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? JUNE Poll - You come across your most hated profession in WvW, what is it and why? ?

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I hate cowards that run whenever they see they can't win against me. That means mesmers, thieves and rangers.


We could use a stealth rework to reduce how long they can stay fully invisible so it can still be used tactically and defensively, but not to run away. Something similar to Heroes of the Storm's stealth rework that makes stealth decay from fully invisible to partially visible after a few seconds.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> I hate cowards that run whenever they see they can't win against me. That means mesmers, thieves and rangers.


> We could use a stealth rework to reduce how long they can stay fully invisible so it can still be used tactically and defensively, but not to run away. Something similar to Heroes of the Storm's stealth rework that makes stealth decay from fully invisible to partially visible after a few seconds.


The run cuz their class dps has been nerfed and they dont have the sustain to continue fighting so their smart to run. If power crept classes got their deserved nerfs in dps and sustain OR the high mobility classes got needed buffs in dps and sustain they would have to rely on stealth to run. Ur fix would just make free bags for u and others lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > I hate cowards that run whenever they see they can't win against me. That means mesmers, thieves and rangers.

> >

> > We could use a stealth rework to reduce how long they can stay fully invisible so it can still be used tactically and defensively, but not to run away. Something similar to Heroes of the Storm's stealth rework that makes stealth decay from fully invisible to partially visible after a few seconds.


> The run cuz their class dps has been nerfed and they dont have the sustain to continue fighting so their smart to run. If power crept classes got their deserved nerfs in dps and sustain OR the high mobility classes got needed buffs in dps and sustain they would have to rely on stealth to run. Ur fix would just make free bags for u and others lol


They should still be able to get a headstart before their stealth becomes partially visible. Partial visibility would simply reduce the radius of the area in which they can be after entering stealth from "The whole map" to "A large circle around the point at which they entered stealth". The longer full stealth takes to decay to partial stealth, the larger the radius of there area in which they could be, but at least it won't be the entire freaking map.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> #1 Class: Spellbreaker

> Scenario: Roaming


> Reason: It's a land full of mines, the moment you get stunned, you're pretty much dead. The CC is a lot, the damage is too high, and most importantly... _gasps_ ... stop running billions of invulnerable's. From a Weaver's perspective, it's a dead-end duel if the warrior knows what they're doing.


> #2 Class: Holosmith

> Scenario: Roaming


> Reason: CC, boons, damage, also damage from rifle aa's, mobility, sustain...


> #3 Class: D/P Daredevil

> Scenario: Roaming


> Reason: Not OP, but the moment I Iand an attack on them they travel half the map and Daze is a disgusting CC. If you're not ranged, mobile, bursty or good at stun-locking... Good luck! Neither would land a kill. Daggerstorm is stupid as well if no (unblockable) hard CC is at hand.


> #4 Class: Hybrid Herald

> Scenario: With a Firebrand


> Reason: AIDS


> #5 Class: MM-BM Soulbeast

> Scenario: Caught off-guard


> Reason: 1800 range, Unblockable, lots of modifiers and one hard CC to get past evades, so if the foe isn't running any invulnerable's, it's over. I like fighting good soulbeasts though, but that starter at 1800 range already puts you at a disadvantage.


> #6 Class: Reaper

> Scenario: None


> Reason: I just hate Chilled as an Elementalist, it's so broken against Elementalists.



> #1 (Again) Hammer Herald/EXTRA LUCKY WEAVERS

> Scenario: Zerging


> Reason: Herald is just too much damage for an unseen skill #2, fyi, it has both higher base value and co-efficient than Meteor Shower. And for Weavers, when they're lucky enough that 3 meteors hit me the moment they start casting, I cry and hope I was able to have such RNG control over the skill when against others.


So basically anything that kills you is OP. This pretty much sums up the forums lol.

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> @"Nox.6785" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > #1 Class: Spellbreaker

> > Scenario: Roaming

> >

> > Reason: It's a land full of mines, the moment you get stunned, you're pretty much dead. The CC is a lot, the damage is too high, and most importantly... _gasps_ ... stop running billions of invulnerable's. From a Weaver's perspective, it's a dead-end duel if the warrior knows what they're doing.

> >

> > #2 Class: Holosmith

> > Scenario: Roaming

> >

> > Reason: CC, boons, damage, also damage from rifle aa's, mobility, sustain...

> >

> > #3 Class: D/P Daredevil

> > Scenario: Roaming

> >

> > Reason: Not OP, but the moment I Iand an attack on them they travel half the map and Daze is a disgusting CC. If you're not ranged, mobile, bursty or good at stun-locking... Good luck! Neither would land a kill. Daggerstorm is stupid as well if no (unblockable) hard CC is at hand.

> >

> > #4 Class: Hybrid Herald

> > Scenario: With a Firebrand

> >

> > Reason: AIDS

> >

> > #5 Class: MM-BM Soulbeast

> > Scenario: Caught off-guard

> >

> > Reason: 1800 range, Unblockable, lots of modifiers and one hard CC to get past evades, so if the foe isn't running any invulnerable's, it's over. I like fighting good soulbeasts though, but that starter at 1800 range already puts you at a disadvantage.

