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What are peoples thought on stealth?


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Delete it. Also please delete dodge, leap, blinks and critical strikes. We need only shields, sticks and 5 hp, no mechanics.

Like for real, its 2019 and people still crying over stealth lmao (non-stealth using class main here btw)


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> What we need is WoW type of stealth implemented

> * Attacking will break stealth = Got

Would be stupid if it wouldn't break stealth, i agree.

> * Taking damage will cancel stealth = Need

Wont ever happen, and I explained why many times, let me do this once more. You know why this works like that in WoW but it doesnt in GW2? Because of AA. In WoW you need to target sth to attack it, or use AoE which either has mana cost or CD. You cannot just idk, sinister strike in air and hope that you gonna hit someone in stealth. As for example mage you need to run around and cast Arcane Explosion, or stand in one place and channel Blizzard. Cant swipe your staff/wand in air.

In gw2 you can use most of the skills without specific target, or even AA around. Thats why "taking damage removes stealth" wont ever, **E V E R** happen.

> * Cannot enter stealth while in combat = Need, but very unlikely, so place a cd after revealed to prevent constant quick re-stealth

Revealed 3s, so what, another 5s of it would work? Okay, then Id like to get same CD to prevent warrior immunity chain (enduring pain, shield block, FC, small enduring pain etc.), or same CD on mesmer blinks availability (Blink, Jaunt, staff 2, oh and lets also add Mirage dodge here, why not). Why nerf whole mechanic instead of classes that abuses it? For example DE, it deservedly received Silent Scope nerf, abusing it was just hillarious.

> * Reveal stealth if too close = Not really needed, but should be possible since they already did it in LWS4E3: Long Live the Lich

Oho, PvE mentioning. Sure, go ahead, as long as it remains in PvE idc. Being honest, idc about this one, you can add if you it will make your life easier, many ppl will use stealth+BS anyway lol.


And Im not defending Stealth. Maybe it could be better, but havent seen yet any good idea of how to improve this mechanic. Personally I never had any problems with stealth abusers (maybe except for DE, dueling this one was kinda masochistic), but I imagine this might be annoying when facing permastealth guys. Thanks to DD Steal nerf I also switched from d/p to s/d on my teef in _competetive_ modes so I really dont care what happens to Stealth, but I dont think it deserves so much hate, especially after 7 years of pure hatred towards it, lol.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Creaitov.6328" said:

> > I could say the same about invulns :^)

> >

> > Oh he went invuln, now what? Is he going to attack me or is he going to run away? lol

> > Oh look, he attacked me with a skill that I couldn't interrupt because he is immune to all I do.

> > Oh look, invuln again and again and again.

> >

> > Oh look he ran away, blah blah blah.

> >

> > Yet no one is complaining so hard about them compared to the stealth complaints.

> Invulnerability is certainly annoying, but it gets less hate than stealth because it's used far less frequently in fights. If stealth were exactly as limited as invulnerability is, I'd have no problems with it.


How is it used far less compared to stealth in fights? Thief is the only class that can use it frequently. Mesmer has 5 sources of stealth on a 30s+ cd (all utilities except torch 4), engi has 2 iirc (+ smoke field blasts/leaps) and ranger has hunter's shot and smokescale, and I'm pretty sure none of these classes run more than 2 of them. Then if you look at invulns/pseudo-invulns almost every class has access to them, and some abuse them really hard like warrior or bunker chrono. And that's ignoring the stupid passive invuln traits that require no thought whatsoever.

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Stealth in 2019:


* Sentries apply reveal

* Watch towers apply reveal

* Reveal in keep for 4+ mins after enemy capture

* Stealth/target painter traps

* Warclaw sniff ping red dot on map

* Many classes have some kind of reveal; point blank or AoE

* thief "all stealth attacks have 1 second recharge between uses"

* Silent scope dodge roll stealth reduced

* Trapper thief deleted years ago


This late into the game WvW is the equivalent of Big Brother House "everyone is watching you", stealth isn't as easily abused and classes like SBeast only have 1 immediate steath (LB #3) or they actually have to utilise a combo field for it via smokescale. Mesmer usually has stealth on longer CD's. If this were 2014 then yeah, I'd wager some heavy handed nerfs because of how ridiculous things could be stacked back (trapper thief) then with little to no counters. The only thing I'm undecided on is how stealth can still be stacked in duration and that it's immediate; maybe have it make the char slowly fade out but even then skills like ranger rapid fire or berserker gun flame already track the target once pressed so you basically need to use a dodge roll anyway. Like idk, needs to be some surviviability if your enemy can still see you as you're fading out all the while doing dmg. I think it's best as a re-position tool... I haven't played many other games with stealth so forgive any dumb ideas.


No, I don't main mesmer nor thief.

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Or you can improve reveal skills or their radius. Some class have decent sustain and reveals and some do not. Stealth I believe is alright people just have to work on counter plays. However some class don't even have that. I'd suggest giving reveals to class that don't have access to that already and can't have access to cloaks. I might sound greedy. I have no issue vsing cloak players outside persistence spamming dead eye riflemen. Perm keep aways and snipping can be annoying, however my only option most of the time is just to run away or pressure them to 50% and they will leave. I'm not sure I have and issue vs DP tehif stealthing but if there are 2 of them It gets a little nutty to counter frequent stuns. 1v3 it not even fair haha.

I assume it could be also a ping issue in my case, before anet moved their servers I had 80-90 ping, Now sadly it's 120-140 My MSI GE75 Raider 95F with RTX 2070 gives me a decent read 1v1 with Supersample and max settings. I play weaver so hehe :)


However I understand how other players feel cloaking requires less skill compared to 2012-2013. It's ultra spam now and coguh cough someother class have other abitlities to boost cough Mirage condi tough healing builds cough. However thieves are required to counter them. But Mirages would be unhappy and Holos and scrapper would complain.


It's hard to win in these debates. I suggest anet just make more viable builds in the future it seems as a new expansion is released old builds become less viable more doors are closed and sometimes not even a back window is open. :)


Let's aim to have aleast 3 METAs posible for Core/HOT/POF/


Or you can suprise us after the third expansion. I am expecting Cantha! Keep it positive no current event world politics and agenda rolled in there wink! :)


More armor skins. please more textures and eye candy. I think that will be more fun than resolving cloak or wvw issues.


More builds in next expansion and armor skins, please!

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as someone playing a build with reliance on stealth for defense as i have no other options if i dont want to get nuked after a single weapon rotation, i would be ok with nerfing certain stealth skills, making a 3s cap on all stealth skills and removing the ability to stack stealth. but i think the classes and specs that currently use stealth needs something quite significant in return. for soulbeasts ( not the unkillable boonbeast variant) stealth is a must have if you dont want to die 10-15 seconds after the fight started.

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