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Do you play as both genders?


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I only play female characters (mainly Human and Asura) because I don't see any good variety in male customizing (minus outfits that I wish was on females).

Don't like the hair or face options.


That and I got to play on one of my friend's engineers today and it's a male.

The voice really annoyed me. Kind of reminds me of one of the voices from Saints Row which annoyed me too.

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I'm a woman and my characters are male and female, and all races bar norn (just too big, especially the males). I have two mains: the chrono is female sylvari, and the reaper is male asura. I always another character who is levelling/doing world completion/material collections and that's currently a female human ranger. The last was a male human elementalist. Unless I decide I really like the levelling character, they tend to get deleted after murdering Zhaitan, making way for a new one. I try not to get attached. =)


Additionally, I have a male sylvari chrono, female charr chrono, male human dragonhunter, female sylvari ranger, female asura engi (Cheeze Toastie, the first character I made in headstart). I don't really play these, but they all have crafting use.


The next char I make for world completion is likely to be male (it alternates).


All of them have internal RP because my mind is always zipping about and it's useful to keep it concentrated on something.

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Male, all female characters. The same happens in tabletop games. I think the trend goes back to a time before the internet when we had to either draw our character pictures or get someone else to draw them. I always found drawing females more engaging, which I suppose made me like a great many other males who draw or paint character pictures.

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Wow, this really took off!


I love seeing all the different ways people approach it. It's kind of funny, character creation seems like such a straight-forward thing but when you get into it there's a lot you can do with it. (Says the person who never got to play Baldur's Gate Enhanced the first night she had it because she spent too long coming up with a character.)


> @"Bobby Stein.3612" said:

> I have multiple characters of each gender, partially because I want to hear the different voice actors and also because I like variety.


I imagine you'd also want lots of characters to see all the different story paths. (Unless maybe you're fed up with them and just stick with your favourite.)

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Can't really come up with a pattern or an explanation for the combinations of genders and races I play. Just comes down to personal preference in the end.


Looking at the 30+ characters I made at this point and those I ended up playing most:

Charr tend to be in heavy armor and male, humans tend to be female and mostly in light armor or medium armor. Asura are a mix of male and female across all armor types. Sylvari are hard to find, all though a sylvari female ranger is my favorite character and Norn do not even exist.

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It's different for each game. In this one I love the human females and sticking with those. But back when I was on WoW many years ago I played alot of male orcs. Then for Black Desert Online I definitely played females they look absolutely amazing there, and it's kind of forced on some classes(very much dislike this type of character creation, I'm looking at you Tera).

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> @Reimia.8741 said:

> It's different for each game. In this one I love the human females and sticking with those. But back when I was on WoW many years ago I played alot of male orcs. Then for Black Desert Online I definitely played females they look absolutely amazing there, and it's kind of forced on some classes(very much dislike this type of character creation, I'm looking at you Tera).


ironically human female is my highest count here too, by a whopping... 4 characters I think, then 2 asurans, 1 charr[male], 1 sylvari and 1 norn. as long as it adds up to 9 those numbers are correct.

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> @Gulesave.5073 said:

> You mean...not everybody makes sure they have a character of each gender for each race and for each armor class...? How odd.


That is exactly what I do too!

I have worked on having enough character slots to have one character of each armor weight for each race, and alternate the sex for each to prevent a majority,

I would love to have one of every profession of every race and each gender, but that's 9 x 5 x 2 = 90 character slots? :open_mouth:

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I can see this topic is going to lead to me making another 2 characters to complete 'the set'.


I'm only missing charr female and human male and I've been seriously contemplating making another engineer to be a Holosmith, so Iron Legion charr would be a good fit...although then both my charr would be in medium armour (the other is a thief). Not sure about the human. I've got a name and an appearance I like (which I use for random alts/key runners) but I don't know about a profession.


I really shouldn't make another 2, I don't have enough time for the 9 I have already. But then it would allow me to use more of the skins I've picked up....

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I'm a female and for some reason I only ever play females.

However, every now and then I make male characters but usually end up deleting them. I honestly don't really know why.

The same happens to my created Norn characters, they never survive for long. Sorry Nornies. 3

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My sex is female. I prefer to play males. I have a few female characters, so I can't say I play exclusively males... but a good 80-90% preference.


I have a bunch of reasons, but maybe also no reason? I identify as non-binary, so I may just prefer playing male characters and having strangers by default assume I am male. One thing with female characters is the clothes/armor: It's all very gorgeous and sexy, and I have fun playing dress-up - but then I feel embarrassed and ridiculous running around looking like that. My first introduction to mmos way back when was by playing wow: I started out playing females, but had a few creepy encounters being harassed, or guys being unforgiving if I made a mistake with the whole "girls suck/can't play." I started playing a male character and suddenly others say "good job dude" and no gross encounters.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> I have to admit I'm surprised that so far 66% of votes are from men. I know women are typically the minority in MMOs but I always thought this game was a bit more even than that. I would have guessed 60:40 split at most.


The combination also includes "uses the official forums". Maybe the share of females using the official forums is not the same as females playing the game, could even be more women playing but not caring for forums, maybe because they are more casual gamers in general? No idea, but this poll does not show the share of female players in GW2.

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I don't consider the commander as an extension of myself, but as a character in a story. Just like how one can watch Terminator 2, Kill Bill or Alien without being female.


So I have characters with all sorts of variations. I got males, females, krytans, elonains, ascalonians, canthans, charr, norn, asura, sylvari...


I don't have tengu though. We need that fixed.


> @Reinthir.1349 said:

> [...]

> I don't know how anyone is looking at any butts with the amount of trench coats and butt capes in the game ::dissapointed:


Gotta get that Glorious Brigandine and that Aetherblade Heavy Legplate.


Not many good solutions for light armor, though.

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