> >

> > #6 Class: Reaper

> > Scenario: None

> >

> > Reason: I just hate Chilled as an Elementalist, it's so broken against Elementalists.

> >

> >

> > #1 (Again) Hammer Herald/EXTRA LUCKY WEAVERS

> > Scenario: Zerging

> >

> > Reason: Herald is just too much damage for an unseen skill #2, fyi, it has both higher base value and co-efficient than Meteor Shower. And for Weavers, when they're lucky enough that 3 meteors hit me the moment they start casting, I cry and hope I was able to have such RNG control over the skill when against others.


> So basically anything that kills you is OP. This pretty much sums up the forums lol.


The thread is: Which one do you hate fighting, not which one kills you. It's also personal views, so I don't see why am I getting comments lol'ing at me. For example, I have never died to a Reaper in 1v1, but that doesn't mean that I don't hate dealing with Chilled. Also, you will never ever see a thread opened by me asking for a nerf to any of the classes, rather what buffs I would like to have, so this pretty much sums up that I am enclosed on my Weaver and minding my own business and not whining constantly for nerfs, only buffs to Elementalist, and I pretty much believe everyone would agree on a buff for the least popular PvP/Roaming class.


To not go that far, it's all about listing a 'would you rather', and I would rather deal with other stuff than fights I know will be a real pain, except a dead-end which is only a Spellbreaker thing... proof of Spellbreakers' counter capability because that random player on the forum saying it counters Elementalist seems to have gone out of their mind. Ask any Weaver and you'll know, or ask Cellofrag, one of the only Elementalists to had hit Legend when the class is at this state.


Finally I picked certain scenarios, like for example, who wouldn't hate a +1 from a darn Herald because you will surely get obliterated, however, a Herald on its own is easy to pin down. Just learn to read each others' opinions and let go, this isn't a thread for complaining about balance, there are places for that. I saw people here saying a 130 range Weaver is awful to play against, I know this is wrong, for me at least, but you don't see me lol'ing like the comments I have been receiving.

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I'd say deadeye, roaming. They can crit you with repeated 18k unblockable damage while remaining in stealth. Should you reveal them, they're the only class in the game which can remove reveal.


Followed by mirage. They boon corrupt on auto and can never be hit because they evade everything.

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CLASS: Scrapper

SCENARIO: Anywhere

WHY: Just wasting your time and nerves. Tried to keep two Scrappers from building up their keep's tier, but it's impossible unless you call a zerg to take them down. We were two people and whenever we downed one, the other just resurrected him while we cleaved. You cannot take down the caravans either when they are close. I don't get why Anet created these scenarios. They cannot kill you, and they cannot die. These two at least had a reason to do that, to get up their keep. I sometimes see this class just played to annoy people, even with 10 people you have a hard time taking them down when they are close to a gate and can refresh there.


CLASS: Soulbeast

SCENARIO: Anywhere

WHY: If you have one in your group, they make you waste your skills because they push the target away. If you have them as enemy, they do nothing but snipe. You would expect the actual sniper class to dominate in that, but no, it's Ranger. There is no skill involved in standing at 1800 distance and shooting someone, yet they often act like it. Can be countered by standing on their feet, but usually they just join an ongoing fight for easy kills from range.


CLASS: Thief

SCENARIO: Anywhere

WHY: Only stealth thieves. There is nothing worse than playing catch when you are supposed to fight. At some point I began just leaving when I see them going stealth. If you don't wanna fight, fine for me. I can leave a fight whenever I want, I play Daredevil. There is only one reason for playing stealth: Ganking.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Holosmith/scrapper roaming - Basically Immortal.


> Overperforming in PvP but thats under restricted stats and amulets. WvW versions are a league of thier own.




> @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> Mesmers. Not because they are op but because I suck at keeping track of the real deal.


learn to play :)


( iam warrior main )

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Oh there is a lot but most them can be described as pussy oneshot hit and run or so called "hard-to-get" specs. I don't want to list all of that BS so will just go for my favourite(no) - Mesmer

CLASS: Mesmer

SCENARIO: Roaming, supporting. Some can even pull weight in zergs

WHY: This "profession" is like one of those cases when somebody takes a class from another game and puts it into yours. And it doesn't play out well.

There is so much cancer in mesmer. You can make oneshot hit and run out of any spec. Core, Chronomancer or Mirage. Condi mirage is also still a thing. This class has both boon creep, mobility sustain, invulnerability frames and ability to OOC from you at any moment, ultimate pussy class that I hate so much and people playing it only proved to be worthy of such treatment. The only other thing just as ridiculous as mesmer is probably scrapper/holo but at least holo takes some skill to play and scrapper can't oneshot and call it a day.


Now don't get me wrong there are lots of other specs like Sic Em SB with greatsword, permastealth malicious backstabb+rifle DEs, poledancing thieves (thieves keep QQing on forums trying to get some buffs but all know they are not Elementalist meme) and holosmiths. It's just that they are easier to deal with.

Also somebody mentioned DH? Perhaps but only 1v1 scenario for some classes. In any duel or small scale overloaded with unblockables they are piece of cake.


UPD shame we can't have runes/sigils poll kek Because I'd definitely go for durability

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