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Dismount Mid Air is a Must Have Now

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I dont care about Time gated stuff because i play the game every day and the Skyscale is awesome but it have very slow descend we didnt get get that "problem" with Gliding or Griffin because you can free fall and dive or double dive

but dont get me wrong i love the moving and mechanic of the Skyscale ( i thought Shyscale will kill Springer or Griffin but the design you came with is very smart in form of trade offs )

my only wish is when i want to land i want to land as fast as possible

and mid air dismount will bring the both expansions together from Griffin to Gliding(because we have 2 second Recharge time) then transition to Skyscale



you can decrease the CD of Bond of Faith

any idea will be very very helpful

Thank you.

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I get where you're coming from, but do you have any idea how broken a mid-air dismount would be? as if entire maps aren't trivialized enough just by having mounts...


However, I can get behind some sort of dive-bomb or rapid descent for our little heliraptor. Have you tried binding Swim Down and using that?

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I was also kind of hoping that you could mount in combat with this legendary mount since you can borrow one in combat.


> Anyone who has one already know?


sadly we cannot. it would be nice though to be able to that, like maybe a one second channel of mount summon so if you're stuck in combat but nothing is actively hitting you you would still be able to mount. Sure would be nice at times... like when you get to a spot to try and drop agro but still have to wait 5 kitten minutes for whatever hit you to decide to give up..



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