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The mystic mats vaccum

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > How often does this event spawn anyway? I've been waiting in LA for about 20 minutes now and the event hasn't popped. Was it disabled for fixes?


> Its bugged atm, so it got dissabled.


Thank you. Back to Dragonfall it is then. XD

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"confusedbat.5786" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"confusedbat.5786" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > I wonder how it was supposed to work. I thought it was just a mat sink for some ap/title . . .

> > > >

> > > > Based on the response from Anet, it was meant to work as it did, get people to chuck 1000s of gold worth of mats away, in exchange for 5k karma

> > >

> > > No they said there was an issue, which would indicate to me that it did not work as intended. My presumption was when the bar filled it was going to flip over to some other mat that needed a sink, but that is a total guess with no supporting data other than that the bar was labeled something like 'current project' which would indicate there were other projects to come . . .

> > >

> > > It has to be an ongoing thing bc there is no way they would introduce that ap and title just for the ppl who were logged in for those few hours and sry tough luck for everyone else . . .

> >

> > Okay, that I was trying to make was that even if the event was bugged, the reward for this stage wasn't; many people got given 5k karma for donating, people who donated and left the instance got nothing. Point is that 5k karma is basically nothing compared to the amount of mithril sunk into that thing, esp if you didn't manage to complete the collection for the title.


> Yeah I don't think the reward was bugged, other than that lots of ppl didn't get it. It was pretty clear from the outset that it was just a mat sink for ap and title, but we still don't know whether it was supposed to click over to a new mat when the old one filled, or if it's supposed to flip at reset, or if he's supposed to come and go randomly over time or what . . .


> What makes the most sense to me is that he would be there all the time and anet could flip him to a needed sink as the bar gradually filled over time, since after the initial push the bar would fill much more slowly . . .


Im guessing he was supposed to change to a different material once bar filled up (most likely silk). That is mainly due to event specificaly saying "Mithril ingots" yet under achievments, no name is given, and instead specified as "goods". Sooo... we can most likely expect that once the events gets fixed, new material will take place of mithril ingots.

PS. someone in mapchat said that he got an ember infusion from the bag, idk if fake or not (he did post the infusion), but in a way i belive him, since it would make sense for this sort of sink to give that kind of rewards.

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> Wait there is a reward of 5k karma? I donated the 430 required to get both achivs and then left to do fractals so i got nothing for it?


Basicaly yes. Does 5000 karma and 15k exp matter that much though ? I belive you did the smarter thing, doing something else, unlike us who waited and wasted multiple hours waiting to get.... that....

PS: You need to donate around 6000 to get all available AP.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> > Wait there is a reward of 5k karma? I donated the 430 required to get both achivs and then left to do fractals so i got nothing for it?


> Basicaly yes. Does 5000 karma and 15k exp matter that much though ? I belive you did the smarter thing, doing something else, unlike us who waited and wasted multiple hours waiting to get.... that....

> PS: You need to donate around 6000 to get all available AP.


I believe a mystic infusion drops from this? I could be wrong.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"confusedbat.5786" said:

> > Based on the response from Anet, it was meant to work as it did, get people to chuck 1000s of gold worth of mats away, **in exchange for 5k karma**


> ...which many, including myself, did not receive at the 250, 500, 750 and 1000 marks.


For those marks, you got the bag thing. Karma was given **at the end of the event**.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"confusedbat.5786" said:

> > Based on the response from Anet, it was meant to work as it did, get people to chuck 1000s of gold worth of mats away, **in exchange for 5k karma**


> ...which many, including myself, did not receive at the 250, 500, 750 and 1000 marks.


Perhaps this was a piece of bad Karma?

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> @"leunamsil.6742" said:

> Wait there is a reward of 5k karma? I donated the 430 required to get both achivs and then left to do fractals so i got nothing for it?


Same boat mate, the answer is currently no, and tbh Anet haven't said much on the matter aside a twitter message, unless somebody can link otherwise.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"confusedbat.5786" said:

> > > Based on the response from Anet, it was meant to work as it did, get people to chuck 1000s of gold worth of mats away, **in exchange for 5k karma**

> >

> > ...which many, including myself, did not receive at the 250, 500, 750 and 1000 marks.


> For those marks, you got the bag thing. Karma was given **at the end of the event**.


I participated in five, received no Karma giving item.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"confusedbat.5786" said:

> > > > Based on the response from Anet, it was meant to work as it did, get people to chuck 1000s of gold worth of mats away, **in exchange for 5k karma**

> > >

> > > ...which many, including myself, did not receive at the 250, 500, 750 and 1000 marks.

> >

> > For those marks, you got the bag thing. Karma was given **at the end of the event**.


> I participated in five, received no Karma giving item.


The event only ended "once", since it was bugged. Once it actualy ended, the npc dissapeared. The 5min countdown was bugged and gave nothing.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> > @"Merendel.7128" said:

> > > @"Astrolicus.3716" said:

> > > For the people who missed it: there is a new NPC in Lion's Arch, he is close to Mystic Forge, he is interested to see how Mystic Forge works. He accepts mithril lingots.

> > >

> > > You could donate your lingots if you wanted, people keep donating and donating, nothing happened. The developers literally make us donate our lingots for nothing. The event is bugged.

