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Okay anet, About pvp and fractals.

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For pvp, When the season was going to at the end, No one could join or queue up and the PvP was broken, 4 hours later the season ended, I contacted anet about this and they said this


We are aware that a handful of players did report experiencing this issue around the same time as you, but sadly after looking into the matter, we were not able to confirm who these players were, nor could we determine what rewards were potentially lost. (I didn't specify that there were lost rewards, I said the pvp was broken, Smh) Due to these reasons alone, we are unable to extend the PvP season or provide any rewards to players that claimed to experience this issue.


So, Anet doesn't give a damn about pvp and when the season closed we had to wait 12 weeks for a new one to finally start like why? Why do they not let us do the PvP season till the next one starts a day later? Or does that not how seasons work? If so then that's just dumb.


For fractals, The progression is stupid, You need to play higher level fractals to get your personal fractal level higher like Seriously anet? Why not make your personal fractal one level higher after you finish a fractal? It's bad for making us play the higher fractals (This is just my opinion), Oh and also, New players in fractals struggle because guess what? There is no reason to play the low tier fractals if the low tier fractal has a daily for the tier 4 fractal so you get both of the chests when you complete the daily on the tier 4 fractal.

There's like no one playing fractals at all because the only point of fractals is the dailies and players on low tier fractals need help to get to a higher level fractals but they can't go higher if none is willing to help them or there is no reason to play low tier fractals.


TD;RL Please give a damn about PvP and re-work fractals because the progression is bad.


I don't want to bash on anet but please, Care for these things.

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> @"TheUnknown.5204" said:

> For pvp, When the season was going to at the end, No one could join or queue up and the PvP was broken, 4 hours later the season ended, I contacted anet about this and they said this


> We are aware that a handful of players did report experiencing this issue around the same time as you, but sadly after looking into the matter, we were not able to confirm who these players were, nor could we determine what rewards were potentially lost. (I didn't specify that there were lost rewards, I said the pvp was broken, Smh) Due to these reasons alone, we are unable to extend the PvP season or provide any rewards to players that claimed to experience this issue.


> So, Anet doesn't give a kitten about pvp and when the season closed we had to wait 12 weeks for a new one to finally start like why? Why do they not let us do the PvP season till the next one starts a day later? Or does that not how seasons work? If so then that's just dumb.


> For fractals, The progression is stupid, You need to play higher level fractals to get your personal fractal level higher like Seriously anet? Why not make your personal fractal one level higher after you finish a fractal? It's bad for making us play the higher fractals (This is just my opinion), Oh and also, New players in fractals struggle because guess what? There is no reason to play the low tier fractals if the low tier fractal has a daily for the tier 4 fractal so you get both of the chests when you complete the daily on the tier 4 fractal.

> There's like no one playing fractals at all because the only point of fractals is the dailies and players on low tier fractals need help to get to a higher level fractals but they can't go higher if none is willing to help them or there is no reason to play low tier fractals.


> TD;RL Please give a kitten about PvP and re-work fractals because the progression is bad.


> I don't want to bash on anet but please, Care for these things.


Can't answer the PvP side, but Fractals is perfectly understandable.


The higher you get it in fractal levels the harder on average the fractals become. This means that it would be foolish for ANet to let players do Level 1 fractals 99 times in order to unlock Level 100. Because then people would jump from Level 1 to Level 100 and then complain about the difficulty when the difficulty would have been greatly diminished by having played levels 2-99.


And newer players can technically jump in right at level 100. They just have to join a group with someone who can play level 100, so not sure how your complaint of new players are hurt due to how the dailies work is valid.

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Making an awful lot of assumptions there, kid.


Fractals progression is exactly what Fractals progression should be: play the highest-level content you can access for stronger Agony Resist to progress further into the Fractals... rinse, repeat. Mistlock Instabilities reward Fractal Relics and other loot no matter the tier, giving all players reason enough to play at any tier, and even incentive to play lower tiers for more efficient farming.

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> @"TheUnknown.5204" said:

Why do they not let us do the PvP season till the next one starts a day later? Or does that not how seasons work?


That is not how seasons work in competitive endeavors, like sports, in the real world. Every sport has down time between seasons.

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