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Im not getting the skyscale.

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Well i went through all the initial hoops not happy at all with the amount of stuff you have to get and time you have to wait to get the mount. But the straw that broke the camels back was finding out after i got the eggs, that i have to do every LW4 story in order to proceed forward with getting the mount. Yeah new account i dont have those LW parts, and im not paying them to buy them. I wish they had made the requirements clear from the start. So the mount is not accessible to all players, new players have to pay for it, real nice anet.


Oh and before someone comes in to fanboi for anet about the roller beetle was the same. No it wasnt, you couldnt even start anything for the roller beetle until you unlocked the story for it. I know i had to buy it, the skyscale is not like that, it made it available to start for everyone. Shady very shady.

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You can always acquire the Living World Season 4 Episodes in-game with Gold-to-Gems.

ArenaNet just gave away all the Episodes in the past few weeks, as well; no idea how 'new' you are.


If you aren't interested in obtaining all parts of the game, that's perfectly fine.

(You won't be able to acquire the Roller Beetle, either.)


Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.

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I'm confused. You can't start the skyscale unless you complete ep6. That is almost identical as the beetle where you had to do ep3 or at least some of it


I'm understanding of the overlong reqs, but there was def nothing shady going on. They never said it would be accessible for free for everyone - it is a luxury/premium mount after all

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'm confused. You can't start the skyscale unless you complete ep6. That is almost identical as the beetle where you had to do ep3 or at least some of it


> I'm understanding of the overlong reqs, but there was def nothing shady going on


You can not get the mount unless you did all the LW 4 stories. I missed the first 3, yes you can start the skyscale without having completed LW4, thats why i said they should have said something, i wouldnt have wasted my time. It is shady because a lot of accounts that didnt play when those LW seasons were up now have to buy them. Or they dont get the mount that they started on.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can always acquire the Living World Season 4 Episodes in-game with Gold-to-Gems.

> ArenaNet just gave away all the Episodes in the past few weeks, as well; no idea how 'new' you are.


> If you aren't interested in obtaining all parts of the game, that's perfectly fine.

> (You won't be able to acquire the Roller Beetle, either.)


> Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.



LOL sure you want to loan me the gold, new account i have like 20 gold what are you kidding me? Do you think a month old account has that kind of gold? The issue is they should have warned people. This is nothing like beetle was, you couldnt even get it started unless you unlocked long live the lich. Skyscale they let you start it thinking well ill just grind it out and get the mount..nope

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I'm confused. You can't start the skyscale unless you complete ep6. That is almost identical as the beetle where you had to do ep3 or at least some of it

> >

> > I'm understanding of the overlong reqs, but there was def nothing shady going on


> You can not get the mount unless you did all the LW 4 stories. I missed the first 3, yes you can start the skyscale without having completed LW4, thats why i said they should have said something, i wouldnt have wasted my time.


There is a mail that informs you, I just forget which step it mentions it


You also don't need to complete the stories. You just need map access. Now that is a bit of technicality since you still need to own those episodes, but you an buy them with in game currency and thus no one needs to pay at all


Again, The beetle you can't start without ep 3

The SKyscale you can't start unless ep 6 is completed. Yes you need the other episodes - see my first point

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They actually told us that we'd need all of LS4 before we started on it, but it wasn't announced in the game anywhere. So it's not like they were hiding it, it's just a message that some people missed.


And as for the "made it available to start for everyone", no. They made it available to start for anyone that has that chapter of LS4 AND PoF. (AKA: The people most likely to have the rest of LS4 unlocked.) And they recently offered each of the other LS4 chapters for free for a week each, for those that hadn't unlocked them for free already. If you're so disinterested in the story that you didn't get them, then I think the rest of the collection might be enough to deter you even if you did have them. (You need, amongst other things, 250 of the currency item from EACH of the 6 zones).

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> They actually told us that we'd need all of LS4 before we started on it, but it wasn't announced in the game anywhere. So it's not like they were hiding it, it's just a message that some people missed.


> And as for the "made it available to start for everyone", no. They made it available to start for anyone that has that chapter of LS4 AND PoF. And they recently offered each of the other LS4 chapters for free for a week each, for those that hadn't unlocked them for free already. If you're so disinterested in the story that you didn't get them, then I think the rest of the collection might be enough to deter you even if you did have them. (You need, amongst other things, 250 of the currency item from EACH of the 6 zones).

i didnt play back then, so no i didnt have access to the story, but hey np just pay us money and you can get the mount. And i didnt get any mail saying you had to complete all of LW4 till after i gathered all the eggs! Then i get a kitten mail from gorrik that says you have to have all episodes of LW4 to continue.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > They actually told us that we'd need all of LS4 before we started on it, but it wasn't announced in the game anywhere. So it's not like they were hiding it, it's just a message that some people missed.

