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What could top Mounts? (The future of the next story)

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> @"Ravij.9856" said:

> So I was discussing with some guildies on what could possibly top mounts for the next story and I was thinking; why not finally implement the Tengu as a playable race? Everyones speculating we're going to Cantha next and that'd be a perfect moment to add Tengu!


Both gliding and mounts really changed how one could play the game — both in new maps and old. New playable races could be interesting, whether enough to warrant the work involved is debatable, but certainly would not be an addition at the same level of gliding and mounts and would have no effect on how existing players experience the game.


I hope the next expansion is something really different — lots of underwater content or going to the arctic and fleshing out Norn character options and lore. As to what new mechanic could be added, I wait to be pleasantly surprised. :)

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My guess is that we're going offworld in the next season, likely to deal with all the damage in the mists.


Menzies is the most likely candidate for next bad guy though I doubt he'll be on the same level as Balthazar or an Elder Dragon, more somthing akin to Joko or Caduceus but more of a threat.


I'm also guessing that we'll get only 3-4 maps in season 5 and they will mostly be based offworld too and set in the God Realms Kralkatorrik smashed up, Underworld, Fissure of Woe and Melandru's un-named Relam.

I think these maps will be more like DragonStand and DragonFall, acting like a large scale meta event push into hostile territory and a good chunk of season 5's story will take place outside of the mists in currently existing maps which I think may also be getting new open world content added to them such as Shadow Army invasions (similar to awakened invasions) etc

First episode might set up a new location on the world.. perhaps on the Scavengers Causeway where we'll set up a base of operations where Taimi and Gorrik can pull solutions and answers out of thin air as per usual and construct the portals into the God Realms :P

That is unless Season 5 reuses locations from Season 4 such as the Suns refuge but I doubt they'll do that.


That's just my theory though.


As for features.. I don't think we're done with mounts, and I don't think mobility will be a focus going on from them either.

Any new mechanical features that focus on mobility could make mounts redundant much like many mounts kinda make many HoT masteries redundant.

I expect the next thing will be something very different to mounts.. player housing might be an option, maybe something more multiplayer focused such as a huge upgrade to guilds.. or perhaps some sort of massive long term faction system.. I dunno.

I'm quite lost on what the next big thing could be tbh but looking forward to finding out.


A Faction system could be a good one to go with though.. this is something that would allow Anet to keep adding too, much like the Mastery System.

When it comes in we could start with the 3 orders as factions

Vigil, Priory and Whispers.

Anet could add new content in the old maps such as bounties, add more mount races, add treasure hunts and new quests through the regions as well as add faction experience/currencies to reward pools.

Simply playing the game and completing events, bounties etc would earn you faction exp allowing you to rank up your represented faction and unlock new rewards such as elite armour and weapon skins, themed novelties, glider and mount skins, titles etc to buy with the associated faction currency.

They could have all sorts of things like a Vigil Raptor armor set or a Priory Springer coat and finally fill that little complaint people have about no in game earnable skins.

Over time Anet can add new factions such as The Sunspears, A New Zaishen Order, Order of Shadows, Kurzick and Luxon if we ever go back to Cantha, Zephyrites, Olmakhan and many more all with their own rewards and benefits.. some big some small.

Could even be a story based faction for Dragonswatch which could allow for NPC quests around the world (given by our allies) that strengthen bonds with each member of the guild and when we fight along side them in the story and the open world we could have passive battle bond buffs that boost our stats or health regen or something.

This could play into new content where we occasionally get to choose what allies we want to take with us into certain events or story missions such as the final story instance in HoT for example.

There's a lot they could do with something like that.


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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> New Weapons, some specifically designed for mounted combat (eg: polearms), plus an underwater mount, and a new PvP mode designed around mounted combat.


> Imagine Raptor Jousting, aerial Griffon/Skyscale combat, and Jackal riders popping in and out of existence to stab you.




That sounds pretty cool, but based on PoF, they aren't going to do anything that requires another expansion. Mounts and gliders are not needed to use the other. They could add it in season 5, but it wouldn't be a new expansion feature. New weapons would be great.


Since they mentioned adding to existing maps, I would like so see something that brings people back to dungeons.

