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How to start working on your Season 4 Map Currencies

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Not going to take credit for this, but will quote and link to the reddit thread which deals with how to fast gather Season 4 map currencies.


First off, the thread is here:

>! The last part of the Skyscale Collection needs a stack (250) of each season 4 currency. here are some tips to easily farm them:


> **Kralkatite Ore (Domain of Istan)** : very easy to get! just do the hearts at the Astralarium and Champion's Dawn. at the astralarium just interact with the mirrors and the obelisks until the bar is full. at champion's dawn fly up to the hill in the middle and on the way down free all the prisoners and pick up food on the way to the heart vendor. each heart gives you 25(!) Kralkatite Ore. so 50 per character.


> **Diflourite Crystal (Sandswept Isles)**: that will take a little bit longer. the heart at the athoma farm and the magnetics lab are very fast to finish though. also the gathering route for the nodes on a skimmer are very easy to traverse. when the specimen chamber event is up do it too.


> **Inscribed Shards (Domain of Kourna)**: besides the heart at the frontline (rytlock) all the other hearts are very fast and easy to finish. at the corsair heart pick up the bottles, at the hylek heart kill fireflys. lord faren's heart and the heart at the village are pretty self explanatory.


> **Lump of Mistonium (Jahai Bluffs)**: two very easy hearts at the pact camp in the south (just pick up the item near the dummies and spam 1 on them) and at the village (just get seeds and plant them. you also can pick up some foods on the way and give it to the villagers or hoard them so you can use them the next day too). also easy events with the death branded shatterer (its on a timer and many ppl still do it) and each rift event gives 5 mistonium too (5 rifts per day per character!!)


> **Branded Mass (Thunderhead Peaks)**: 4 very easy and fast hearts you can finish daily on multiple chars. when the north or south metas are up, do them too.


> **Mistborn Mote (Dragonfall)**: just play the meta and open the chests. you will be flooded with them. when you need more just buy 5 daily at the vendor at the northern entrance/bridge.


> dont forget that you also can do other events, daily chest and node runs (get Taco for optimal routes), daily home instance gathering or buy 5 of all currencies each day from the new vendor in Dragonfall!!

- credit goes to kalamari for creating the post on reddit


Doing some simple math, if you start absolutely from scratch with literally 0 materials, you are looking at around 1-1.5 hours of daily tasks in all 6 maps for as much as 10-12 days for the slowest map (Jahai Bluffs and Sandswept Isles). Many of the other maps can be farmed a lot faster.


Not included in this calculation: racing around the map and gathering from nodes. Sandswept Isles for example nets some extra Diflourite Crystals extra.


Same goes for events or additional characters. Jahai Bluffs has a very easy heart in the south which can be completed in 40 seconds for 5 Lump of Mistonium (I'm sure a lot of people remember this map from working on their Elegy and Requiem armors).


While playing the maps you will accumulate enough Volatile Magic to purchase the additional 5 map resource per day from the Dragonfall trader (requires a total of 420 Volatile Magic for 5 resource of each map).


Check the thread for additional suggestions. There is also a link to Tekkit's Workshop's guides of youtube videos on gathering resources. Using all methods recommended and multiple characters (3-4 should be enough) will finish collecting the required amount within 1-3 days per map.


Does this mean it might take a few days longer until you have your Skyscale? Pretty much.

Is it an unachievable grind? Hard to say, depends on how much you enjoy racing around maps and gathering, doing events, doing hearts and how much resources you have saved up. So basically how much you enjoy playing the game.

Will I be disadvantaged if others have their Skyscale before me? Absolutely, the first 1,000 Skyscales acquiring players get an additional account based speed boost of 200%. No, obviously not, please play the game at your own pace.


For all spvp and wvw players, reward tracks will yield 50 map resource (Istan yields 250) and I would recommend getting the slower to gather materials first (Jahai Bluffs and Diflourite Crystals for most).


To everyone, good luck and try to have fun.

