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The Skyscale Saddle

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> this kind of have me fearful of the next mount they add. will it be this grindy and take me away from gameplay I like doing for days/weeks/months?


No. It's a prestige mount like the Griffon and they called it such in their latest post about it. This just comes in place of a 250g requirement. It's still more like the beetle.


Their big mistake was not saying "prestige mount" when they advertised it before.

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> @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> > @"Neworder.7981" said:

> > Well, I have been looking around for another game to play, this has just pushed me to pick one sooner rather than later. Pity really as I have time to play ( 7,257hrs over 686 days) and disposable income to spend.


> Just because you couldn't get an optional mount as fast as you would have liked? Too bad.


No, just because i'm being forced to replay maps/ hearts, like i said i have the time. Just don't force something on me. I did say this was the final push been a few things that got me looking around. btw speed of acquisition has nothing to do with it..


@"Cyninja.2954" I started just before PoF Cy, Just running round maps, never settled on a main. have 17 character slots had more than that in char's though. Most have at least ascended trinkets a few are fully ascended. Dabbled with fractals and WvW, never looked at raids. Like the look of some legendary weapons but never been pulled enough to do such big collections. If I wanted one so badly I'd look into buying one off the TP. btw looking for another game doesn't mean uninstalling this one still have to at least login ever day..

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> @"Neworder.7981" said:

> > @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> > > @"Neworder.7981" said:

> > > Well, I have been looking around for another game to play, this has just pushed me to pick one sooner rather than later. Pity really as I have time to play ( 7,257hrs over 686 days) and disposable income to spend.

> >

> > Just because you couldn't get an optional mount as fast as you would have liked? Too bad.


> No, just because i'm being forced to replay maps/ hearts, like i said i have the time. Just don't force something on me. I did say this was the final push been a few things that got me looking around. btw speed of acquisition has nothing to do with it..


> @"Cyninja.2954" I started just before PoF Cy, Just running round maps, never settled on a main. have 17 character slots had more than that in char's though. Most have at least ascended trinkets a few are fully ascended. Dabbled with fractals and WvW, never looked at raids. Like the look of some legendary weapons but never been pulled enough to do such big collections. If I wanted one so badly I'd look into buying one off the TP. btw looking for another game doesn't mean uninstalling this one still have to at least login ever day..


Fair enough, but with this amount of time spent since PoF, and this amount of available characters, you are looking at maybe 4 days of material farm (assuming 50-60 map material per day, for the maps which have a cap). You could even leave 1-2 characters per map and just log in 1nce, run around the map harvesting nodes, and log out. That's not counting things like the new map which basically throws map currency at one (which could be converted into VM and used to purchase additional Episode 1-5 currencies at 5 per day).

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> @"Neworder.7981" said:

> > @"Nemezijus.6851" said:

> > > @"Neworder.7981" said:

> > > Well, I have been looking around for another game to play, this has just pushed me to pick one sooner rather than later. Pity really as I have time to play ( 7,257hrs over 686 days) and disposable income to spend.

> >

> > Just because you couldn't get an optional mount as fast as you would have liked? Too bad.


> No, just because i'm being forced to replay maps/ hearts, like i said i have the time. Just don't force something on me. I did say this was the final push been a few things that got me looking around. btw speed of acquisition has nothing to do with it..


But that's the thing - you don't have to! Its an OPTIONAL mount. You don't need it to progress story, or do meta in the new map or anything for that matter. Do things at your own pace and the currencies will accumulate in your storage. Even the jumping puzzle part can be overcome by crafting items, when you have enough gold just buy some and skip the JPs if you dont want to do it. I really don't see how you are forced to do this? If it would block any progress then I would understand.



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> @"Ronharshadow.5246" said:

> An entire stack for each LS4 map currency.... WTH this is beyond ridiculous and if ONLY we were warned to start farming and everything.

> Not to mention those who are just unlucky enough to not get the entire LS4 looks like they have to buy more gems to get that mount!


Well to be fair, they did offer each S4 episode for free over the past month'ish, and Aurora (the S3 legendary trinket) also required you to visit each S3 map, so it isn't as unreasonable as it sounds.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> In summary, you'll need the following for the Skyscale Saddle :


> 1. 35 Gold


Anyone keeping count? The Devs said they wanted to make sure this mount wasn't a huge gold sink like the Griffon, but at one point the Grow Map was selling for about 50-65g, and with those two steps alone, you're 1/3rd the way there....

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > In summary, you'll need the following for the Skyscale Saddle :

> >

> > 1. 35 Gold


> Anyone keeping count? The Devs said they wanted to make sure this mount wasn't a huge gold sink like the Griffon, but at one point the Grow Map was selling for about 50-65g, and with those two steps alone, you're 1/3rd the way there....


