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Trading Post Speed

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Do we have any idea why the trading post has been grinding to a halt? Just opening it to try and buy and sell stuff took minutes to open the first page. Been seeing this get worse over the weeks and this is from various connections/locations. Anyone else seeing this?

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I noticed since my last mini vacation from the game for a few months, recently returning because of the skyscale+stuff to do, that the TP has been EXTREMELY sluggish/slow from what I remember it being. I'm not entirely sure why it's so sluggish, wish I knew? Might have to do with authenticating items/currency transactions or something to make sure items aren't duped? Who knows.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"FoxyAnaStasia.1264" said:

> Mine has completely stopped loading now and I am unable to sell or buy anything. This is very frustrating!!!! I put a support ticket in and no response yet about this issue.


You can try clearing the GW2 cache (instructions found on the Knowledge Base accessed via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Search - Troubleshoot Trading Post').


Should this work, be sure to close your ticket by responding to the automated email response with "I no longer need help".


Good luck.

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It got noticeably slower after ANet announced that they'd be converting loot to unID gear for Core/HoT. Since then, we've had layoffs, so maybe there's no one left who really understands how the TP works. (Hopefully that means someone is currently tasked with becoming that person.)



> @"Tekneeq.4302" said:

> i ve been thinking of this,, i quit for 2 years i came back,, i still had many items over 2 years old selling on the market,, im sure all these old transactions slow down the market,,


Almost for sure not. Or at least, not that alone. Even items without any existing orders suffer these delays. Plus, it's inconsistent. Sometimes, I can make over a dozen transactions without seeing a delay; sometimes I can't make even three with long delays. And, as I said above, it became markedly slower after an announcement (before the change was even implemented), so it's got to be some combination of things rather than a single cause.


> they need to clear all items after a week or month

This would create a whole host of other problems, and perhaps not even resolve the issue (as it would require people to relist, adding to the number of transactions).



The TP has always been wonky in its performance. It's probably long overdue for some performance refactoring, which might be all it needs. (I say "all" as if that would be easy, when it's probably a major undertaking.)

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I say clear the whole thing out without fees and reimburse the fees that people incurred when posting. Give everyone 3 months to claim from the TP and send an email out to everyone that after 3 months those items if not claimed would be deleted. Then keep the system in place going forth. After 90 days your items come back to you along with your posting fees.

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I agree with the others, the issue has increased after the rune-patch drastically. Recently, I noticed a slight increase, probably caused by the event and people having more loot to distribute.


What sometimes helps me:


**Clear Cache**

Close client.


Search for a folder with "gw2cache-{ ..." and delete it.

Restart Client.


**Evon Gnashblade Mode**

Click into the searchbox and write I am Evon Gnashblade.

It shrinks the visuals of TP down to the absolute minimum, with tiny icons and just plain text. If you play on high resolutions, it might be difficult to read, but I often noticed a slight improvement in loading-times when running TP in this mode. The instant you finish the code, the game will take one extended lagg. But then it should be smoother.


However, the TP needs an overhaul sooner or later. The performance is unsatisfying.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> I agree with the others, the issue has increased after the rune-patch drastically. Recently, I noticed a slight increase, probably caused by the event and people having more loot to distribute.


> What sometimes helps me:


> **Clear Cache**

> Close client.

> C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\temp\

> Search for a folder with "gw2cache-{ ..." and delete it.

> Restart Client.


> **Evon Gnashblade Mode**

> Click into the searchbox and write I am Evon Gnashblade.

> It shrinks the visuals of TP down to the absolute minimum, with tiny icons and just plain text. If you play on high resolutions, it might be difficult to read, but I often noticed a slight improvement in loading-times when running TP in this mode. The instant you finish the code, the game will take one extended lagg. But then it should be smoother.


> However, the TP needs an overhaul sooner or later. The performance is unsatisfying.


You my friend get a +1 from me for odd knowledge, didn't know about that second bit but as I google I see notes from it from 2014. Nice one there.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I say clear the whole thing out without fees and reimburse the fees that people incurred when posting. Give everyone 3 months to claim from the TP and send an email out to everyone that after 3 months those items if not claimed would be deleted. Then keep the system in place going forth. After 90 days your items come back to you along with your posting fees.

Great idea. I just list my surplus materials for an illusionary price and have them stored away safe and sound for 90 days and even get the posting fee back in the process.


Sorry, that was probably a bit too sarcastic, but that's the main problem of any automated cutoff date: either people have to be much more defensive when posting stuff on the tp (because there's a real chance that you will get the item back and lose the posting fee after a set amount of time) or people will just use it as an extended long-term storage, inflating the number of listings instead of reducing them.


On topic: I don't use the trading post all that often, but I have noticed that some days it works fine and others not at all, too. Up to now I suspected the problem on my end, but from the replies to this topic it seems to be a more widespread problem. I seem to have more luck with it working fine during the mornings european time, so maybe it's a problem of too many people accessing it at once rather than too many listings available.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Its been messy since the rune update patch.


It was already laggy long before that update, it just made it so much worse and very much more noticeable.

This past few weeks though it has begun to come up with connection errors while waiting to view things like promotions or even just prices for items .. won't even bother to highlight the terrabad time it takes to call up an item listing when selling, then trying to actually post for sale.

But silence is golden apparently.

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