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None of the above makes it less tedious. It's best to just try not to think too much and get it over with as fast as possible by doing the hearts on several characters. (WvW rewards are a nice alternative in general, for all the extras you receive, but take too long for this one purpose.)

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Thanks. I'm resigned to getting my Skyscale in a few weeks and am telling myself that I'm no worse off than I was a couple of weeks ago. Still on the "Raising Skyscales" step, and that's OK. But I can pretty much guarantee that once I'm done grinding for these currencies, the experience will have left such a negative, boring vibe that I won't want to go back to any of the maps.

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You didn't mention that each map completion also provides rewards in form of 25 units of respective map currency. Those who have portal scrolls, or stash of 'teleport to a friend' and 80lvl alts can try map completions. For my taste, Kourna and Thunderhead are only problematic ones. Others are easy to complete, easpecially if you plan to do Hearts.

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I posted this in another thread:


Here are some heart tips I found for Domain of Kourna that helped me farm those faster for Inscribed Shards.



Also note for the heart at Allied Encampment, Help distribute incoming supplies to the allied encampment, you can do it super fast if you have the Prototype Position Rewinder. Get the supply backpack by the heart, pop your rewinder, fly, raptor or what ever you feel is the fastest to the drop point, and then use the rewinder to get back to the supply instantly. It takes about 3 minutes to do the whole heart. I have 9 level 80's so that was 45 Inscribed Shards in less than half an hour for me.


The heart south west of there is quick too, grab all the bottles by the beach, drop them off by the heart, and then it takes I think 3 supply drops to the cannon. About 5 minutes or less. There were also 2 Kournan Supply Caches near there so that was an extra 0-2 per alt.


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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> You didn't mention that each map completion also provides rewards in form of 25 units of respective map currency. Those who have portal scrolls, or stash of 'teleport to a friend' and 80lvl alts can try map completions. For my taste, Kourna and Thunderhead are only problematic ones. Others are easy to complete, easpecially if you plan to do Hearts.


I don't think it's 25 per map. It is for Peaks and Dragonfall, but at least on my wiki check I think it was just 5 for earlier maps. I admit I didn't notice on my Kourna completion whether I got 5 or 25, because one full completion on an alt plus a bit of work on a second alt who didn't finish the whole map, with 3 metas between them, got me my missing 120 currency pretty fast.


Anyway, if you have a lot of level 80 alts that haven't yet done the maps, then yes, figuring out a fast route to complete including the hearts will get you a ton of currency very fast. I'm worried that I don't have enough alts left for Jahai and Peaks, though, since I already did those a lot for Requiem and Dragonsblood. I'll find out soon enough!

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Very helpful post. Not only to show the most efficient way to do this but also to clearly illustrate the extent of the grind required. It actually helped me decide to skip this mount as, with the exception of Shatterer and DF meta, everything else looks like the worst kind of repetitive grind. Especially if you already have PTSD from elegy/requiem.

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I really can't understand all the people crying about this. It was expected. Skyscale is the "legendary" reward for season 4, like Aurora was in season 3. Back then, you also needed 250 of each S3 currencies so I see no problem in this. Skyscale is a legendary tier reward and also a LS4 reward, so it was expected to cost currencies. Back then, after I finally got Aurora, I already expected another reward of this type at the end of S4 so I kept 250 of each map currencies. Also, a lot of my guildmates did this too because they expected this to be required.


"Why didn't Anet told us we will need 250 of each currency?" - They did, last season, when they asked for 250 of each currency too.

"Why can't I get skyscale without any effort?" - Because is not mandatory to have it, is a legendary reward and you have to work for it.

"Why can't I get rewards faster?" - Is the same dropping system as it was in LS3. Gather them or buy them from hearts.

"Why can't I have skyscale for free, I paid for the game!" - GO PLAY MINECRAFT

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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

>Skyscale is the "legendary" reward for season 4, like Aurora was in season 3.