That's because technically you don't have to spend any gold on that item. However, you need to buy several items for a few gold, I think it adds up to about 12g. So 47g and quartz.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > In summary, you'll need the following for the Skyscale Saddle :

> > >

> > > 1. 35 Gold

> >

> > Anyone keeping count? The Devs said they wanted to make sure this mount wasn't a huge gold sink like the Griffon, but at one point the Grow Map was selling for about 50-65g, and with those two steps alone, you're 1/3rd the way there....


> That's because technically you don't have to spend any gold on that item. However, you need to buy several items for a few gold, I think it adds up to about 12g. So 47g and quartz.


Of course, you don't have to buy them, but that doesn't mean they don't have a 'value'. If you can craft a 1500g legendary item completely from materials in your storage, that doesn't mean it doesn't cost 1500g to make - it just means you didn't have to spend any gold, but what you did was trade in 1500g worth of materials you owned for a purple :)

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > In summary, you'll need the following for the Skyscale Saddle :

> >

> > 1. 35 Gold


> Anyone keeping count? The Devs said they wanted to make sure this mount wasn't a huge gold sink like the Griffon, but at one point the Grow Map was selling for about 50-65g, and with those two steps alone, you're 1/3rd the way there....


The Grow Lamp currently costs around 15 gold to craft, that is with still higher than usual prices. If people want to pay TP premiums, that is up to each individual (and those 55-60 gold were day 1 prices, dropping to sub 40 gold on day 2 and down to average 35 gold currently).

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> @"Uhkam.2164" said:

> > @"Ronharshadow.5246" said:

> > The mount is not aurora, it is not a legendary item. Honestly maybe half the map currency requirement (or 50-100) and maybe ppl might think "oh its not a whole stack, one or two alts can help!"


> This. Make it 50 or 100 for each map except Istan which can still stay as 250 (given each heart gives 25 in Istan so it's easier to get that 250).


You do not need the hearts. Or even to visit all of the S4 zones. Just find someone with all the nodes in their home instance and you will get ~3 of each per day. Yes, that is about 3 months but is next to no time for each mat and you can do other stuff with your time like event farming for the gold.

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Said it before in one of the innumerable Skyscale threads, all Anet had to do was let people know what was involved beforehand, ideally during that preview stream, with a brief blog post here echoing the details. That's all. There would still be complaints of course, because there are always are, but at this point any good or positivity coming from the potential of a new mount is being washed away by the deluge of anger, disappointment and frustration. What a shame.


For the record, I have plenty of map currencies in storage (prep for Aurora 2.0, RIP), but I can 100% understand the frustration for anyone not in that position.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> What, why would you limit yourself to 250 of each map currency...since it goes to your wallet and has unlimited storage space, not saying I have 250 of each(though I probably do since I almost never use them for anything other than the portal stone for that episode, because I find almost nothing else of use or interest for those things).


They are not wallet currencies.


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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> That sickening "crunch" you hear is many players slamming headlong into this barrier, especially the Mistborn Motes.


> Also, how the HELL does this make sense? For the Roller Beetle, we brought in a few things and Gorrik managed to craft a floating, high-tech saddle for us. But the saddle for the creature we've shown we can ride without any saddle at all needs huge amounts of resources? From a storytelling front, this is absolutely horrid.


From a storytelling front there are many things that do not make sense. Like why can we not start in on the collection right after Aurene introduces us to the Skyscales?

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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> Said it before in one of the innumerable Skyscale threads, all Anet had to do was let people know what was involved beforehand, ideally during that preview stream, with a brief blog post here echoing the details. That's all. There would still be complaints of course, because there are always are, but at this point any good or positivity coming from the potential of a new mount is being washed away by the deluge of anger, disappointment and frustration. What a shame.


The result would have been similar. People who watched the stream would have immediately changed the value of trade-able materials on the TP. We would be in a similar situation as with the Superior Sigil of Nullification and the Requiem armor (which surprise surprise has dropped significantly since its introduction).


Now one could argue that they could have hinted at requirements for Living World Season 4 materials, since those do take a few days to farm. Or at the very least let people know at the beginning of the collection to start saving (would have made the time-gates actually useful). Then we have precedent though for needing before hand hints and information. Then the issue becomes: what should and what shouldn't be told, etc. etc.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Ash.5274" said:

> > Said it before in one of the innumerable Skyscale threads, all Anet had to do was let people know what was involved beforehand, ideally during that preview stream, with a brief blog post here echoing the details. That's all. There would still be complaints of course, because there are always are, but at this point any good or positivity coming from the potential of a new mount is being washed away by the deluge of anger, disappointment and frustration. What a shame.


> The result would have been similar. People who watched the stream would have immediately changed the value of trade-able materials on the TP. We would be in a similar situation as with the Superior Sigil of Nullification and the Requiem armor (which surprise surprise has dropped significantly since its introduction).