> >

> > And as for the "made it available to start for everyone", no. They made it available to start for anyone that has that chapter of LS4 AND PoF. And they recently offered each of the other LS4 chapters for free for a week each, for those that hadn't unlocked them for free already. If you're so disinterested in the story that you didn't get them, then I think the rest of the collection might be enough to deter you even if you did have them. (You need, amongst other things, 250 of the currency item from EACH of the 6 zones).

> i didnt play back then, so no i didnt have access to the story, but hey np just pay us money and you can get the mount.


How is that a problem though? I couldn't get any mount without buying an entire expansion. You can't get the beetle without buying the expansion and the relevant episode. You can't access the warclaw in wvw (a core mode) without buying an expansion. And no, you can't get the Skyscale without buying the expansion and all of ls4 and completing the final story.


Yes, they want you to buy their stuff and play their content and boost their playerbase and metrics and finances


I'm not seeing an unreasonable expectation



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > > They actually told us that we'd need all of LS4 before we started on it, but it wasn't announced in the game anywhere. So it's not like they were hiding it, it's just a message that some people missed.

> > >

> > > And as for the "made it available to start for everyone", no. They made it available to start for anyone that has that chapter of LS4 AND PoF. And they recently offered each of the other LS4 chapters for free for a week each, for those that hadn't unlocked them for free already. If you're so disinterested in the story that you didn't get them, then I think the rest of the collection might be enough to deter you even if you did have them. (You need, amongst other things, 250 of the currency item from EACH of the 6 zones).

> > i didnt play back then, so no i didnt have access to the story, but hey np just pay us money and you can get the mount.


> How is that a problem though? I couldn't get any mount without buying an entire expansion. You can't get the beetle without buying the expansion and the relevant episode. You can't access the warclaw in wvw (a core mode) without buying an expansion. And no, you can't get the Skyscale without buying the expansion and all of ls4 and completing the final story.


> Yes, they want you to buy their stuff.




Then they should have said so, no they didnt say , i have all my mails from starting a month ago. No where did they say you need all LW4 , not till after i wasted my time doing the collections then i get the message in a mail from gorrik about taking the eggs to a hatchery. I couldnt even start roller beetle even though i had done the stories before it and after it, that episode was locked. But you can start the skyscale without warning till after you are into it.












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If you check the information on gw2 wiki, it's clear you need all episodes.

Skyscale info page:



>Unlocking the Skyscale requires access to all episodes of Living World Season 4.


LW4 ep 6 info page:


>New Mount

>Skyscale (Unlocking it requires access to all episodes of Living World Season 4)


If you planned to BUY the ep, you'd probably check what it contains and see it requires all episodes. You didn't check because you got the episode for free. This information isn't really secret, not sure why you're mad about it now. (it's probably because you want a free mount, but if that's the case then stop pertending anet somehow deceived you here)

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I suspect Anet didn't anticipate many players with a 1 month old account jumping straight to trying to unlock one of the latest long-term(ish) goals immediately. Or that people in that situation would want to do it without unlocking all of the preceding content.


I can see how it would be a problem in that situation, but I can't imagine there's large numbers of people who are doing that.


However the fact that it requires all the other Season 4 episodes doesn't mean you can't get it, just that you're several steps behind people who had already unlocked those maps and will be doing it in a different order. They're still available to buy, and you can buy them with gold. Yes it will take a lot longer than if you'd already done that before the skyscale was released (which is really the only alternative - no one is getting it without unlocking and playing those episodes) but there is a huge difference between something which is going to take longer than expected and something which is genuinely impossible.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > Perhaps a month old account should not worry about getting a luxury mount.

> >

> > Perhaps you shouldn't be so smarmy. Its game content that was not said you have to do all the LW4 stories to get it. Its not like beetle beetle could not even be looked at until you opened long live the lich. I dont care game is a cash shop and i see that now.


> I did not have lw4 done before the skyscale, so just get it and do the kitten story. It's a few euros for some fun and a lot of convenience. :/


But he deserves everything he wants for free :angry:

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > Perhaps a month old account should not worry about getting a luxury mount.


> Perhaps you shouldn't be so smarmy. Its game content that was not said you have to do all the LW4 stories to get it. Its not like beetle beetle could not even be looked at until you opened long live the lich. I dont care game is a cash shop and i see that now.


maybe he didn't express it in the friendliest manner but the point is made ... I think the lesson here is that there is value in making sure, as a new player, that you understand the requirements for the content in the game. That's not Anet's responsibility, it's yours.

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I am not getting it either. I was on the fence when we saw the mechanics as it was not what anyone had envisioned (trading griffon speed for the ability to gain altitude). I was still interested though but gave up when I ran into gates. Specifically that you have to at least complete episode 6. Since I have epilepsy in RL you can probably guess why I would not willingly submit myself to that ending (the bit flying to the top of the wing triggered some serious vertigo as well, which could fire off a seizure, in normal use with the mount I could always fly down if I sensed a problem). I have also heard at least one thing in getting the mount is flashy as well. Ironically, the two things I have heard the most about, time gating and regional currency gating, are not problems for me. I am patient (you have to be when stress causes a medical condition) and have all the S4 nodes in my home instance and have been mining them daily since each was available.