Except it's not - at least to my knowledge it wasn't promoted as such. Besides, apples and oranges ... It would be much more accurate to compare the skyscale to the roller beetle, as both are mounts added in a Living World update and are the unique selling point of their respective episodes. Comparing the skyscale with Aurora doesn't make any sense at all.




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> @"Feothyr.6072" said:


> Except it's not - at least to my knowledge it wasn't promoted as such. Besides, apples and oranges ... It would be much more accurate to compare the skyscale to the roller beetle, as both are mounts added in a Living World update and are the unique selling point of their respective episodes. Comparing the skyscale with Aurora doesn't make any sense at all.



It does. Skyscale is a flying mount. Flying mounts in GW2 are a luxury. For me, the collection really makes sense, I knew they will ask for currency since they announced skyscale as a season finale mount. I saw a flying mount and I said "Ok, this will be another luxury mount." Anyway, those currencies are easy to get. I get a tons over time only from my home nodes.



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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> Very helpful post. Not only to show the most efficient way to do this but also to clearly illustrate the extent of the grind required. It actually helped me decide to skip this mount as, with the exception of Shatterer and DF meta, everything else looks like the worst kind of repetitive grind. Especially if you already have PTSD from elegy/requiem.

Except it's not required. Nobody is forcing you to get the Skyscale at the earliest convenience. Just casually jumping into maps, doing story, events, exploration and gathering, will give you the required currency. If you manage to play the maps just for enjoyment, without thinking of efficiency in reward aquisition or checklisting achievements or whatever you could use to kill your fun of just playing, you'll be surprised how quickly the currency piles up.


Just last night I was in Istan with a group of friends, playing through the ep 1 storyline. All but two of us played it for the first time, despite all being longtime (but not very focussed ;) ) players. We participated in a few events that we stumbled upon, looted some Sunspear caches, got a bunch of kralkatite as story rewards, and generally had a lot of fun. At the end of the play session my kralkatite stash (which I had recently plundered to craft another stellar weapon) had grown noticably, without me focussing on it at all. I even passed on the meteor I saw since the rest of the party hasn't even gotten started on the brandstone tool (or whatever it's called).


This is a game. All of us are (or should be) here for entertainment. There's enough efficiency (or, as Pooh put it, "a fish in the sea") and pressure in real life. I know people have a hard time dropping that feeling of having to be efficient with their time, but it's really not the game requiring you to grind, it's nobody but yourself. Just play the maps, mix it up, finish those hearts that you enjoy (or that you happen to have almost filled thanks to events or whatever it is you do to have fun) and grab the bonus currency, but leave the grind for the real world. You might get your skyscale in a few weeks instead of a few days, but you might just unexpectedly find fun on the way, too. And if you really can't find anything enjoyable in any of those maps, there's still the vendor in Dragonfall that sells other map's currencies and requires nothing than a few seconds to buy his stuff plus the paitience of waiting out the weeks until you have enough.


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> @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > @"Feothyr.6072" said:

> >

> > Except it's not - at least to my knowledge it wasn't promoted as such. Besides, apples and oranges ... It would be much more accurate to compare the skyscale to the roller beetle, as both are mounts added in a Living World update and are the unique selling point of their respective episodes. Comparing the skyscale with Aurora doesn't make any sense at all.

> >


> It does. Skyscale is a flying mount. Flying mounts in GW2 are a luxury. For me, the collection really makes sense, I knew they will ask for currency since they announced skyscale as a season finale mount. I saw a flying mount and I said "Ok, this will be another luxury mount." Anyway, those currencies are easy to get. I get a tons over time only from my home nodes.






Skyscale is not a legendary mount, nor is it even a prestige mount. It cannot "fly" - it has true flight in a _limited_ canopy which makes landing _required_ for traversal, so no, it can't fly. Similarly, in terms of efficiently getting from Place A to Place B in a relatively fast manner, Skyscale is useless. Springer ascends faster, Griffon flies faster (and if you take off from the same point on a Griffon, you can extend your flight far further on it than on Skyscale,) Raptor/Jackal/Roller Beetle move faster on land (and what do you know, the Roller Beetle actually beats out Raptor and Jackal in its respective category in that regard, only hindered by the inability to jump gaps without a ramp) and the Skimmer is better for travel over volatile terrain or water.