> Now one could argue that they could have hinted at requirements for Living World Season 4 materials, since those do take a few days to farm. Or at the very least let people know at the beginning of the collection to start saving (would have made the time-gates actually useful). Then we have precedent though for needing before hand hints and information. Then the issue becomes: what should and what shouldn't be told, etc. etc.


The two points I think they absolutely should have made beforehand are 1) It will take you around a week to unlock the Skyscale, and 2) a heads-up about the requirements for the saddle. No need to potentially spoil things by revealing too much, but enough to say 'you have a few days before the patch drops, start prepping.'

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Totally silly if we can get over Aurora crafting and this happens...


why people complain about LS4 map currency where you can spend 420 Volatile Magic each day to buy 5 of each LS4 currency per day from NPC at 20 each (Kralkatite Ore costs 4 each)


How to buy? Talk to Volatile Magic Vendor and select "Curious Stones from Afar" tab


excluded new LS4 map currency (which you all have over 250 as of now I believe), total of 50 days and 21,000 Volatile Magic needed from scratch if you don't want to farm them...


Farm heart, home nodes, and field nodes for good lump sum of extra currency


(but seriously... this mount get treated like wealthy person, compare to other mounts eating dog snack food lolol)

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> @"Ash.5274" said:


> The two points I think they absolutely should have made beforehand are 1) It will take you around a week to unlock the Skyscale, and 2) a heads-up about the requirements for the saddle. No need to potentially spoil things by revealing too much, but enough to say 'you have a few days before the patch drops, start prepping.'


My threshold is much lower: I would have liked to have been told that the skyscale collection will resemble that of a legendary item in terms of length and breadth, rather than it being a collection like any of the other mounts in this game.


I think many of us were walking in expecting at minimum the Beetle, maximum the Griffon, including the gold cost. I'm confident when I say that 100% of the playerbase was shocked (not just surprised) at the collection ANET put together for this mount.


EDIT: and to be fair, what would knowing ahead of time that this was going to be a grueling collection change for me? I wouldn't have felt disappointment shortly after the patch launched. I would have resolved myself that I wasn't going to dedicate the time/effort for this, and just moved on. But instead I was excited to get my hands on the mount, only to find out that it was a legendary collection.


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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Ash.5274" said:

> > > Said it before in one of the innumerable Skyscale threads, all Anet had to do was let people know what was involved beforehand, ideally during that preview stream, with a brief blog post here echoing the details. That's all. There would still be complaints of course, because there are always are, but at this point any good or positivity coming from the potential of a new mount is being washed away by the deluge of anger, disappointment and frustration. What a shame.

> >

> > The result would have been similar. People who watched the stream would have immediately changed the value of trade-able materials on the TP. We would be in a similar situation as with the Superior Sigil of Nullification and the Requiem armor (which surprise surprise has dropped significantly since its introduction).

> >

> > Now one could argue that they could have hinted at requirements for Living World Season 4 materials, since those do take a few days to farm. Or at the very least let people know at the beginning of the collection to start saving (would have made the time-gates actually useful). Then we have precedent though for needing before hand hints and information. Then the issue becomes: what should and what shouldn't be told, etc. etc.


> The two points I think they absolutely should have made beforehand are 1) It will take you around a week to unlock the Skyscale, and 2) a heads-up about the requirements for the saddle. No need to potentially spoil things by revealing too much, but enough to say 'you have a few days before the patch drops, start prepping.'


They kinda did imply that all maps are needed. They gave away all 5 episodes for free before releasing Episode 6. Also there was Aurora and the chance that something similiar will happen at the end of this season.

And why should they have any interest that players burn through content and leave quickly afterwards?

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RIP GW2. At this point it's a copy paste of all bad in games like BDO: feed, breed, xls sheet, stopwatch, alarms..live with the game and think of it, even when it's offline. No, thanks, that's insulting. PvE was the only good part of the game. Was.

It's astonishing how some game studios can suicide, taking playerbase for autistic. Goodbye friends, enjoy what you can.

Go to ****, Anet!

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> > Have fun farming, I guess. ^^

> >


> Are you starting to feel like a poodle at a dog show being made to jump through endless hoops to get a stale cookie yet?




That's exactly how it feels like.^^

Hopefully, more ppl voice their concerns and anet feels inclined to make further changes.

Even dropping the amount to 200 per currency would be fine.

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Honestly...had we had other means of obtaining this currency it would've been just fine.

I'd gladly spend ALL my gold to get this and avoid wasting days in grinding (the grind which I've already done for so long as I used to farm too much on the new maps...).


Domain of Istan currency is more bearable than the rest, as it awards you with more...if I recall 20 per heart vendor?

Why 250 of each currency though? Could lower the requirement for some which are really hard to obtain. Well...not hard but slow.

Make it so that Domain of Istan requires 250, while others require 50-100. It would lower the frustration and actually make it less grindy and annoying.

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