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This not the only thing concerning that mount that should have been communicated better and in more detail. I wouldn't bother with the mount if I were you, as a new player you probably have other priorities for your gold (ascended, bags etc). The mounts that come with PoF are more than enough, if not better.

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The Skyscale has caused a lot of division between players, and the first step toward ending that is to stop sniping one another for liking or disliking this mount.


ArenaNet's implementation of the Skyscale has faced sharp criticism, and I believe it is fair for people to say as much if it's really what they believe. Conveyance has been such a big problem in the game that it has become a meme among my friends to say 'conveyance' whenever we encounter something critical to a story or game mechanic that has not been properly explained or otherwise conveyed in plain view.


Posting about limited time in-game events on Twitter and outside social media only. Poor. Running promotions and changing their terms after the fact. Poor. Introducing the breakbar mechanic without sufficient explanation and example. Poor. Hyping a new mount that is tied into the acquirement of a new legendary and that requires large amounts of purchased content without making those requirements clear until partway into the acquirement process. Poor.


ArenaNet has (and will continue to) play it by ear and make adjustments where they see fit. Feedback like this is necessary, and no good will come from infighting. The info-delivery aspect of the Skyscale is currently lacking, and that is the problem touched on in this thread.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> They actually told us that we'd need all of LS4 before we started on it, but it wasn't announced in the game anywhere. So it's not like they were hiding it, it's just a message that some people missed.


> And as for the "made it available to start for everyone", no. They made it available to start for anyone that has that chapter of LS4 AND PoF. (AKA: The people most likely to have the rest of LS4 unlocked.) And they recently offered each of the other LS4 chapters for free for a week each, for those that hadn't unlocked them for free already. If you're so disinterested in the story that you didn't get them, then I think the rest of the collection might be enough to deter you even if you did have them. (You need, amongst other things, 250 of the currency item from EACH of the 6 zones).


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I suspect Anet didn't anticipate many players with a 1 month old account jumping straight to trying to unlock one of the latest long-term(ish) goals immediately. Or that people in that situation would want to do it without unlocking all of the preceding content.


> I can see how it would be a problem in that situation, but I can't imagine there's large numbers of people who are doing that.


> However the fact that it requires all the other Season 4 episodes doesn't mean you can't get it, just that you're several steps behind people who had already unlocked those maps and will be doing it in a different order. They're still available to buy, and you can buy them with gold. Yes it will take a lot longer than if you'd already done that before the skyscale was released (which is really the only alternative - no one is getting it without unlocking and playing those episodes) but there is a huge difference between something which is going to take longer than expected and something which is genuinely impossible.


This. And LW s4 episode requirement info is on the Skyscale's page on the wiki https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale see section "NOTES" and has been since the page revision on the 22nd of May. If you were using that as a guide at any point in the last week I'm surprised you just found out tonight. Ultimately it's not impossible to get the Skyscale as it's not required to pay real cash to unlock the other episodes via gold to gem transfer, it just means you have more grinding to do than the people who were there from the start of season 4. It's not the end of the world, you won't get permanently locked out of mount collections just because you get to them later than other people. You won't be alone, there will always be people doing the collection as it won't matter if you missed the start of LWs4 by a month, six months, or a year, a lot of players will be doing it retrospectively.

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You claim you are a new account, yet you are interestested in the last released stuff...strange.

You should play the game following the timeline, farming gold (or buying gems) to buy your desired LS episodes in order, not rushing to the latest content because "hey, I'm new player, I'm entitled to do all released stuff like veteran players do".

I mean, you are free to rush it, but you won't have my empathy if you can't manage to do all stuff...

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Considering the game gives you an equal or better mount (depends on your viewpoint) without LWS4 episodes, I really don't see much of an issue of it being locked behind LW episodes since it's a novelty mount.


Both Skyscale and Roller Beetle are novelty mounts at best, though I see Roller Beetle as having more use than Skyscale (which is why I was hoping it wouldn't require other LW episodes) due to it's Barrier Smash and the Roller Beetle Racing across Tyria.

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If you are a new "month old acct" you dont have the past three as youve said. these episodes were free for 3-5 months each and free again leading up to the release. So unless you just started at the release of the latest episode you dont have a case. Even still, you wouldnt be worried about mounts on a brand new account anyways.

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I'm confused.

If the account is only 1 month old, then the OP's statement that they have Episodes 4, 5 and 6 means they purchased them (and purchasing Episodes wasn't an issue).

If the Episodes weren't purchased, then the account is more than 1 month old, perhaps nearly a year old, and acquiring Gold should not be that big of an issue.

Three Episodes would be, at most, 600 Gems which currently is less than 200 Gold. Dragonfall is giving loot away like candy; it shouldn't take _that_ long to save up some Gold. Perhaps, just purchase one Episode for ~65 Gold, and start acquiring the Map Currencies needed?


Good luck.

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