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New expac maps Will be dead fast

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> @costepj.5120 said:

> Based on some of the arguments in this thread, core Tyria maps should have died years ago. And yet, wherever I go, I see plenty of other players. I'm still a young gamer (53) but I play to have fun. And all the GW2 maps lend themselves to having fun as far as I'm concerned. The only possible exception is TD, but I'm sure there are other players who enjoy its unique challenges!


They basically are, the only think keeping them alive are map completionists, world bosses, and the daily do events in a specific zone category.

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> @ancientoak.4258 said:

> Your opinion. Not a fact. I like the explorer/adventure friendly Pof maps, casual friendly events and dispised the Endless Loot grind Metas which filled up the chaotic Hot maps. And look how well that went with the population after Hot. What is the fun in endless grinding in circles for loot i may ask?


Getting gold to spend on cosmetics, thats what.

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I've been seeing a significant lack of players in maps these days. They've spread out again. However, because there's now more content across the spectrum that is GW2, there will definitely be fewer players in these maps than in HoT because HoT has announced meta. The Maw in Elona awaits, but its not announced. The Spire? Barren. Bounty hunts are a mess to get into these day. There are fewer players in these maps, and it will continue to be the case.

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> @Shadowresli.3782 said:

> > @Mea.5491 said:

> > > @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > > I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and **having fun** are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".

> >

> > The problem with what you said is the lack of **fun** in PoF. Meanwhile, HoT's map-wide meta events are also fun and profitable.


> No, HoT - maps aren't fun (the juvenile whinig, as soon as something doesn't goes as it should, oh boy), but you are right about the profitable part.


Oh I don't know. I find the HoT maps themselves more fun than the PoF maps. I like the both but the lack of complexity in POF maps means there's no real joy in completing them. I've completed VB on 36 characters. I doubt that'll happen with any PoF map.

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> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> I disagree. Besides masteries and story, the maps have so much to do and see, collections and achievements to hunt for, and are generally a very enjoyable environment to just hang around in. Also, I don't think people have quite grasped the metaevents yet, but as they slowly do, there will surely be 50-man squads running around constantly just like there was in HoT.

I disagree. The achievement completions is all really easy this time compared to HoT. Like 20% of the total effort at most (Collections barely exist compared to HoT.). And there is only so much you can look at landscapes without getting bored of it.


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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> I think that people rushing through the PoF content and expecting "epic loots lol XD" rather than taking their time and having fun are going to think and claim the latest content as "dead".


> From the posts I read it seems what the people complaining want are more Silverwastes-like maps where the end goal is all about loot. Maybe it's because I'm an older gamer (35) but when I started playing video games it was to _have fun._ I still live by that philosophy. I don't need a carrot dangling from a stick to play a game like Guild Wars 2. I can also make my own goals if I want something to do. If what I'm playing isn't fun, I'll go play something else, whether it be temporary or a permanent withdraw from the game I'm not having fun with.


> I still play classic Doom to this day and it's my favorite game franchise of all time (yes, even beating out Guild Wars/2). There's no loot to chase after. I play it because _it's fun._ It's engaging. It holds my interest. I do get burned out though and I do take breaks from it but I always come back to it. I don't know why people can't just...take a break instead of declaring that something is "dead" like they think they became some kind of expert curator on content overnight.


> If Guild Wars 2 - any part of it - isn't engaging or fun for you, then by all means take a break from the game. The great thing about it is that there's no sub fee so you can hop back in whenever you want. However, don't say that the content provided is "dead" and expect to be taken seriously, especially when there's evidence to the contrary.


I think you literally could not be more wrong.


I'm the same age bracket as you. The reason the maps are boring isnt' just lack of loot, it's lack of enjoyable and engaging events. Lack of things to go for, goals to shoot for.



I already have less things to do in PoF than HoT, and I've put 10 times as much time/effort into HoT.


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  • 6 months later...

HoT has things to grind for, it can't be fun doing same metas over 250 times. But need of items from HoT maps is driving people there at the end of the day it's what the game is about. Loot that is profitable of needed. Same as people keep doing world boss trains, Teq and TT for that chance of ascended/ precursor drop. What does PoF offer? It was contract farm for some to get harrier , bounties mostly for achievement and spec collections and that is about it.

There is nothing to do in general for community to spend their times. Luck of loot, luck of events. Bounties and couple of lousy escorts. And ummh meta no one wants do. No one even wants to do that palace event to get into Joko's trone. :)

Pitty, nice maps but empty as desert.


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I've been trying to do the Desolation metas for a few days (Maw of Torment and Jorundu Rising) - not so much as one other person, let alone a squad on LFG. I returned to the game in January, rushed PoF for the mounts and made the decision to play through HoT before movi9ng to the next xpac. As HoT seems a lot more populated than PoF I think I made a bad move. It's difficult enough trying to get a bounty train, let alone random metas (ie Desolation as I mentioned, or Zealots), as once people have these for achievements they're never looked at again by players.


Granted the only part of the funery set I wanted was the legs, which were easy to get, but why are the PoF metas just so unappealing? I chained VB-TD-AB- and either did a DS or onto Pala/ GH, but nothing from PoF's main five areas? At least make something like Jurundu Rising soloable - I just need it for the one book to trade with Elisa after doing all other parts.


The main conclusion is past the initial rush it's difficult or time-consuming finding people incentivised to take part in the content. I feel with a few additional rewards (more mosaics, gemstones), this could be fixed/ Sort of annoys me I put off doing PoF to play the game in sequence.

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Ive made this suggestion before, but the answer lies with guilds.


If Anet were to change the guild missions system to mirror the individual dailies (only probably make them weeklies) - focused on rewarding guilds for doing meta events and other activities (eg, new bounties) across various maps, then we would see more activity for everyone in the game (not just those in guilds).


So, for example, if weekly PVE guild missions included something like the following:


- Complete The Serpent's Ire meta event in Domain of Vabbi with at least 3 guild members present.


Then we would see Serpent's Ire as a semi-organized effort more often. That would, in turn, give those people not in those guilds more to do on those maps. And, if they tied that event into the existing guild event flag system (which currently only works for Tequatl, TT and Karka Queen), then it would be even better.


The same would be true of the following:


- Complete 5 bounties in the POF Maps with at least 3 guild members present

- Complete the raptor race in Crystal Oasis with at least 3 guild members

- Complete 15 dynamic events with at least 3 guild members present


The rewards for this could be exactly what they are for missions now - only this wouldn't squirrel guilds away in instances when they could be helping keep the world alive.


This same system could work for the vanilla maps and HOT maps as well, btw (possibly guild mission tabs for each area).


I truly believe a system like this would not only revitalize guild missions - it would serve to make every map in the game more interesting and alive.

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