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Please stop with the jumping puzzles

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Jumping is part of GW2, they started the game for this reason (amongst others). If you don't like jumping, or hate it so much you need to rant on the forum about it, I dont understand how you play games.


Platforming is part of GW2, and no design within GW2 should be constrained because of not liking the way you move around the world.

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> @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> This a pretty rage-bait kind of post, but I'll bite. If you've actually been playing for over 5 years, you know that jumping puzzles are a very tiny part of the game.


Think you missed the point though. JPs are optional, outside certain achievements or collections, but even then you can get people to help you with Mesmer portals / tele to friend. What the OP is talking about is a segment of the LW story instance, where obviously you can't get a Mesmer to help you skirt it.


But as was mentioned above, you can use your Griff to get past. I believe I died 1-2 times on my Raptor before I just decided to try the Gryphon, and poof.

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I love jumping puzzles, one of the best parts of GW2 imo. If you don't like jumping puzzles, that's fine, skip them. But don't punish those of us who love them. I don't raid in GW2. Just not interested in the raid game anymore. But I'm totally fine with ANET creating raids for people that like them.


There is a ton of content in GW2, you don't have to like or do it all.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> I love jumping puzzles. If you do not have the skill that does not mean it needs to be removed. Acknowledge your failures and move on OP.


I love jps, but realize I'm not very good at them (I'm older and sometimes my hands shake). When a collection is locked behind a jp that you can't be ported in, it's really discouraging. I currently can't get an elite specialization weapon because it's locked behind a jp that I just cannot do, and yes, I've tried literally dozens of times. Guess I'm a failure, then. Really a lovely feeling to have in a game.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Why?


If you didn't skip this part, you will know why:

>What I hate about Jumping puzzles is that it puts up barriers which restricts mount movements. It is very annoying that I when I fly on a griffon, I hit a no mount zone and forcefully get off my mount.



> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

>Many of the core jps could be cheesed by mounts to the point where you might just as well put the reward chest at the start, since you'd just have to walk/right/bunny jump straight to the end if mounts were allowed. The reworked Troll's Revenge jp is a good example of killing a jp by allowing mount use (which in this case unfortunately is unavoidable).


Then disallow them in adventures. :o

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> One of. Nice try, though. Besides, OP can just get a Mesmer to help them finish this content instead of saying "No more jump puzzles".


Did you read the OP? You cannot just get a Mesmer to port you to the end. You have the mists chasing behind you during this story instance.


The OP could just run though. It's like beyond easy. The platforms are huge, you raptor jump to them and get the volatile magic to refresh your endurance bar. Half the time the gravity is cut in half too, letting you slowly position yourself to land in place.


The only reason it'd be hard for you to finish this is if you outright refused to even attempt it.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > There is nothing wrong with communication that something isn't working out for you.


> Who said it's wrong? I also communicated my difficulties of understanding your issue to you ;)


> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > Personally I do WvW, not because it's that brilliant but because it makes a lot of things easier when you play a lot of alts. Particularly relevant is the part where you can buy the hero points with Testimonies of Heroics.


> So, apparently, there is a solution for this? Good. For a moment I thought it's a really nasty issue. Also, though I don't have any numbers to back up this, but I pretty much sure that people who play that much alts are minority in this community - and thus you can't ask to remove something which is not a problem (and for many actually is an enjoyment) for the rest of players, you can only ask to add something that would solve your particular issue, and hope for the best. My opinion, ofc.




There is a solution that works for me but that doesn't mean it's a solution for everyone. And I think you might be surprised how many people play lots of alts.


Also, as it stands everybody has the right to ask for something to be removed, even if you're the only one who doesn't like it. What would not be wise is expecting it to actually happen.


My suggestion to you is to try not to overestimate the value of people's requests on the forum here. AreneNet may read them but their decision making process surely goes a bit further than "we need to do this cause someone asked". If there is no gain in it for them and the general player base it's not really going to happen. I think we all know that they can't be that frivolous with their resources.


So relax. Oh and one more piece of advice if I may: If you think an idea is so terrible that you want it to go away, do not post in that thread. Threads with fewer people responding die a heck of a lot faster.

