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Is there going to be Wing 8?

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With Wing 7 coming in a month (my guess is July 9th) and the promise that the release pace was going to be improved - I can't remember what exactly wording did they use, should there be next raid release? We are getting Coalescence with wing 7 which means there is no reason for them to release more raid wings. On top of that, that number of raiding guilds that died because of 9 month wait in-between raid wing releases has never been so high, It's simply a waste of resources. I would rather get some hard 3-5man content every 3-4 months (definitely not with LS release) than hope for the blessing of the six (wings per year) that maybe JUST MAYBE this time It will not take 9 months for next raid wing to be released.

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They said that they are not going to necessarily put the raid (I'd assume that fractals would be the same) into the living world episode patch and this patch is going to be the first time of them doing exactly that. We can only assume that this means that if a wing is done but idk, the episode is still a month away we get it a month earlier than before. In theory that could increase the release cadence and I hope it does.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> They said that they are not going to necessarily put the raid (I'd assume that fractals would be the same) into the living world episode patch and this patch is going to be the first time of them doing exactly that. We can only assume that this means that if a wing is done but idk, the episode is still a month away we get it a month earlier than before. In theory that could increase the release cadence and I hope it does.


They said:

>"We’re currently adding more polish to the final encounter in the next raid, which continues the story of Qadim and will get its own release after Episode 6. We’re utilizing one of the new team’s efforts to build some additional small-scale open world content so all of our players will have something to celebrate with the release of the raid."


Episode 6 landed on May 14th and Wing 7 is expected SOON™ after.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> With Wing 7 coming in a month


> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> We are getting Coalescence with wing 7


OP are you sure about these 2 statements? I try to keep up with information (which is difficult because for some stupid reason official information only seems to be posted on third party sites), but I don't remember these things being confirmed. I know they said wing 7 would come after ls4e6. But I don't think they gave a time frame. And I don't think Anet made any statement about coalescence unless I missed it?



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+1 for source on both statements, that we are getting it next month and also that it will allow us to finish Coalescence (could be only another gift...).


However, if we do get the legendary, that doesn't mean they can't make more raids on PoF; one option is to just make another legendary, another would be to give a proper LI+LD sink. But I kinda agree with you...I'd rather get regular 5-man content. We know we also lost at least one person from the raids+fractal team which was already pretty small too.


Also, raids become stale fast, and I'm not talking about GW2. There's only so many mechanics you can push forward before having to blatantly rehash (we already have repetitions but they are kept interesting by mixing and matching and all in all our raids are few but sufficiently unique). I'm afraid that increasing cadence might just mean getting a Dhuum variant+a Qadim variant+a gambit variant of the other bosses every 3 or so months. The content is already niche anyway so I'd rather they preserve the good design even in detriment of time if required. It's not like increasing cadence is gonna increase the population.

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As of this moment, the only confirmation we have is that wing 7 is in the works, and that it will be released somewhere after episode 6 (notice that it _doesn't_ automatically mean it will be released before LS5ep1). How soon it will be? There's no information on that. Coalescence? There's no information on that. Will there be any wings beyond 7? Yep, you guessed right - there's exactly zero information on that.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Nafets.1238" said:

> > The raid wing will be announced on 28th with the patch, release on 4th July. Coalescence is tied to it.

> Source?



Its false. 28th will have a patch, which means next patch will be 2(11th) or 3(18th) weeks later.

There is no source for anything yet, but if i had to guess when the new raid (and ring) will release, i bet on 11.6.2019 or 25.6.2019 (most likely this one)


PS. 11th will most likely be something more major. Why do i assume that ? Black Lion Chests.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/pFOPFFn.png "")

> Can somebody tell me what does [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features") mean in Arenanet's language?


As far as I can see it means they failed to meet their expectations, and can't really see how it will improve now that they have _less_ people to work with, _and_ LS4 seems to be quite more popular than raids and even fractals. Raid team was already small to begin with but they did interact with others for asset production and some programming, what about now that everyone is probably extra focused and probably can't really cross-project? Mind you, this post was a single sentence by a single dev a year ago saying they had the intention of releasing more raids _this_ season, and only after that we had the layoffs. So expectations sure must have changed and other areas prioritized.


As for their proposed difficulty, it might mean just that - raids that are mechanically intense like VG and Sabetha, some minor DPS checks, but not on the level of w5 and also not as easy as w4. I think most people except _most people who are vocal about things_ are going to be ok with this.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/pFOPFFn.png "")

> > Can somebody tell me what does [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features") mean in Arenanet's language?


> As far as I can see it means they failed to meet their expectations, and can't really see how it will improve now that they have _less_ people to work with, _and_ LS4 seems to be quite more popular than raids and even fractals. Raid team was already small to begin with but they did interact with others for asset production and some programming, what about now that everyone is probably extra focused and probably can't really cross-project? Mind you, this post was a single sentence by a single dev a year ago saying they had the intention of releasing more raids _this_ season, and only after that we had the layoffs. So expectations sure must have changed and other areas prioritized.


> As for their proposed difficulty, it might mean just that - raids that are mechanically intense like VG and Sabetha, some minor DPS checks, but not on the level of w5 and also not as easy as w4. I think most people except _most people who are vocal about things_ are going to be ok with this.


Well, I mean we finally got Gen 2 legs that were promised with HoT (most of them, no underwater ones) after 4 years, so maybe we will get more wings in 2023 as new guild wars is announced?

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/pFOPFFn.png "")

> > > Can somebody tell me what does [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features") mean in Arenanet's language?

> >

> > As far as I can see it means they failed to meet their expectations, and can't really see how it will improve now that they have _less_ people to work with, _and_ LS4 seems to be quite more popular than raids and even fractals. Raid team was already small to begin with but they did interact with others for asset production and some programming, what about now that everyone is probably extra focused and probably can't really cross-project? Mind you, this post was a single sentence by a single dev a year ago saying they had the intention of releasing more raids _this_ season, and only after that we had the layoffs. So expectations sure must have changed and other areas prioritized.

> >

> > As for their proposed difficulty, it might mean just that - raids that are mechanically intense like VG and Sabetha, some minor DPS checks, but not on the level of w5 and also not as easy as w4. I think most people except _most people who are vocal about things_ are going to be ok with this.


> Well, I mean we finally got Gen 2 legs that were promised with HoT (most of them, no underwater ones) after 4 years, so maybe we will get more wings in 2023 as new guild wars is announced?


We got all of them underwater ones was never promised

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > Well, I mean we finally got Gen 2 legs that were promised with HoT (most of them, no underwater ones) after 4 years, so maybe we will get more wings in 2023 as new guild wars is announced?


> We got all of them underwater ones was never promised

Originally they were speaking about a new full set of legendaries. As part of the expansion. The "but no underwater ones" got added a bit later. The "we'll initially make a few, and keep releasing new ones over a long undefined period _after_ HoT" was an even later addition.


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