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WvW rewards: why are they so lacking?


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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> I don't play WvW for rewards, i play it to have fun in wvw. Maybe you should reconsider playing if all you care about is getting useless stuff filling your bags.


If u think, u can't earn stuff, while having fun and being happy, I'm rly sorry for ur life

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> @"SugarCayne.3098" said:

> If rewards are too significant, WvW is at peril of becoming a pve champ k-train map, because people would play it simply to farm rewards -- instead of getting invested in the actual mode (which is fantastic).

> We already have issues with the ktrain mentality.

> Better rewards would wreck WvW.


Pretty much this. Even now I only go to WvW for the occasional weekend event, or the PVE rewards (gob, warclaw tracks, etc.) Rewards are ok, but yeah...

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> @"Rangerdeity.5847" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I find it easier and less effort to earn rewards playing WvW than running dungeons. Dungeons get boring after a while; WvW frequently surprises me.


> i dont know about less effort but its a lot more fun than dungeons. WvW can be hell if the enemy team is actually evenly matched with you. (but the good kind of hell) you know 3 hour sieges and a mini holocaust under the barrage of cows. **yet at the same time i need to kill a player for the same rewards PVE players for killing a veteran mob that sounds a little warped**.


Well, in WvW killing a player rewards you in most of the cases with **less** XP (at least XP) than you earn by killing a veteran in the same mode. A veteran gives you at least 25 XP. How many times you earned less by killing a player?


Hunting NPC's is somehow very related with PvE, so even in a pure WvW environment, by doing PvE you can have more than doing WvW.


But the number of PvE players avoiding WvW should be enough to explain the discrepancy between the rewards in these two game modes. They don't WvW because "it is not efficient in regards of gold per hour ratio".


I like when I see this kind of debates. Because everyone can understand that all the efforts ANet makes to cosmetize the WvW into an attractive activity for the non WvW'rs (for PvE'rs I mean) are useless unless they will rework the rewards.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> the number of PvE players avoiding WvW should be enough to explain the discrepancy between the rewards in these two game modes.

You seem to be ignoring that a large fraction of GW2 players don't like competitive game modes.


> They don't WvW because "it is not efficient in regards of gold per hour ratio".

While there are some people who play for "gold per hour," there are plenty who do not.


> all the efforts ANet makes to cosmetize the WvW into an attractive activity for the non WvW'rs (for PvE'rs I mean) are useless unless they will rework the rewards.

They did rework the rewards. They are now pretty good, when you take into account reward tracks + match rewards. They aren't Istan-multi-map or Silverwastes levels, but then nothing in PvE is that good either.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > the number of PvE players avoiding WvW should be enough to explain the discrepancy between the rewards in these two game modes.

> You seem to be ignoring that a large fraction of GW2 players don't like competitive game modes.



I won't comment. I already know that many GW2 players don't play competitive game modes. How do you know they don't like? Maybe they don't like the reward? Ant they feel it is not worth wasting time there?


> > They don't WvW because "it is not efficient in regards of gold per hour ratio".

> While there are some people who play for "gold per hour," there are plenty who do not.



Well, I think the rewards in WvW are too small even for the players who usually don't look at the gold/hour ratio (although I don't think many players - excepting the RP'rs maybe - are not paying attention to the gold earned. In PvE it seems the ratio is good enough to keep them content even without watching it closely).


> > all the efforts ANet makes to cosmetize the WvW into an attractive activity for the non WvW'rs (for PvE'rs I mean) are useless unless they will rework the rewards.

> They did rework the rewards. They are now pretty good, when you take into account reward tracks + match rewards. They aren't Istan-multi-map or Silverwastes levels, but then nothing in PvE is that good either.



I mean **rework**. What they did was a .... cosmetic operation. Let's take the GoB reward track. Let's suppose you escort dolyaks for this. If you don't use any booster for reward track, in 8 hours you can have around 10 liquid gold + 8 Tome of Knowledge + 12 Obsydian Shards + 1 Amalgamated gemstone + 3 Transmutation charges (I converted the 2 Mystic Clovers into 6 MC and rounded the value to 8 G). This is for sure. And you can have a **chance** to some extra materials.


