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Tips to manage salt and toxicity in WvW

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Not gonna lie there have been times in my younger years when i would fly off at a loss in pvp. But i think you have to expect some so called toxicity in an aspect of gaming that deals with rofolstomping another player. Nobody likes to lose to another player, it where emotions run highest. Its the gaming equivalent of a beatdown. But i have learned to have fun with it and laugh at it. But i think people have to realize this is an aspect of gaming that calls for you to kill another player in game, thats not really friendly content you know lol, so expect some salt its normal. I think i get madder at bosses when i wipe than i do in pvp now. I just think there was this pride when i was younger that couldnt stand it if i lost to someone, too much pride is a bad thing. Coupled with the fact its another player not an AI hurts our pride, let it go just laugh and have fun.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Ultimately the best way to manage interpersonal interactions is to grow a thicker skin. Being upset about stuff is a choice. You can choose to be upset and salty, or you can choose to shrug and move on. It's not the place of game developers and publishers to create snowflake-friendly environments that stifle freedom of expression and competitive behavior.


Best reply in a long time. You just won the internet :)

I bow to you Sir.

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It won't matter what checks and balances ANET introduces to prevent toxicity in game. Its a fact of life that some people are just simply incapable of acting in a respectful or in a mature way.When you ignore bad behavior and don't let these people get under your skin ,you don't add fuel to bad behavior. They soon move on.Just laugh knowing your a better person.

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I just try to be nice. It ain't that hard. Got absolutely steamrolled tonight by some GAL, and it was fine. They showed up in numbers, knew exactly what to do, and surprisingly, didn't choose to fight 60V20, or call for more, etc. They stuck around, went for the the second round, and beat my head into the weeds. It was solid. I even came back to throw a quick salute & cheer, before logging for the night. Considering our group, it was a decent fight, and I couldn't care less that we lost. Didn't cost me a dime.


People seem to lose their minds, before they realize a possibility to the fact that others may have a better connection, more experience, better gear, bigger groups, better class makeup, etc, etc, etc. Yet, it turns into a pile of hatred - solely based on what is - essentially - jealousy for belonging to a more 'elite' group than everyone else. It's a prime example of the facebook-era, and how association with 'groups' and popularity turns people into the worst version of themselves. Ignore it, and everything will work out in the end.


Fact o' the matter is, most of it is individual responsibility. It's not about the other team; it's about how YOU react. It's not Anet's fault, or particular responsibility in any way. How you conduct yourself in life is solely up to YOU, and I'd would absolutely _love_ to think that individuals still hold more power over themselves, than these 'groups' ever could. Otherwise, who are you? A sheep?


Yeah, at some point you'll probly get smashed by a group that's two or three times the size...but it only has to happen once a night. After that, you simply don't engage them! Just do your thing, and it'll be fine! If you're getting tracked or trolled - bail! Screw 'em all - let 60 people take a camp. It's worth a laugh.....AND, it's not the only game on the market, so take a few breaths and go do something fun! Isn't Borderlands 3 coming out soon?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:



The problem is that as long as anet continues to add toxic mechanix to the game mode, it will attract toxic players and non toxic players will turn toxic because of this. dont blame the individual for responding/reacting to what anet has put into the game. This is the fault of anet. theyll delete this comment cuz they dont liek to hear the truth but thats how it is. toxicity breeds toxicity. remove the toxic elements of the game and you can curb this but since anet cant do anything without adding toxic mechanix well yeah......



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It only gets worse because WvW isn't friendly to any newcomers. 10k rank? Good luck with that. 2k for armor? Not much better. No mount? Enjoy trying to get to your zerg. Rewards are even so bad that people don't even AFK in SMC anymore. Add this all onto the tryhards that complain about losing a tower to 30+ people when 5 friendlies are on the map and its just not fun for anyone trying to experience WvW.

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