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Suns refuge instance has crashed.

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I entered it after getting the second Skyscale collection, after getting my egg and unlocking the collection for it my game crashed and now Gw2 keeps telling me there's a network error.

I play on EU and this happens with various bugs that disconnect me, always the same Network error rubbish about checking my connection despite everything else working fine lol

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Happened right after the egg hatched and talking with Gorrik for me as well. Probably is a coding error that triggers a crash. Typically we have to wait 10-15 minutes before we can log back in after a crash where the server still believes we are online. It needs to time out and is a safeguard to prevent data corruption from two instances of the account data existing simultaneously, e.g., you don't want the actual player's data to be overwritten by a ghost connection that lingers after a crash reverting things they have done for x amount of time. If you can't log in after 15 minutes, and there's no announced issue, then perhaps consider sending in a ticket. I'll just head to bed and check in the morning myself.

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Same here. Attempting to enter Sun's Refuge to dialog with Gorrik to start "Saving Skyscales".


The same error is generated: InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624.


Subsequent attempts to enter Sun's Refuge result in the instance load screen sitting without any -mapinfo progress changes.


FINALLY got in, had to restart the game and attempt to enter repeatedly. Took about 90 seconds to zone into the instance. Perhaps there is a hard upper limit on how many Sun's Refuge instances can be active at a time?


Will I be able to return to Gorrik when "Saving Skyscales" is complete?

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