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Anyone else excited for more Kas and Jory?


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They are my favorite characters in living story. Kind of a shame to see so many players complain about them. I love the voice acting and the emotions you get to see. I think the writers did excellent with all the characters. The depth of each character and realness just draw you into the story like no other game.

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I dunno. They just seem a tad bit steretypically fan-service female-on-female pairing to me. Now, don't get me wrong I love that stuff but comparing it to something that does that kind of relationship very well (like Steven Universe, one of my favourite things ever when it comes to such pairings)... yeah. Not that great.


As a result I think, ironically, these two are at their best when apart from each-other. Majory's storyline with her sister felt a thousand times more interesting than her being flirty and lovey-dovey with Kasmeer - and that is like 90% of what they do when they share screen-time. It gets predictable and rather stale quickly.

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> @Killerbot.8645 said:

> more kas? sure. more jory? sure.


> more kas & jory? no thank you.


Exactly; they're just a couple, I'd be more interested in a Braham & Rox partnership :p

This old ad&d game had this one hero ally/NPC who would be romantically interested in your own character and at one point you could decide whether to be together or break it off; after which point the NPC changed stats... if together, got buffed slightly and would go on frenzy if you were downed, and similarly if you had broken things off with her, she'd get a condition of sorts in certain fights... was fun mechanic; maybe something to make them more interesting as NPCs in Dragon's Watch if they would make similar actions...

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> @Aphrodite.6950 said:

> Stereotypical? Not even, stereotypical would be a plain old straight couple.


That's not how it works: A homosexual pairing is not by default non-stereotypical and a heterosexual pairing is not by default stereotypical. A lesbian couple can most certainly be stereotypically written, and likewise a "plain old straight couple" can be written with a fresh original take on it.

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> @Pirlipat.2479 said:

> What I found rather strange about them was that it looked like they were breaking up with each other while we were with each of them alone but when they came together it was all like honey and roses again.


The adage about absence making the heart grow fonder may have a lot to do with that.


Last time we saw Kas and Jory, they were angry at each other, but they've since spent time apart that allowed that anger to cool. This allows each to think about it and decide whether they _really_ think it's worth ending the relationship over - and in this case, their decision was that it wasn't. And if you decide that an argument isn't worth ending a relationship over, the rational thing to do is forgive and move on.


It probably also helped that the reason Marjory was angry at Kasmeer was Marjory's perception that Kasmeer chose Balthazar over her. Kasmeer helping to bring Balthazar down in the end, though, helps to demonstrate where her allegiance truly lies once the shock has worn off.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Aphrodite.6950 said:

> > Stereotypical? Not even, stereotypical would be a plain old straight couple.


> That's not how it works: A homosexual pairing is not by default non-stereotypical and a heterosexual pairing is not by default stereotypical. A lesbian couple can most certainly can be stereotypically written, and likewise a "plain old straight couple" can be written with a fresh original take on it.


Don't feed theeemmmmm. SJW'S incoming.


I like how this person tries to claim we got so many straight couple relationships in the game since "the kiss" Even if it felt forced.


As someone said, their story became significantly better when they were Alone.

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If having two females alone is enough to get people excited then why not, I guess. All though to me, they are a little boring and yet another version of something I have seen done many times before. Not that big on the story to begin with even if there are a few characters I like.


**Now, how about a Canach x Rytlock pairing? That would be something to behold.**

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I think the reason people's opinion of them together is sometimes negative is that they began to be defined by their relationship rather than as individuals who were in a relationship with each other. This is why some people find them more tolerable when they are apart, since their individual personalities begin to shine more.


I said this in another thread, but this is something I find annoying even in real life. If two of my friends are in a relationship and when they're together ALL I hear from them is issues about their relationship, or how much they love each other, or what they feel about each other, etc. I find it grating. You expect that honeymoon phase in the beginning of a relationship when a couple have that all new exciting stuff to go through, but we've known Marjory and Kas (if you've been playing since Season 1) for years now. I just feel like an awkward third wheel sometimes.


I get that ANet are somewhat limited in their storytelling - it all has to come from the perspective of the commander. They can't cutaway to a scene with Marjory and Kas alone and develop their relationship and personalities at the same time, so I at least expected SOME level of 'fleshing out their relationship' when the commander is present but I feel like at this point they've done enough for now.


In Season 4, with them appearing together, I hope the writing focuses more on them as people who happen to be in a relationship rather than their relationship being the only thing you hear about when they're together. I'm interested in what Kas' relationship with the Gods is like now that she's seen one fall, met another and been rejected help from them - even knowing they've left. With Marjory, I expected slightly MORE development with her sister's death, but that time has passed. A bit more of what she values, her opinion on the Gods, too (as she's human), etc. She was also a detective when we met her initially - show that off more!


Basically, I don't mind them being together, I just want individual character development when they're together to be as important as relationship development. They shouldn't have to be split up to let their own individual personalities, morals and values shine.


As much as people say they hate Braham, and he's turned into a whiny brat, I actually respect the way they handled him post HoT. He is affected by his mum's death and it's sent ripples through his personality. He isn't likeable at the moment, but that's not a bad thing. Not saying it's perfect, there are elements of Braham and Eir's relationship that felt a bit forced, but he experienced a personal loss because of the Dragons and it's changed him.


Now...if only they'd give as much screen time to Rox...

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Well said, Jay. That's exactly it. If I may again refer to Steven Universe for a moment:


There is a reason why they use Ruby and Sapphire on their own sparringly. In a way these two are like Kas and Jory in that they really don't have much character to them other than their relationship (except that they have wildly clashing personalities to help define them a bit) and it shows in the few episodes where they are not fused as Garnet. I mean, those episodes are brilliant in their own right but it shows that Ruby and Sapphire would definitely be seen as "bad characters" in the same way Kas and Jory if they were used more often. Having them instead fuse to form Garnet and allow her to be a character that builds on the foundation that is their relationship, rather than be wholly defined by it, is way better.


So I guess what I'm saying is that we need to mash Kas and Jory into a Giant Woman. :D

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

It probably also helped that the reason Marjory was angry at Kasmeer was Marjory's perception that Kasmeer chose Balthazar over her. Kasmeer helping to bring Balthazar down in the end, though, helps to demonstrate where her allegiance truly lies once the shock has worn off.


Yes! Thank you finally someone that gets it. I thought this same thing.

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Excellent points Jaymack. I agree that they need to develop the characters a little more. However, Jory is notorious for being closed off about herself though. Her sister shed some light on her past but Jory shut it down quick. I don't think Jory will reveal much, her character is a very private type person. She only really shows emotion with kasmeer.


As for Rox, yes more screen time! I miss Rox!

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> @ancientoak.4258 said:

> Not if its in the forced way as Ls 1. Im not playing for an episode of Bold and the Beautiful. I'm playing for an epic quest for glory and honor against the ever returning forces of evil. No time to go soft when theres Always a new enemy waiting in the Darkness B)


THAT is seriously every other video game. "A mighty quest" blah blah blah

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No, im not this game already has alot of "that kinda stuff" and its pretty in your face about it too i'd rather they tone it down having gay people for the sake of having gay people is just as wrong as having no gay people because your homophobic.


I'd actually like to see more male side characters and a male female relationship.

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> @Genesis.5169 said:

> I'd actually like to see more male side characters and a male female relationship.


T'is a shame that Logan is perpetually friendzone'd by the Queen because of... some reason. Politics, I guess? I mean, it is not really friendzone'd because they both want one-another but whatever.


Double-sided, forced friendzoning?



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