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Which are your favourite NPC/PC lines/dialogue from story or instanced content?

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Ooh, and these three (NPCs in Divinity's Reach):


> "Horses are for riding."


> :o


Yesss. =) ANet should listen to their own creation. :p


> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > **Warmaster Forgal Kernsson:** "We're not babysitters, we're tourists. Traveling the same road, taking in the same scenery, and beating the ever-living kitten out of the same idiots as you."


> Yes! And his next line: "Now are you gonna tell us where we can't go and who we can't beat up on such a nice day?"


Oooh, right! <3

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Forgal mission with charr renegade in field of ruin, order neophyte vigil storyline.


While burning tents:


Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: By the Spirits, is this some kinda kiddie playground? Wake up out there!


Charr Renegade: It's the Vigil! Get 'em!


Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: Whoever trained you must be crying right now. You best run.


Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: That's all you've got? Come on, you mangy runts!


Charr Renegade: I hate all you stand for.


Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You're the worst-trained, most cowardly loustabouts I've ever seen!


Fighting Pyzor Ironmane:


Pyzor Ironmane: Prepare to suffer!

Pyzor Ironmane: I yield! You fight well!


Warmaster Forgal Kernsson: You shuck-brained cur! Where's Ajax Anvilburn? We know he's behind the attack on Ebonhawke. Spill!

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Some from the personal story:


Inquisitor Mirella: Well, Captain Thackeray! A long way from home, aren't we? I thought we saved you for last, but since you're here...

Logan Thackeray: Oh dear. Oh, mercy. The White Mantle is upon me. Woe! Lamentation! Is this the end for poor Logan?

Inquisitor Mirella: Are... are... are you mocking me? I don't think you understand how this works. White Mantle! Give the captain a demonstration.

Logan Thackeray: No, thanks. I think I already have a pretty good idea. Now!



Bandit Leader Dola: Not bad, cutter. The whole camp's talking about you. Running this place is a lot like herding cats. So, do you know Waine well?

Character name: Absolutely. Waine and I have been old friends since we were tiny, weak, pink fleshlings.

Bandit Leader Dola: You mean since you were...children? Right. Okay, got it. Heh. You're pretty funny, cutter. Look, I hardly know the bloke, but he's like a brother to Jat.



Cai: Fantastic! It worked! I thought we had no chance.

Character name: Hang on. Cai? What happened? Where'd the dredge go?

Cai: Dredge... right... wow, that stuff was strong. Don't worry. The good guys won, Waine fell over like a chump, and we've got Caladbolg.

Character name: But... the oozes! The oozes! And the dredge!

Cai: Hoo, boy. We'd better get out of here, before you start calling me Queen Jennah and thanking me for the tea.



Caithe: Please, all of you. Our time has come. We must help the orders. We've fought the Elder Dragons before.

Rytlock Brimstone: And lost. because SOMEONE couldn't keep up with us.

Logan Thackeray: You have something to say, say it to my face!

Rytlock Brimstone: I would, if you weren't always running away! I should gut you and be done with it!



Zojja: Never mind. You're here. We've a job to do. No sass. No backtalk.

Zojja: I've been tracking down a nasty piece of work named Kudu. He's using dragon energies in his work.

Logan Thackeray: Isn't Kudu a girl's name?

Zojja: Focus, here. He's been using Snaff's research, and I intend to stop him.



Delivery for these were always my favorite.

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