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Segmented encounters and difficulty modifiers [suggestion]

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Be able to selectively increase complexities and requirements of base encounters of things like dynamic events and bosses (example, choose any or all of three additional encounters or events to occur) to get selective loot for each addition. Difficulty of the base or each addition could be selected also for even more improvement to loot rewards.

Selection could be be done at the start or during each encounter and by possessing certain items or also protecting certain things. Simple npc interactions could also be used to choose things.

Sounds complicated doesn't it?

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Sounds complicated doesn't it?


Yes it does.


the main issue is that it is in open world. GW2 wants everyone to experience the game in a way they prefer (as long as it is within parameters of the game). By adding a parameter that sets dificulty, it would force people to either skip the event or do it in a way they didn't want to do it. That is considered griefing. It also means you risk a bunch if flammatory reactions in the chat if the majority doesnt choose what a minority wants.


For instanced content this would be great (and with e.g. dungeons and fractals this allready is the case), as it is an agreement within a party that doesn't affect others.


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basically thats not possible in an open world format. selectively changing mechanics affects the whole group, and the game already scales HP and mob tiers off of number of nearby players. looking at any collection that involves a group to do a specific thing outside the minimum viable success, and youll find those actions very rarely get cooperation. See Smash the dragon achivement to find out more.


The only option to alter fights on a per player basis is to handicap the player directly. since group dynamics nullify any potential mechanical handicap, the only viable vectors are incoming and out going damage modifiers. given how ineffective scaling damage is to adding challenge to a fight, all this will accomplish is put even more emphasis on front loaded damage.


looking at the models used in raids, fractals and challenge motes, players always end up doing the high pay out gated rewards first, then high efficient repeatable rewards second. If the effort is too high for the rewards, it gets ignored. if the rewards are high for the activity, it gets farmed almost exclusively.

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The usual argument would be to go the other way, have a system that gives you as a player handicaps for greater reward of some type, but that runs into the problem that you can take all the handicaps, and just tag stuff and let others (friends or guildies for ex) complete it, for free rewards.


So there isn't really any good ways of having a difficulty system in open world. Instances is much better suited for this. Besides, there is nothing stopping you from making self handicaps (without rewards for it), though I admit it really isn't the same.

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I think OP could mean that it's not the event itself what becomes harder, but it's the player who wants the challenge is somehow handicapped (becomes weaker for its duration), but gets more reward. I still don't like it, as it seems to me there will be too much ways to exploit it (basically, the rest of the players will just carry you through event, and you'll get your extra rewards for free).


I've already suggested it a few times, but here it goes again: GW2 needs more challenging instance of **every OW map** (more hp/damage on mobs, BUT also a more advanced AI of them, allowing them to flank, and kite you, dodge your attacks and interrupt your skills deliberately during castings etc), with more rewards, similar to CMs in fractals, **where you can only get if you decide so**. So if you enable a new property in your Settings, you'll be always taken into this more challenging version of a map when you enter some portal. This way it won't affect casuals, but will allow players who seek challenge to experience OW seamlessly, and have what they want.

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