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Aurene and the DSD


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There could be a "mother" of all elder dragons or there could be just a mother of Aurene. Now we know that the water is the beginning of everything, all organisms are made of water, thus the DSD can really be the mother of all elder dragons. We also know that Kralky landed close to the Unending Ocean. And another thing we have seen is that there are small similarities from Aurene to Kralky (and he said he is her GF), namely the branded like shards all over her body. And we also know that her skin color is blueish, resembling some kind of sea creature. All these may hint that the DSD is closely related to Aurene and might be introduced in the future content.

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I'ma big fan of the theory that the DSD is the elder dragon mommy, but I do not see a normal way of creating baby dragons. It is more like that the DSD is tied to the sphere of influence that has to do with origin and beginning. Kralk created Glint as a powerfull minion (champion). Glint is Aurene's mother. That makes Kralk her grandfather. However it is unknown and to me even uncertain, that Glint had a mother and Aurene has a father. If, as you imply, elder dragons have both, it raises a lot of questions about Aurene's father. There is another offspring of an elder dragon that had children. The Pale tree. And what is the difference between a pod and an egg (besides the name). I rather think that the DSD is the mother (creator) of the other elder dragons but that each spouse only has one parent.

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Aurene's (and Vlast's) mother is Glint. Glint's father is Kralkatorrik. Glint was not created as a champion.


We do not know if dragons need a mate to reproduce or if they reproduce asexually. If they do need a mate, we do not know Aurene's father, or Glint's mother.


Personally I've long theorized that Primordus might be Glint's mother, due to the similarity with [Primordus' GW1 head](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Ogden%27s_Benediction_cinematic_still2.jpg) and [Glint's](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Glint_side.jpg). The color of Primordus' model is also, curiously, gray (it looks red due to the lighting but if you took out the model with its textures, it's a gray coloring; just as Glint's model [looks gray](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:The_Dragon%27s_Lair_3_cinematic_still.jpg) in her lair) which is close to Glint's own blue-gray.

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I like the theory that the mother could be the deep sea dragon, but given everything else that's going on, perhaps when Kralk says that he will now be a part of Aurene, when he says mother... he's referring to Aurene. Because his essence will be recycled somehow and reborn later. No idea. It could go in a number of directions really.


I tried looking into the interactable in the bottom of the airship in the epilogue, the journal with Tianni and Zipp. Scoured Rata Sum to see if I could find any npc's with those names just for the fun of it, but no luck. I guess it was just a random item they felt like adding in? Or maybe it has some personal significance to one of the devs or a player memorial or something.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Aurene's (and Vlast's) mother is Glint. Glint's father is Kralkatorrik. Glint was not created as a champion.


> We do not know if dragons need a mate to reproduce or if they reproduce asexually. If they do need a mate, we do not know Aurene's father, or Glint's mother.


> Personally I've long theorized that Primordus might be Glint's mother, due to the similarity with [Primordus' GW1 head](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Ogden%27s_Benediction_cinematic_still2.jpg) and [Glint's](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Glint_side.jpg). The color of Primordus' model is also, curiously, gray (it looks red due to the lighting but if you took out the model with its textures, it's a gray coloring; just as Glint's model [looks gray](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:The_Dragon%27s_Lair_3_cinematic_still.jpg) in her lair) which is close to Glint's own blue-gray.


We haven't met the DSD yet, but i was under the impression the all the other elder dragons were male. At least, as far as i can remember, none of them has been referred to as a she in the dialogues between Npc's. Also, theorising that Primordus could be female and Glint's mother based on the fact the the old model for the fire elder dragon looks somewhat similar to Glint's model, even though they have completely changed Primordus appearence in GW2 compared to how he looked like in GW1, seems a little far-fetched to me, to be honest.

Considering that GW2 dragons are immensely powerful beings that literally eat magic (as opposed to dragons in other fantasy settings that eat normal food like animals and stuff), i wouldn't be surprised if they could just magically create their offsprings themselves without having to mate with other dragons.

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We don't have the genders for any Elder Dragon other than Kralkatorrik. They're often referred to as male because of the whole "when gender is unknown use male" that prevails in English societies for centuries.


Way back when, devs stated that "Elder Dragons do not have genders as Tyrians are used to". So it may be that there is only one gender for Elder Dragons and their children, and pronoun use is merely for non-dragon entities' mental grasp. Personally, I like that idea more. But baring a confirmation, it's fun to theorize on alternatives too.


As for considering it "far fetched" to think Primordus and Glint are related based on model appearance... Honestly, probably not so much. The new model makes no real logical sense if we think about it, for it to be a permanent appearance at least, as the size is just way too big for something tunneling underground. When they designed it, they said they believed they had no confirmation that the statue was Primordus, so they started fresh (this belief, however, was wrong as we had multiple confirmations over the years). Ultimately, they may redesign Primordus to be closer to home, just as Kralkatorrik's original appearance at the end of PoF, which got changed a bit, looked nothing like his GW1 appearance, while his eventual later appearance does look closer to home. And besides that, a lot of people had theorized a connection between the two way back in the day because of it so I'm far from the only one making such a "far fetched" thought.


Not to mention that a ton of people make far fetched bandwagon theories that end up being right despite countering lore.


> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I tried looking into the interactable in the bottom of the airship in the epilogue, the journal with Tianni and Zipp. Scoured Rata Sum to see if I could find any npc's with those names just for the fun of it, but no luck. I guess it was just a random item they felt like adding in? Or maybe it has some personal significance to one of the devs or a player memorial or something.


Journal with Tianni and Zipp? I apparently missed something in the Epilogue despite my once-thought-to-be thorough search.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> There could be a "mother" of all elder dragons or there could be just a mother of Aurene. Now we know that the water is the beginning of everything, all organisms are made of water, thus the DSD can really be the mother of all elder dragons. We also know that Kralky landed close to the Unending Ocean. And another thing we have seen is that there are small similarities from Aurene to Kralky (and he said he is her GF), namely the branded like shards all over her body. And we also know that her skin color is blueish, resembling some kind of sea creature. All these may hint that the DSD is closely related to Aurene and might be introduced in the future content.


Or, there could just be an earlier Elder Dragon before the 6 we have today. Maybe she was more like Aurene, but went bad, and past events will become relevant in the future as we try to ensure it doesn't happen again.

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