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just an idea


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idk about yall... but i think somehow making a voice chat system for pvp would be amazing,, just imagine an mmo where u can pvp at lvl 1 and it has voice chat... like no other mmo would have this.. it would make people play longer at a time.. because it would make pvp more fun being able to voice chat and communicate, and if they also added a voice chat when u joined fracts would be so fun,, i would play all day every day if i could join pvp and fracts and just talk to some people.. sometimes guild members are busy.. LFG with voice chat would be awesome...

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horrible idea... absolutely horrible... the last thing we need is a bunch of kids screaming into mics that they are losing... if you want to talk that desperately join a guild and leave the talking to them you can join several guilds so just join a pvp guild and there problem solved.


spare the rest of us the shrieking children.

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see thats the problem with people.,. everyone always says no because people are toxic.. its the internet like get used to it.. u can just mute them.. a mature adult with the desire to win like myself every pvp match i join would love to communicate with my team give and take orders in order to get that W at the end.. i think its a great idea

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The problem with that.. is that while YOU might want this feature and think its fine... many others can see the obvious problems with it and probably why its not implemented... ive played enough games with open mics to know how it always turns out... and i do NOT want that in GW 2.


and no making me have to block literally everyone who annoys me is NOT an acceptable solution..

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point im trying to make is it would make it better,, put the biggest point is new players will find buddies a lot easier without having to joina guild and wait on other people.. u can que and talk and communicate to get ur W.. if u cant handle a few people without just muting them then the internet isnt for you

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allow me t introduce you to the wonderful game that is... call of duty... a pvp game where you can pvp right from the start.. and oh look its plagued with kids screaming into the mics almost constantly in EVERY match...


there is a reason it does not exist and that is that...

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Players that ignore chat will ignore voice chat too. Most just wanna get their dailies done and get some decent reward and aren't looking for guidance of someone that claims knows best.


If you want a voice chat then you're probably better off with WvW and one of the ts/discord channels these groups use. Or go in a custom pvp browser with friends/guildies and use a 3rd party voice program like discord/ts.

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Really don't like this idea, since it would require way too much pressing "ignore" to actually enjoy/play the game rather than just turning off a certain type of chat in the chat log as it is right now. Also don't want to hear distracting background noise that often accompanies voice chat and entirely ruins immersion/concentration. If I wanted to play with voice chat, I would just join a guild or small group that uses a separate voice chat program. Can't even begin to imagine what this idea would be like in large squads such as WvW or world bosses; forcing 25+ people in a squad to listen to 24+ other people at the same time, many of whom would obviously just use it to troll and/or scream.

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im not saying i kno all.. but when ur a silver and u see some of the way these people play u would make a post as well... half the time i see people fight for 4 seconds then alt tab from smashing all their hot keys... play in a silver game u will pull ur hair out

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OMG this again!!!! It's been discussed, polled & ect... & it's been concluded & shut down at every turn that some smarty pants thought (hey what a great idea.)

No, Not a great idea, it's in fact a bad idea considering the amount of toxicity that already exist on chat & the number of reporting spammers. I can promises you the amount of banned players for pooping in voice chat will increase exponentially. You think population low now, give us a voice chat & see if we can beat the record. :-1:

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Gotta pass.


I need that first minute or so setup to analyze the other team's comp and edit my build around that. I'd rather not play it like Overwatch and waste time going through muting trolls and people with clickity-clack keyboards combined with oversensitive mics.


Like it's been said, if people are going to ignore Teamchat and map pings; they'll probably ignore voice chat too, but I feel you when you say it gets worse at lower ranks; people not paying attention.


Another solution rather than voice chat, would be revamping the way rank is awarded/taken away. When you always lose more for a loss than you'd gain for a win regardless of how much you or your team contributes, pays attention, what have you; then it's easy to feel trapped in your rank. Maybe even objectively possible to become trapped in a rank.

