than the mount but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Theres a dev chat the 24th about the skyscale. So yeah, dont think they will be spilling much until then.


If the devchat goes as always then no questions from the community will be answered, besides the meme-questions.


I can be wrong tho

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> If the devchat goes as always then no questions from the community will be answered, besides the meme-questions.


> I can be wrong tho


There are questions but they never bring up the ones which would put some of their design choices into question.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > If the devchat goes as always then no questions from the community will be answered, besides the meme-questions.

> >

> > I can be wrong tho


> There are questions but they never bring up the ones which would put some of their design choices into question.


I wonder why, if their design-decisions are valid, then why not explain them?

Ignoring questions that question their decisions is making them appear unprofessional.

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Thing is getting the collections goes from irritating to just plain dull. They mostly consist of going to the same spot three times. Using a series of mounts and dismounts. No surprises.


The grotto spot for instance, has mushrooms embedded in the wall...oh jumping puzzle. Nope, no creative use of that space. Lots of interesting nooks and crannies containing nothing.


Then just as you manage to get into where you need to be the map blows up and you get ported back to the beginning.


There is potential in the map but developers tunneled on the mount theme. There's nothing in this map but the skyscale. We don't even know yet how many weeks we'll need to grind for currency to have complete use of the mount.

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> @"onoclea.5319" said:

> Thing is getting the collections goes from irritating to just plain dull. They mostly consist of going to the same spot three times. Using a series of mounts and dismounts. No surprises.


> The grotto spot for instance, has mushrooms embedded in the wall...oh jumping puzzle. Nope, no creative use of that space. Lots of interesting nooks and crannies containing nothing.


> Then just as you manage to get into where you need to be the map blows up and you get ported back to the beginning.


> There is potential in the map but developers tunneled on the mount theme. There's nothing in this map but the skyscale. We don't even know yet how many weeks we'll need to grind for currency to have complete use of the mount.


The overall collection (all five) will probably take a few weeks due to charged crystal and the like.

It's even funnier, considering that we don't even know the last two collections, it could all get even worse than it is now. ^^

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > > If the devchat goes as always then no questions from the community will be answered, besides the meme-questions.

> > >

> > > I can be wrong tho

> >

> > There are questions but they never bring up the ones which would put some of their design choices into question.


> I wonder why, if their design-decisions are valid, then why not explain them?

> Ignoring questions that question their decisions is making them appear unprofessional.


Since when does any industry have to explain their design decision? No industry has to do that, so why do you think game developers need to answer that question. Most design decisions, no matter what industry, are not for the consumer, but based on what the company wants and their plans, and this applies more so to the game industry than any other...it's what ever vision the developers had that go into the design of in-game items.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Since when does any industry have to explain their design decision? No industry has to do that, so why do you think game developers need to answer that question.


He never said they "need" to address them but like he said avoiding these questions makes them appear unprofessional.



> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Most design decisions, no matter what industry, are not for the consumer, but based on what the company wants and their plans, and this applies more so to the game industry than any other...it's what ever vision the developers had that go into the design of in-game items.


Then what is the "vision" of e.g. energy crystals shooting regular bullets with gunpowder effects? No matter how you want to spin it the vast amount of "missing" sfx when it comes to ranged weapons in particular is increadibly immersion breaking and there is no excuse for that. Sure, they are not "forced" to address it but like it or not there is still some valid ground for criticism here (and in many other parts of the game).

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Since when does any industry have to explain their design decision? No industry has to do that, so why do you think game developers need to answer that question.

No industry has to, but some still do. Some car manufacturers for example will explain their exterior and interior design choices. Mazda not long ago had pictures and paragraphs upon paragraphs explaining their decisions on interior colors and lighting.


The only reason no explanations from game developers is expected, is due to the fact most games are not published by the developers. This means complaints are thrown to a publisher, that then get relayed to the developer. However, games that generally are handled by the developers do see explanations from them. Riot for example goes into detail a lot over their decisions.


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Most design decisions, no matter what industry, are not for the consumer, but based on what the company wants and their plans, and this applies more so to the game industry than any other...it's what ever vision the developers had that go into the design of in-game items.

A business explaining their decisions is not the same as letting others making the decisions for them.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > > > If the devchat goes as always then no questions from the community will be answered, besides the meme-questions.

> > > >

> > > > I can be wrong tho

> > >

> > > There are questions but they never bring up the ones which would put some of their design choices into question.

> >

> > I wonder why, if their design-decisions are valid, then why not explain them?

> > Ignoring questions that question their decisions is making them appear unprofessional.


> Since when does any industry have to explain their design decision? No industry has to do that, so why do you think game developers need to answer that question. Most design decisions, no matter what industry, are not for the consumer, but based on what the company wants and their plans, and this applies more so to the game industry than any other...it's what ever vision the developers had that go into the design of in-game items.


They don't have to but they should at least give us some slight insight into their decisions and the reasoning behind them because some of them are rather questionable.


Overall, all industries should be more open and honest towards their customers, it really helps with building a proper image, which is one of the pillars of successful business.


Example: Milk-producer had issues with their supply, and thus had to increase the price of their products by a hefty amount.

They printed that on the product's package, in conjunction with promising to reduce the price again if the circumstances are better again. A year later they did exactly that whilst also apologizing for the inconvenience.


Any industry has the responsibility to provide proper products for their customers and should always willing to explain and stand their ground for their decisions. Especially the gaming-industry.

The complete lack of responsibility in this economy is quite astonishing and I hope it doesn't spread further as the tech-companies can think, not very far.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > before most of us even finish the collections anet will be trying to sell us new skygate skins .


> That's it. You done it. I know what to call this now.


I heard a rumor they added a breath weapon to it that you can use while mounted. If you strike enemy creatures with it, they freeze still and can't move until next daily reset.

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just from a marketing point of view this seems dumb.is not the reason for mounts so they can sell us skins?

if players cant do these collections for a variety of reasons they cant buy skins.

the games not doing so well hence the lay offs.not the time to piss of a large chunk of the players.

they just dont learn from past mistakes .

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guild wars 2 is doing just fine, dont be tinfoil hatting. Its their other projects that didnt turn out well.

And people can do them, just takes time, or buy things on tp. Needless hyperbole. Plus the fact that anet just hid the mastery so the slower ones isnt hampered by lack of spirit shards from pof zones.

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It just seems like a ridiculous amount of effort for the mount. People who play casually definitely will not do these collections, especially considering how tedious they are. I like the idea of certain things in the game being difficult to obtain, but these collections are just monotonous and time-gated. It's not like raiding or new fractals where the difficulty comes from new mechanics and skill. The collections are just an attempt to artificially make the zone more populated for a larger stretch of time. What's gonna end up happening is that after people get their skyscales, they'll just never return to dragonfall cuz they'll be so sick of the zone. That's probably whats gonna happen to me.

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