You consider this to be good? Any player in GW2 can walk through the maps and gather materials for a better reward. Without the stress of fighting gankers / defending structures etc.

So, the rework you spoke about was not enough.


What is the match reward? We used to have something like that. But Anet took it from us and now the reward can be found in Gem Store under the form of a Glyph. Anyone can have it for few dolars.

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Wvw as it is right now, other than roaming, is all about stacking and bandwagoning. Basically both numbers and experienced players in a server as much as possible. As much i don't want it to be that way, sooner or later, a stacked server will appear and the only way to fight it is with another stacked server and the population as it is cannot handle alot of this so you'll just end up with a handful servers who are able to contend with each other.


Now if you include the concept of rewards on this, and if the rewards are really good, why would I stay on an underdog team? I would always try to be with the most stacked af server there is to guarantee my rewards. Even worse, if the rewards are distributed by whoever wins by ppt score, I would instantly go to a largely night crew server. Welcome to the age of Gate vs Gate vs Gate. Let's run rotations together with the enemy commander and dodge. EOTM has proved this concept when it still had people playing in it. ...and rewards. Don't overestimate wvw people too much. They will do this. They will play for rewards. It will become your new regular champion lootbox train mode.

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The main reason is collusion issues. PvP game modes that have good rewards are often gamed by opposing sides. We saw a small scale version of this with EotM before the loot/WxP nerfs hit. It is much more difficult to gate rewards so that players cannot game the system in a competitive environment compared to PvE.


The other reason, WvW is a tiny portion of the overall population. Time has been better spent by ANet fixing up PvE areas of the game that draw in vastly more players so WvW players basically got scraps in terms of content updates since release.

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Pips/Reward tracks are wayyyy too slow. It takes like what? 8 hours to do a track and quite a few hours to earn pips. And the reward for earning the higher pip chests isn't really worth the time either.


Yea you can use a booster but like, what other game mode requires boosters just to work?


Marks are also a scam and trying to craft them directly costs just as much as just crafting them normally. Yes, you could collect them for "free" but that's also such [a waste of time you're better off crafting anyways.


I mean it's definitely not scaled to other game modes, and it just takes a bit of observation elsewhere to see-- we have people complaining about not tagging so they can't get heavy loot bags (more like spikes), except Heavy Loot bags are not really worth much themselves-- just 2 greens really,


Oh and the Reward tracks themselves; thanks for boxes on boxes on top of boxes. Sometimes it gets so bad that I'd rather not open all those useless chests that contain level tomes or something. But that's just the thing about the game in general; "loot" is generally a junkpile of crap that you have to spend lots of time sifting through.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would love to get a Fractals reward track. That's the only thing I think is missing.


I've said it before- WvW rewards aren't undertuned, it's the opposite. PVE is so overturned that everybody's baseline is too high. And for a perfect example of the player mentality, watch how everyone flocks to a new map as soon as word gets out that it rewards more gold than Silverwastes, and as soon as that map gets nerfed they go back to Silverwastes. Silverwastes itself never changed but the players just want more more more more more!


How many people repeated Molten Boss fractal over and over for hours every day when it was determined to be the highest gph in the game? Speedrunners had it down to under 2 minutes per run if memory serves. Imagine doing that over 100 times in a day, and completely ignoring everything else GW2 has to offer, for no other reason than "it's the highest gph in the game." No thanks.


Increasing gph won't save this game mode, and if it's buffed to be at or near the top gph in the game you really won't like what happens when the gold farmers come to take over.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> Increasing gph won't save this game mode, and if it's buffed to be at or near the top gph in the game you really won't like what happens when the gold farmers come to take over.


Farming them would be pretty good gold in and of itself if you have an organised group.


That's the thing with WvW. Having good rewards is not a bad thing. Karma trainers will get farmed to oblivion. The people that want to PvP will be able to disrupt those kind of farms pretty easily, especially when reward farmers will be using very squishy non min/maxed PvP spec gear and specialisations.


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