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> @"Adrianna.3092" said:

> horrible idea... absolutely horrible... the last thing we need is a bunch of kids screaming into mics that they are losing... if you want to talk that desperately join a guild and leave the talking to them you can join several guilds so just join a pvp guild and there problem solved.


> spare the rest of us the shrieking children.


every single time someone brings this up, I wonder why wouldn't a mute button solve this?


why let a few bad apples ruin a good idea.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Adrianna.3092" said:

> > horrible idea... absolutely horrible... the last thing we need is a bunch of kids screaming into mics that they are losing... if you want to talk that desperately join a guild and leave the talking to them you can join several guilds so just join a pvp guild and there problem solved.

> >

> > spare the rest of us the shrieking children.


> every single time someone brings this up, I wonder why wouldn't a mute button solve this?


> why let a few bad apples ruin a good idea.


Cuz it's not a good idea.. Have you ever seen any game with voice chat?

You do know what's going on them do you?

So what's the point of having it if 98% of players gonna mute it 100% of the time?

This is a waist of time & money & especially coders resources that could be put into better use.

I suggest you do what everyone does & download discord. There, problem solved, enjoy.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Cuz it's not a good idea.. Have you ever seen any game with voice chat?

> You do know what's going on them do you?

> So what's the point of having it if 98% of players gonna mute it 100% of the time?

> This is a waist of time & money & especially coders resources that could be put into better use.

> I suggest you do what everyone does & download discord. There, problem solved, enjoy.


except if other games have proven anything, 98% of players are not muted. in fact, the number is quite small.



not even other games, just look at wvw discords. most of the people are chill or don't even say anything.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > Cuz it's not a good idea.. Have you ever seen any game with voice chat?

> > You do know what's going on them do you?

> > So what's the point of having it if 98% of players gonna mute it 100% of the time?

> > This is a waist of time & money & especially coders resources that could be put into better use.

> > I suggest you do what everyone does & download discord. There, problem solved, enjoy.


> except if other games have proven anything, 98% of players are not muted. in fact, the number is quite small.


Not the point!

In fact other game communities has dealed with the idea of toxicity in there voice chat. It's part of there experience. As for Gw2 community has proven time after time it has not. Between both communities, who is more liable to mute or not mute 100% of the time? That's the point!

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im fairly new,, i only have 1 toon,, only 1 full asc set of gear,, maybe like 3 months playtime or so..like 300 tomes of knowledge.. but whenever i run into people in gw2 theyre so dang cool.. like gw2 community isnt like any other ive seen.. i died at a way point yesterday... i went to the bathroom came back i had 2 others reviving me.. it was so cool lolol,, anytime i ask any1 anything on this game they help so fast.. like i said im newish so i cant say 100 percent, but this games community is amazing

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> In fact other game communities has dealed with the idea of toxicity in there voice chat.

> As for Gw2 community has proven time after time it has not. Between both communities, who is more liable to mute or not mute 100% of the time? That's the point!


with mute?

what are you talking about, dealt with the idea of toxicity? do you think trolls and people that over react are the majority of gw2 players? they're not. vocal minority =/= majority. why do you think there are more toxic players in this game then other games? have you even played other games? this games player base is mostly casual. so whats your point exactly?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > In fact other game communities has dealed with the idea of toxicity in there voice chat.

> > As for Gw2 community has proven time after time it has not. Between both communities, who is more liable to mute or not mute 100% of the time? That's the point!


> with mute?

> what are you talking about, dealt with the idea of toxicity? do you think trolls and people that over react are the majority of gw2 players? they're not. vocal minority =/= majority. why do you think there are more toxic players in this game then other games? have you even played other games? this games player base is mostly casual. so whats your point exactly?


Exactly what i said on my last 3 post on this thread. Not even gonna bother repeating myself. This has been debated & polled & the number of players wanting a voice chat is in the minority. Don't believe me, make a poll. Again!

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