People are comparing it to Aurora because it is a legendary grind for a distinctly _not_ legendary item.


The griffon had adventures for it as soon as you got it, encouraging you to complete the masteries so that you could go do brand new adventures on new maps with it. Skyscale gets... rifts, I guess.

The roller beetle had adventures for it later added, which was neat, but also notably _on release_ was immediately better than Raptor or Jackal at crossing mostly flat terrain; Raptor or Jackal remain relevant because they can jump on command and are easier to turn, but if you wanted to travel a flat distance the Roller Beetle was literally superior in every way and would get you there faster. The Skyscale... has nothing. People like to claim "Oh I'm clumsy, so it's useful for me!" and good for them, but that isn't actually an _upgrade_ over any other mount, it doesn't actually give the Skyscale it's own niche.


It isn't a legendary mount. Not even slightly. If it _could_ actually fly, like you've been conned into believing it can (but remember: it can't, it has flight only in a limited canopy that's slightly taller than a springer jump, and griffon will still fly longer distances faster if it and Skyscale take off at the same ledge, _and_ landing is a _required_ part of Skyscale "flight" travel) then I would agree that it counts as legendary. Since it doesn't fly, however, and since it's a sad sidegrade at best or an outright downgrade at worst, the fact it gets compared to Aurora for the effort it takes to get, and yet manages to be _less_ useful than the Roller Beetle as a result is a very obvious problem.

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> @"Airyll.7849" said:

> > @"Daniel.5428" said:

> > > @"Feothyr.6072" said:

> > >

> > > Except it's not - at least to my knowledge it wasn't promoted as such. Besides, apples and oranges ... It would be much more accurate to compare the skyscale to the roller beetle, as both are mounts added in a Living World update and are the unique selling point of their respective episodes. Comparing the skyscale with Aurora doesn't make any sense at all.

> > >

> >

> > It does. Skyscale is a flying mount. Flying mounts in GW2 are a luxury. For me, the collection really makes sense, I knew they will ask for currency since they announced skyscale as a season finale mount. I saw a flying mount and I said "Ok, this will be another luxury mount." Anyway, those currencies are easy to get. I get a tons over time only from my home nodes.

> >

> >


> Wrong.


> Skyscale is not a legendary mount, nor is it even a prestige mount. It cannot "fly" - it has true flight in a _limited_ canopy which makes landing _required_ for traversal, so no, it can't fly. Similarly, in terms of efficiently getting from Place A to Place B in a relatively fast manner, Skyscale is useless. Springer ascends faster, Griffon flies faster (and if you take off from the same point on a Griffon, you can extend your flight far further on it than on Skyscale,) Raptor/Jackal/Roller Beetle move faster on land (and what do you know, the Roller Beetle actually beats out Raptor and Jackal in its respective category in that regard, only hindered by the inability to jump gaps without a ramp) and the Skimmer is better for travel over volatile terrain or water.


> People are comparing it to Aurora because it is a legendary grind for a distinctly _not_ legendary item.


> The griffon had adventures for it as soon as you got it, encouraging you to complete the masteries so that you could go do brand new adventures on new maps with it. Skyscale gets... rifts, I guess.

> The roller beetle had adventures for it later added, which was neat, but also notably _on release_ was immediately better than Raptor or Jackal at crossing mostly flat terrain; Raptor or Jackal remain relevant because they can jump on command and are easier to turn, but if you wanted to travel a flat distance the Roller Beetle was literally superior in every way and would get you there faster. The Skyscale... has nothing. People like to claim "Oh I'm clumsy, so it's useful for me!" and good for them, but that isn't actually an _upgrade_ over any other mount, it doesn't actually give the Skyscale it's own niche.