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I admit that I didn't read all of the responses but I have to say I somewhat agree with the OP. My problem with the game is that it feels like they have been gradually ramping up the difficulty of the game. It has gotten to the point that the casual player, or the one that doesn't have really good internet or tons of money for a nice computer, cannot complete things. Now they have made it so if you want this new mount you have to complete the LS.


What irritates me further is the "but it's so easy" crowd. Please try to realize that just because it is easy for you does not mean that it is easy for everyone. There are others out there who could have one or more issues that make it to tough for them. I watched the videos on youtube of the different episodes of the current LS and I didn't even bother trying them because I knew that there was no way that I could complete them.


Do I want to be able to do the LS? Heck yes. Do I want the new mount? Definitely. So now I get to see all of these other players running around on the awesome mount that I cannot get because Anet choose to make LS completion a requirement. Either that or I can try and find someone willing to basically babysit me through each and every episode because if I am lucky they can complete it and I can get credit. That is not something that I am willing to ask someone to do, their game time is thier's not mine.


I am hoping beyond hope that at some point soon Anet opens their eyes and realizes what they are doing. If they continue down this road, of ramping up the difficulty, they are going to start loosing players which is sad because we all really do love this game, but that doesn't mean that it still loves us.

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> @"Agrotera.1254" said:

> I admit that I didn't read all of the responses but I have to say I somewhat agree with the OP. My problem with the game is that it feels like they have been gradually ramping up the difficulty of the game. It has gotten to the point that the casual player, or the one that doesn't have really good internet or tons of money for a nice computer, cannot complete things. Now they have made it so if you want this new mount you have to complete the LS.


> What irritates me further is the "but it's so easy" crowd. Please try to realize that just because it is easy for you does not mean that it is easy for everyone. There are others out there who could have one or more issues that make it to tough for them. I watched the videos on youtube of the different episodes of the current LS and I didn't even bother trying them because I knew that there was no way that I could complete them.


> Do I want to be able to do the LS? Heck yes. Do I want the new mount? Definitely. So now I get to see all of these other players running around on the awesome mount that I cannot get because Anet choose to make LS completion a requirement. Either that or I can try and find someone willing to basically babysit me through each and every episode because if I am lucky they can complete it and I can get credit. That is not something that I am willing to ask someone to do, their game time is thier's not mine.


> I am hoping beyond hope that at some point soon Anet opens their eyes and realizes what they are doing. If they continue down this road, of ramping up the difficulty, they are going to start loosing players which is sad because we all really do love this game, but that doesn't mean that it still loves us.


Actually I do ALL my story with someone. Usually a guildie. That's the point of guilds. So you can ask for help. And usually one of them needs to repeat it anyway to get some achievement they missed by doing it on their own.


I still have some to do in fact. If you're NA feel free to message. If not me personally, someone in my guild will get you through. That's the beauty of an mmo. Other people are playing too!

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> @"Inoki.6048" said:

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> > Um, no. Keep the jump puzzles coming. I love good, challenging content.


> if that's how you picture "challenging content" then play Super Mario Bros.


Well, then if OP's perception of challenge is creation of swarms of alts and gearing them up, should we recommend them to just play Sims and consider issue resolved?

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> @"Dredlore.1672" said:

> Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.

> Many people hate them.


But, but... many people don't like them. They LOVE them.

I'm one of those - I had no intention of getting the new WvW lobby since I don't care much for that game mode and the Mistlock one is still my favorite, until... I learned the new lobby had a JP in it. That did it for me - I shelled out 1k gems just to get access to that JP, and it was worth every gem.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"runeblade.7514" said:

> > I want Jumping puzzles to be adventures and remove all the no-mount/gliding zone.

> Why? Many of the core jps could be cheesed by mounts to the point where you might just as well put the reward chest at the start, since you'd just have to walk/right/bunny jump straight to the end if mounts were allowed. The reworked Troll's Revenge jp is a good example of killing a jp by allowing mount use (which in this case unfortunately is unavoidable).


Rewards comparable to killing a couple of mobs with a dismount skill?




Personally I dislike jumping puzzles. If I want to play a platformer-esque game there are options on the market that are built specifically for it.


But, and this is a big but, I dont expect every bit of content in the game to appeal to me. I dont want other people to be deprived of something that they enjoy just so that I can say, "sure am glad there are no jumping puzzles in this game," Of course this point is dependent on other game content NOT being locked behind JPs.

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