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To be honest, adding something more in the way of movement now might be painfully overkill. Improving some things that are lightly touched upon in vanilla could be great progress, for instance finally implementing housing with decorations bought from vendors, circumventing the problem posed by the cost of scribing while serving as a gold sink, and finally providing modular, small-scale instances for players who want to decorate or roleplay. RP is a demographic that Arenanet has long neglected, and this could go a long way towards helping solve that issue, not to mention giving a sense of investment in the world by creating small instanced houses in the major cities which can be accessed much like the Guild Initiative, but with the choice between the instances of party or squad members instead of guilds. Most of the tech is already there, as are the assets, all that remains is actually seeing this through, and it would likely be excellent content that detracts from the movement arms race.

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Polymock is always foremost on my mind when new feature concepts crop up, though considering how much gliding and movement skills have added to the entire game, adding what is essentially another collection quest to play a mini game might fall a little flat in comparison.


I do, however, fully support the idea of ship-to-ship combat, whether it be naval ships or airships. I've been a big fan of Guns of Icarus' co-operative dogfighting, and I think something similar could be managed here, even if only as a Raid instance (*shudder) or mini game.

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Naval combat or new weapons are the only ideas I've seen that interest me. Player housing does less than nothing for me and adding a new race means a ton of work for little substantial change. Imagining being able to kit out your very own navel ship reminds me of my favorite part of SWtOR, space combat.

What about a champion system? A system that lets you further customize how your character plays by allowing adjustments like skill x goes from doing burning to doing chill. Like, I think it'd be interesting to have a way to make a Guardian that works around chill or a Reaper that focuses on burning. I imagine this system would not looked fondly on by people overly concerned with balance or power creep, though. :/

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > What could top mounts? Jetpack :D


> This is my typical response to various things, but I might have to stop using it now because I've acquired myself two different jetpacks. One of them is even functional!


> Maybe I'll start campaigning for mechs...


Pacific Rim Golem? Taimi have one why can't we? i'm an Asura for cry out loud.

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> @"Dracyon Imperius.6309" said:

> To be honest, adding something more in the way of movement now might be painfully overkill. Improving some things that are lightly touched upon in vanilla could be great progress, for instance finally implementing housing with decorations bought from vendors, circumventing the problem posed by the cost of scribing while serving as a gold sink, and finally providing modular, small-scale instances for players who want to decorate or roleplay. RP is a demographic that Arenanet has long neglected, and this could go a long way towards helping solve that issue, not to mention giving a sense of investment in the world by creating small instanced houses in the major cities which can be accessed much like the Guild Initiative, but with the choice between the instances of party or squad members instead of guilds. Most of the tech is already there, as are the assets, all that remains is actually seeing this through, and it would likely be excellent content that detracts from the movement arms race.


All good points! :) I would NOT be a fan of Sims/Facebook game style chores and tedium, but being able to place some objects, buy or craft a bookshelf for those I’ve collected, and things of that nature, would be lovely. :3



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Airships will not work as personal improvements

they would become more like something as a new map


or does everyone get his own ship and cruises thru the sky? slowly like star ship Enterprise with guns attached?

shooting air targets it would become a mini game like the adventure box in itself and would not add anything to old content.


Naval combat the same issue -if it becomes a team effort what job does each person get press 1? while the commander control the direction of the boat that will get old super fast.


individuality is the only way to top mounts




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Soon... if we going to chase steve, I can easily see that kind of fleet made by asuras, it's even powered by crystals could be epic to drive those giant vessels. Each one would have a role, a captain to control the ship, 2 persons filling up the tanks 2 to shoot. Some to coordinate and why not aditionnal crew to defend the deck against foes, repairing...

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> @"Ravij.9856" said:

> So I was discussing with some guildies on what could possibly top mounts for the next story and I was thinking; why not finally implement the Tengu as a playable race? Everyones speculating we're going to Cantha next and that'd be a perfect moment to add Tengu!


Taking just your subject at first, if you were asking in the movement/transportation methods I could see them moving into group conveyance and or/utility. Something that allows multiple people to travel together and/or interact with the environment.


In regards to a new type of mechanic. A monster play mechanic where you can sub into the other side of the fight. That's a seperate thread so will leave it at a high level detail here.

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