> It isn't a legendary mount. Not even slightly. If it _could_ actually fly, like you've been conned into believing it can (but remember: it can't, it has flight only in a limited canopy that's slightly taller than a springer jump, and griffon will still fly longer distances faster if it and Skyscale take off at the same ledge, _and_ landing is a _required_ part of Skyscale "flight" travel) then I would agree that it counts as legendary. Since it doesn't fly, however, and since it's a sad sidegrade at best or an outright downgrade at worst, the fact it gets compared to Aurora for the effort it takes to get, and yet manages to be _less_ useful than the Roller Beetle as a result is a very obvious problem.


So much this... you are only wrong in one thing: even if it could fly, its not comparable to legendaries.

Legendaries are pure prestige Items for skins (one can argue maybe for convenience too), but they are not, nor where they ever intended to be, essential gameplayfeatures, like a new way of movement is. And this gated by time and extensive farms is just plain wrong. The griffon was already on the edge here in my opinion.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > Very helpful post. Not only to show the most efficient way to do this but also to clearly illustrate the extent of the grind required. It actually helped me decide to skip this mount as, with the exception of Shatterer and DF meta, everything else looks like the worst kind of repetitive grind. Especially if you already have PTSD from elegy/requiem.

> Except it's not required. Nobody is forcing you to get the Skyscale at the earliest convenience. Just casually jumping into maps, doing story, events, exploration and gathering, will give you the required currency. If you manage to play the maps just for enjoyment, without thinking of efficiency in reward aquisition or checklisting achievements or whatever you could use to kill your fun of just playing, you'll be surprised how quickly the currency piles up.


I think you misunderstood, I never said it is required or that I'm entitled to it. I'm actually glad Anet didn't make it an upgrade over previous mounts to practically force you into the grind. Now if it was a direct upgrade to the griffon or another mount, I'd have a problem with it but thankfully that's not the case. Repetitive "fetch quest" like tasks, like the ones in these maps are not my idea of enjoyment so I simply choose to skip it. Thankfully the mount is not the only new shiny that came with this episode so I will keep having fun with the new meta and maybe get some of the new armor sets in the process.



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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Not going to take credit for this, but will quote and link to the reddit thread which deals with how to fast gather Season 4 map currencies.


> First off, the thread is here:

> >! The last part of the Skyscale Collection needs a stack (250) of each season 4 currency. here are some tips to easily farm them:

> >

> > **Kralkatite Ore (Domain of Istan)** : very easy to get! just do the hearts at the Astralarium and Champion's Dawn. at the astralarium just interact with the mirrors and the obelisks until the bar is full. at champion's dawn fly up to the hill in the middle and on the way down free all the prisoners and pick up food on the way to the heart vendor. each heart gives you 25(!) Kralkatite Ore. so 50 per character.

> >

> > **Diflourite Crystal (Sandswept Isles)**: that will take a little bit longer. the heart at the athoma farm and the magnetics lab are very fast to finish though. also the gathering route for the nodes on a skimmer are very easy to traverse. when the specimen chamber event is up do it too.

> >

> > **Inscribed Shards (Domain of Kourna)**: besides the heart at the frontline (rytlock) all the other hearts are very fast and easy to finish. at the corsair heart pick up the bottles, at the hylek heart kill fireflys. lord faren's heart and the heart at the village are pretty self explanatory.

> >

> > **Lump of Mistonium (Jahai Bluffs)**: two very easy hearts at the pact camp in the south (just pick up the item near the dummies and spam 1 on them) and at the village (just get seeds and plant them. you also can pick up some foods on the way and give it to the villagers or hoard them so you can use them the next day too). also easy events with the death branded shatterer (its on a timer and many ppl still do it) and each rift event gives 5 mistonium too (5 rifts per day per character!!)

> >

> > **Branded Mass (Thunderhead Peaks)**: 4 very easy and fast hearts you can finish daily on multiple chars. when the north or south metas are up, do them too.

> >

> > **Mistborn Mote (Dragonfall)**: just play the meta and open the chests. you will be flooded with them. when you need more just buy 5 daily at the vendor at the northern entrance/bridge.