> > >

> > > Imagine you donated 900 of it. Nothing happens. You just wasted 900 lingots for nothing.

> >

> > not nothing. Got a new title and 9 achievement points out of it. kinda meh but I had a pile of the things siting in my materials tab (5 stacks per type in my case) and I'll probably fill that back up in a week or two. Mithril tends to be one of the mats I'm always haveing to offload to the AH because I filled up.

> >

> > I would like to know what that whole thing was about though as I had to leave after it was stuck on 100% for an hour.

> >

> >


> Ooooof, what was the new title? This kind of annoys those that are capped on AP too so any little bits help.


The title was "Mystic Benefactor" awarded from an achievement of the same name (all under genderal/tradesman) worth 3 points. that one was for donating one of each level (1, 10, 25, 100, 250 mats as I recall) Then there was achievements for "Mystic Forge "Researcher"" 1-3. Those required 250 for the first one, 500(beyond the first 250) for the second and another 750 for the third, awarding 1 2 and 3 points respectively. There was a final Mystic Forge "Researcher" with no number after that that was a repeatable 1k donated for 3 points max of 15. I didnt bother with the repeatable.

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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> How often does this event spawn anyway? I've been waiting in LA for about 20 minutes now and the event hasn't popped. Was it disabled for fixes?


As far as I know it was disabled until it can be fixed, which still doesn't provide an explanation for what will happen to those who dumped in their materials nor does it tell anyone when we can expect it to come back to participate in.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> Ooooof, what was the new title? This kind of annoys those that are capped on AP too so any little bits help.


Mystic Benefactor.


I got that, and the trash bags for donating. I am not sure how many bars I tossed in, but it was close to if not at 2K (since I've been shoveling mithril ingots onto a legendary crafting buddy I don't feel like I lost much, that stuff is like kudzu). I have no idea if I got karma for it. I couldn't seem to get any AP from the repeated achieve, was at 0/15 AP from it even after all my donating. I did wait around while the bar was full, hoping to see something exciting and "scientific" happen, but nothing did. So I went back today to find out what the new sink was ... and it was just gone.


Hopefully once it is fixed whatever is supposed to happen when the bar completes will be visible to people (I'm visualizing a fountain of stuff spewing out of the forge onto bystanders, just based on Miller's explanation of his "science." Could be anything though, or nothing). Also hopefully, given how bloody long it took to get that bar maxed in the first place, one needn't happen to be hanging around at the LA forge at just that moment in order to experience the results and rewards.

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Well, I donated 250 ingots for 'science'. I didn't really expect anything great to come out of it - the whole thing smelled very much of some 'maniac' doing 'scientific research'.

However, after the bar filled up completely (which in and of itself took ages - especially with no change in the required mats), absolutely nothing happened. Our mad scientist just continued collecting mithril. I waited for maybe 5 more collections after the bar was full, but as still nothing happened, I decided it was probably bugged and left for something more fun.

I didn't expect any great reward, but no outcome at all (not even 5000 Karma or some kind of funny mystic forge animation or whatever) was definitely underwhelming. I hope it gets fixed so even those of us who decided not to keep looking at a pretty boring bug can experience what was meant to happen.

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> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78121/update-on-the-mystic-forge-event-in-lion-s-arch

> @"Rubi Bayer.8493" wrote

> Yesterday we kicked off an event that asked players to donate mithril near the Lion’s Arch Mystic Forge. We wanted this to be a mystery for players to discover, but unfortunately the event completion was bugged, and the outcome and reward were not clear.


> As a community, your donations have unlocked a new item combination possibility in the Mystic Forge. You’ll need to discover the exact combination of items for yourself, but anyone can use it to obtain a unique pistol skin, True Mettle.


> This was the first of a series of events that will go live periodically over the next few weeks. Each will, when successfully completed, unlock a new possible combination of items which will then reward a new unique weapon skin when placed into the Mystic Forge. For the achievement hunters among you, you'll be able to earn the related achievements throughout the event series, so don't worry if you didn't get it the first time--you'll have more chances!


> We’re working on the second of these events now and will be sure to let you know when it’s live here on the forum and on Twitter.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/78121/update-on-the-mystic-forge-event-in-lion-s-arch

> > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" wrote

> > Yesterday we kicked off an event that asked players to donate mithril near the Lion’s Arch Mystic Forge. We wanted this to be a mystery for players to discover, but unfortunately the event completion was bugged, and the outcome and reward were not clear.

> >

> > As a community, your donations have unlocked a new item combination possibility in the Mystic Forge. You’ll need to discover the exact combination of items for yourself, but anyone can use it to obtain a unique pistol skin, True Mettle.

> >

> > This was the first of a series of events that will go live periodically over the next few weeks. Each will, when successfully completed, unlock a new possible combination of items which will then reward a new unique weapon skin when placed into the Mystic Forge. For the achievement hunters among you, you'll be able to earn the related achievements throughout the event series, so don't worry if you didn't get it the first time--you'll have more chances!

> >

> > We’re working on the second of these events now and will be sure to let you know when it’s live here on the forum and on Twitter.



I don't get it.

Players donate mihtril, then they get a new MF recipe they have to discover ? But for these players or for all ? For how much time after event completion ?

Just I don't get it.

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