> >

> > dont forget that you also can do other events, daily chest and node runs (get Taco for optimal routes), daily home instance gathering or buy 5 of all currencies each day from the new vendor in Dragonfall!!

> - credit goes to kalamari for creating the post on reddit


> Doing some simple math, if you start absolutely from scratch with literally 0 materials, you are looking at around 1-1.5 hours of daily tasks in all 6 maps for as much as 10-12 days for the slowest map (Jahai Bluffs and Sandswept Isles). Many of the other maps can be farmed a lot faster.


> Not included in this calculation: racing around the map and gathering from nodes. Sandswept Isles for example nets some extra Diflourite Crystals extra.


> Same goes for events or additional characters. Jahai Bluffs has a very easy heart in the south which can be completed in 40 seconds for 5 Lump of Mistonium (I'm sure a lot of people remember this map from working on their Elegy and Requiem armors).


> While playing the maps you will accumulate enough Volatile Magic to purchase the additional 5 map resource per day from the Dragonfall trader (requires a total of 420 Volatile Magic for 5 resource of each map).


> Check the thread for additional suggestions. There is also a link to Tekkit's Workshop's guides of youtube videos on gathering resources. Using all methods recommended and multiple characters (3-4 should be enough) will finish collecting the required amount within 1-3 days per map.


> Does this mean it might take a few days longer until you have your Skyscale? Pretty much.

> Is it an unachievable grind? Hard to say, depends on how much you enjoy racing around maps and gathering, doing events, doing hearts and how much resources you have saved up. So basically how much you enjoy playing the game.

> Will I be disadvantaged if others have their Skyscale before me? Absolutely, the first 1,000 Skyscales acquiring players get an additional account based speed boost of 200%. No, obviously not, please play the game at your own pace.


> For all spvp and wvw players, reward tracks will yield 50 map resource (Istan yields 250) and I would recommend getting the slower to gather materials first (Jahai Bluffs and Diflourite Crystals for most).


> To everyone, good luck and try to have fun.


By reward tracks Iv gained all needed currencies... Except of e2, e3 and e4 -. - which are hardest to grind. Boys don't do the same

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If you grab some gathering boosts from the various places do some events/hearts/nodes as you map complete one ton can net a good bit. But kourna and sand swept only give 5 mats for map comp so unless you really need it and are 99% done, I'd save it for later.

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Totals so far:


Istan: Took an hour and a half to get 250 by doing hearts on alts.

Sandswept: 2 1/2 days to get 250, drops were absolutely awful.

Jahai: At 120 currently after 1 day of farming/hearts. Seems to depend entirely on finding a map with people doing events.

Kourna: Haven't started

Dragonfall: At 170 from casually doing events since episode drop.

Thunderhead: At 70 from a day of farming hearts and nodes.

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I'm a little confused on the gathering nodes for the map currencies, I keep looking for them, but I don't know what they're called for each respective map...except Dragonfall with the Mistborne Motes (I think?). Can Someone please clarify this for me, as well as let me know if I need any special tools for these nodes in the form of: Map Name, Node Name, Tool Type/Name? I really could appreciate it. It could be that they don't exist in some maps and that's fine, but it could also be that I'm just missing them too because I don't know what they're called.

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> @"PhantomGoddess.5174" said:

> I'm a little confused on the gathering nodes for the map currencies, I keep looking for them, but I don't know what they're called for each respective map...except Dragonfall with the Mistborne Motes (I think?). Can Someone please clarify this for me, as well as let me know if I need any special tools for these nodes in the form of: Map Name, Node Name, Tool Type/Name? I really could appreciate it. It could be that they don't exist in some maps and that's fine, but it could also be that I'm just missing them too because I don't know what they're called.


I would recommend you to check Wiki that is a very good source for game basics. Don't forget that you can reach wiki directly from game chat by typing: /wiki name of item. For example, if you want to know about mistborn mote, you type: /wiki mistborn mote and you are taken to the page about it, that tells you all what you need to know. Hope this helps. :)

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